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Old 01-03-2009, 03:20 PM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Captain Tricia Marlow spanked by her husband's uncle

“For goodness sake John, stop going on at me, I’m a big girl now, or can’t you tell”, said Tricia without even glancing up.

Of course, how could he fail to notice that. With her short-cut blonde hair, her rather large breasts squeezed into a black strappy low-cut top, short blue denim skirt and strappy sandals. The girl wasn’t even wearing a bra for goodness sake and her nipples were making a definite impression through the skin tight material.

“Look, just get off my back ok. I appreciate you and Joan letting me stay here while I sort myself out but just back off, ok”, she said in her best officer voice.

“Look, marrying our nephew I appreciate was how shall I put it, a bit beneath you. I know of your folks in that big house but you could have given it a bit longer”, John said, heartily fed up with his nephew's wife attitude.

“Well he’s a boring shit and anyway, I’m having a great time now”, Tricia laughed.

Just then her aunt, or strictly her husband’s aunt came in.

“We’ll have less of that talk in here my girl. You might me Captain whatever in the army but to me you're just a spoiled brat. We've taken you in while you're home from barracks to sort out your marriage and just look at you”, Joan angrily said.

“Why don’t you mind your own business you old trollope”, came the snooty reply. Tricia had never really seen eye to eye with her husband’s aunt.

“It is my business when you just lounge around here leaving your stuff all over the place. Don’t pick up a finger to help”, said Joan in getting into a rage.

“And another thing, don’t speak to my wife like that” her uncle-in-law said.

“Oh, I can’t be bothered with all this crap. Look if you must know, I’ve been seeing another guy. In fact he’s coming to pick me up in half an hour. So if you don’t mind, move out the way of the tv, there’s something on here I want to watch”. And as if to prove a point, Tricia leaned back so far in the armchair , her already short skirt was halfway up her thighs.

“Did you hear that? Are you going to let her speak to me like that? And she’s already two timing our young nephew. Disgraceful”, spluttered Joan, "At 65 I should be getting a bit more respect.

“Well no dear” said the flustered uncle, “What did you have in mind”

“I think what that girl needs is a damned good hiding”, Joan furiously replied.

Barely taking her eyes of the tv, Tricia replied, “Well when you’re man enough, you let me know”

“How dare you speak to my husband like that because if he doesn’t I will”, said Joan going redder and redder.

“Do you know something, this is starting to bore me I’m going to check my make-up”, said Tricia and she stood up.

“Right my girl. I want you to ring up that man and tell him you won’t be going out”, snapped Joan.

“Are you out of your mind? It’s a hot date and I don’t think he’ll be disappointed with what I’ve got in mind” and she did a little shimmy which caused her breasts to wobble under the thin material. If they didn't fall out her top it would be a miracle.

“Oh, for goodness sake get a grip man”, said Joan noticing he couldn’t take his eyes off her pendulous breasts, continuing “And as for you, you young hussy, the only thing hot around here will be your backside”

And she went to make a grab for Tricia’s wrist.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?, Tricia snapped.

“You’ll find out soon enough my girl. If you act like a spoilt child, you’ll be treated like one”

“But I’m not a child”

“For goodness sake, grab her other hand will you”, Joan gestured towards her husband.

“Yes, dear” he said as they both dragged her towards the settee. No mean feet as she was digging her high heels in.

“Let me go, you bastards. I mean it. You’ll be sorry”, screamed Tricia trying to twist one way then the other.

“Oh, I think you’ll be the one who’s sorry", said Joan

Straining against their combined grip she managed to break away and started to back away, shaking her head, her hands behind her. John snorted and came after her, grabbing her arm and pulled her toward the chair. Tricia dug in her heels, pulled back, and found her voice.

"NO! You can't do this to me! Stopit!" she broke away from John again for a split second, but he was too quick and grabbed her again, this time tugging her to the chair despite her protests.

"I won’t allow this" Tricia whined and stamped her foot just before she felt herself upended right across Joan's knees. She felt her head pushed down, her kicking feet came up and she was pinned firmly down, over Joan's lap.

Tricia felt John's hard palm clamp on her up thrusting behind and she went rigid with loathing. Tricia was always used to getting her way!

She could feel his hand through her short denim skirt, and she could feel how the mini skirt shimmied up her thighs. Tricia stopped struggling, made her voice calm, and announced, "This has gone too far John! Let me up right this instant or I will scream so loud the police will come! Just wait until I tell my husband! Let ME GO NOW!"

"We fully intend to hear you scream," John pronounced. "But we’re the only ones who can hear you. And if you wish to call your husband right now, and admit you’re cheating on him, that's fine with me"

"But you ARE going to be spanked, young lady! Your parents should have spanked you years ago. You've been one sassy brat since coming into our family and you are going to learn to be polite now!"

For an instant Tricia's mind raced, she was confused and scared, then... WHAP! WHAP! the first two spanks landed, one on each of her cheeks. It didn't really hurt at all, but Tricia bucked and bellowed like she'd been shot, "OWWW! OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Joan chuckled and WHACK! SMACK! two more slaps bounced across the seat of her skirt. Tricia jerked to free herself, kicking her legs wildly, screeching "DAMN YOU! STOP IT!"

But John held her tight and Joan began to spank, spank, spank... her hard palm clapping her buns one after the other. Tricia kept her threat, as she began screaming at the top of her lungs. Not out of pain, the stern slaps were just warming her arse, but out of humiliation and outrage.

Here she was, 31 years old, held down across her husband’s aunt’s lap for a spanking! It was too much, but all her screaming did was make her throat hoarse, as Joan kept right on spank, spank, spanking her. Tricia cursed, oh how she could cuss! But they were both determined to spank the sass out of her and after a good five minutes of spanking Tricia's behind began to heat up for real.

WHAP! WHAP WHAP! SMACK! Tricia groaned and gasped and was at a loss for words. Then, the spanking stopped

“At last, you’ve seen sense, you stupid people”, Tricia snapped.

This was a big mistake.

“The cheeky minx. I think we should do this properly”, said John, gaining in confidence.

"No!," she yelled as she felt fingers tugging up her short skirt, and redoubled her efforts to free her hands, but the aunt was not yielding. Tricia's face grew hot and she went bright red as she felt first his eyes, then his hand, all over the sheer pale yellow silk panties barely covering her pert arse. With her skirt pulled up to her waist, the only thing covering her delectable behind was this sheer, skimpy piece of silky fabric. High sided virtually transparent and very very sexy. And, maddeningly, he was getting a good view.

"You jerk! You Bastard!" Tricia cursed and she raised up her legs, curling her high heels back to try to protect her bottom. Then Tricia felt his fingers slip into the waistband of her panties.

"GAWD!" she shrieked, "What are you DOING?"

"I'll sue you! Assholes! How dare you pull my knickers down" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

SLAP SLAP SMACK! Tricia's histrionics earned her half a dozen spanks, which re-lit the fire smouldering in her behind. SMACK SLAP WHACK the older woman’s strong fingers burned white marks all over her pink flesh.

She continued to struggle, helplessly, and felt the first real tears of humiliation and pain run down her cheeks.

"So here's the deal," the aunt said as she wiped her brow then placed her damp palm on Tricia's perspiration-damp bare bottom. "You are going to ring your husband, tell him what a brat you’ve been, how we’ve dealt with you and that you’re going home to him."

Tricia freaked! She bellowed, bucked and told her just what he could do with her "deal." But she was weary and the two of them were very strong

“Right, this minx is going to learn her lesson, once and for all. Pass me that brush”, said John growing more confident by the minute. He'd wanted to do this from the minute she walked into their home.

“Oh please, no”, cried Tricia.

WHACK... THRASH... SWACK! Tricia's behind was swollen, scarlet and stinging like hell but the brush lashed her bare buns with steady precision.

SSSSSLAP! THWWWAK! CRACK! John kept up a steady diet of stern whipping and soon Tricia was desperate with the pain, begging, pleading, promising to be good if only the spank, spank, spanking would stop.

But Joan held firm while her husband spanked Tricia's hot bare butt ten, twenty, twenty-five times, until the girl was exhausted, sobbing, and barely kicking her legs.

Tricia was beside herself, in tears, and sobbing promises to be good. Her backside burned and burned, and she realised she really WAS sorry.

“Please let me go Auntie Joan, Uncle John. I promise I’ll be a good girl”, she sobbed.

SWAAACK! THWAACK! JJohn finished off the licking with several slashes across the backs of Tricia's thighs and then quickly let her up.

Tricia bolted to her feet and jammed her hands under her falling skirt. John stared as the young woman pranced around the room, crying her eyes red, her luscious lips parted in a sad howl, her dainty yellow panties stretched between her ankles.

Captain Tricia Marlow had certainly learned her lesson
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