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Old 03-09-2007, 07:43 AM
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Carrie Part IV (Conclusion)

Part IV - Conclusion

The call came at noon on Friday. It wasn’t all that surprising, really. Carrie knew that the call would have to come between Thursday and Saturday. Even though in her heart she wanted to delay it as long as possible, she knew that she would be secured to the Headmaster’s bench within the next 36 hours. There was no chance of getting out of it now – Justin would see to that. He had given his word, and so had she.

It became apparent that Justin had a heads-up about the time. He had ordered Carrie to fix a light lunch at 11:00 am, and they had finished eating by noon when the phone rang. When Carrie heard Justin say, “We are on our way,” she knew what the next order would be. “Carrie, we’re leaving in 20 minutes. Get ready.”

That meant cleaning up quickly and putting on clean panties, a clean white blouse and a navy schoolgirl skirt. Carrie was to be perfectly clean and groomed. Justin had even ordered Carrie to trim her pubic area, leaving just the patch of red above her pussy that he liked so much.

With only a few minutes left before their departure, the doorbell rang. Carrie couldn’t believe the timing. Who was it? The UPS man? Justin answered the door. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Hi, Angie. Hi, Dennis. Glad you could make it.”

Angie, the friend who Carrie had confided in? And her husband? What were they doing here? Carrie’s fear turned to bewilderment.

“Carrie, get out here! We need to go!” yelled Justin.

Carrie emerged, dressed for her appointment. “Why are you here, Angie?”

“Carrie, you know the rules. No speaking from here on in, unless spoken to. I knew that you’ve spoken to Angie about this before. Mr. Logan suggested that it would be fitting for your punishment to be witnessed by at least two people who know you well. When I mentioned Angie he suggested I call her and Dennis and invite them. You need the moral support. If it’s humiliating, well, that’s fitting too. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Carrie was actually fine with Angie being present. She wasn’t so sure about Dennis, but then she had asked for humiliation to be a part of her punishment.

Angie rode in the back with Carrie and held her the entire way. Per the Headmaster’s instructions, Carrie’s hands were to be bound, representative of the way a convict’s hands may have been bound while she was led to punishment. Justin settled on a scarf to tie her wrists together in front of her. She was not to remove the scarf for any reason, until it was removed by the Headmaster or his assistant. In the front seat, Justin and Dennis talked shop, politics, and discipline of wives.

They arrived shortly after 1:15 pm. The Headmaster greeted them at the door and escorted the four to the punishment room. Three others were already in the room: two woman whom Carrie had not seen before and, of all people, Mr. Tolbert! Carrie’s face turned red as a beet.

The Headmaster had Carrie sit in a heavy, wooden chair facing the others, who had slightly more comfortable accommodations.

“Carrie, you of course know Mr. Tolbert. He is the reason you are here today, even though you may not have known it at first. I asked him to attend. He did not wish to at first, but I convinced him that it was fitting to attend and that it was ultimately for your own good, as well as his own. I think you will agree with me.” He didn’t wait for an answer.

“I’d also like to introduce you to Sally, my assistant, and to Gina, a nurse who used to work in the correctional facility. Sally will help me to position and bind you. Gina will monitor you for signs of physical distress and injury. I must warn you, however, that mere broken skin will not be a reason to stop the punishment. Neither will fainting. Gina is well prepared to treat and disinfect cuts caused by the cane, and has ammonia tablets for the occasional girl who loses consciousness during her punishment.

“Carrie, you have already been sentenced and have been confined to your room for the past week. You are now to receive the prescribed 30 strokes with the medium rattan, at full force, on your bare bottom while secured face down, hips raised, to my strapping bench.

“Your instructions are to call for each stroke of the cane before it is given. You will say ‘One, Sir, Two, Sir, Three, Sir, et cetera.’ You do not need to say any more; in fact, all other communication is forbidden unless you are spoken to first. After I have given you a stroke, you will have 30 seconds to clearly call for the next one. You are responsible for timing that yourself, so I suggest that you call for the next stroke as soon as you are able to. Once you have called for the next stroke, I may give it immediately or may wait as long as I see fit. You are to retain your position as best as you can. Missing a count or excessive movement may result in penalty strokes – although too much movement will be impossible.

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Old 03-09-2007, 07:43 AM
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“You may now prepare for your punishment. Sally, please take Carrie to the rest room. Angie, you may accompany them.’

Ten minutes later, the toilet flushed and shortly thereafter the three emerged, Carrie still dressed and her wrists still bound. On a signal from the Headmaster, Sally removed the scarf from Carrie’s wrists. “Carrie, your punishment will now begin. Please remove your skirt, panties, shoes and socks and place them neatly on the chair,” order the Headmaster.

Carrie did so, fear of the consequences of disobedience overcoming her sense of mortification. She stood, hands to her sides, awaiting further instruction.

“Mr. Evans, you may decide whether Carrie will retain her blouse. It may be cold in here but it is likely to be warm for her after a few minutes.”

Justin suggested that it should be removed to prevent overheating. Carrie did as instructed. Standing naked, with her small, pert breasts and narrow waist and patch of reddish pubic hair, she still looked like a high school girl. The various freckles often sported by redheads added to the little girl look.

“Carrie, please get up onto the strapping bench.” Shaking, Carrie climbed the wide, black leather upholstered bench and lay face down. The adjustable center was uplifted to raise her hips about six inches. Sally took Carrie’s wrists and secured them to two leather cuffs at the head of the couch, so that her arms were straight ahead and at full stretch. She then secured her ankles the same way at the other end. The Headmaster placed a wide leather strap that was connected to the center of the couch over Carrie’s waist and secured it so that the curve of her hips was more pronounced. Carrie was now largely immobilized. She felt more helpless and vulnerable than she had ever felt before.

The Headmaster had Sally bring him the medium rattan, and then Sally sat with the others. The Headmaster took a position to Carrie’s left, and swung the cane through the air a few times. Carrie flinched at the sound. He then measured the cane across her upturned bottom. She flinched again at the tapping. The Headmaster stood back.

“Carrie, you will now receive the 30 strokes you have earned by your misdeeds. Please call for the first one.”

Carrie froze, and it took her a second to realize that this was it. “One, Sir!” she called, not wanting the caning to start but not wanting to make any mistakes.

The Headmaster measured the cane again, brought it back, and brought it back down with an ear-splitting crack across the center of Carrie’s bottom. It took a second to register but then, as the blood rushed back to the impact site, Carrie felt as though her behind had been set on fire. The intense burning was twice as bad as what she had felt over her skirt two weeks ago. It kept getting more intense and seemed like it just wouldn’t stop. Carrie allowed 15 seconds to go by, desperately not wanted to call the next one. How would she ever get through 30 strokes? Finally, she called out “Two, Sir!”

The second stroke hit about an inch under the first, just as loudly. Again, an initial sting, then the appalling smart as the blood rushed back. Carrie’s eyes teared, and she pulled at the wrist straps, desperately wanting to rub her bottom. She couldn’t do this! There was no way! But she wasn’t getting out of it, either. She had to steel herself for the rest. Was it possible? She forced herself to call out “Three, Sir!”

With only a second’s hesitation, the Headmaster gave her a third stroke at the very base of her bared buttocks, just above her “sweet spot.” Carrie screamed.

“You cheated yourself, Carrie. You only waited 12 seconds between strokes. You’re allowed up to 30. If you call it too soon, you’re just inviting more punishment. Wait at least 25 seconds, but just make sure you don’t miss your count.” The Headmaster must have known what a predicament this placed his victims in. He gave them at least some time to recover in between strokes but at the possible cost of missing the count and incurring penalty strokes. It was all part of the discipline process, he reasoned.

Carrie did wait longer this time – 20 seconds. She called out “Four, Sir!” The Headmaster gave the next stroke without hesitation. He knew that Carrie would start taking longer soon. He was right. Carrie started to beg, asking for a break, saying she couldn’t take any more right now. The Headmaster ignored her, as she mentally calculated how long she could delay before calling for number 5. As it was, she took 26 seconds, almost missing the count, before calling out “Five, Sir!” Again, the next stroke followed, as hard as the earlier ones, without hesitation.

The next two went much the same way. Carrie waited almost 30 seconds but finally called the stroke. On the eighth stroke, however, Carrie miscalculated. She waited as long as she thought she possibly could, but just as she was about to call it, the Mr. Logan said “Time! One penalty stroke.”

“Eight, Sir!” Carrie screamed loudly and desperately. But it was too late.

“Sorry, Carrie, I am going to re-do stroke seven, and you are to call for number eight afterward.”

“No, please, I can’t take it! PLEASE, DON’T!!!”

The Headmaster ignored her, and swung the cane down on her cheeks. Carrie screamed. She now had to call number eight again, and didn’t dare to incur another penalty stroke. She waited as long as she dared, and yelled “Eight, Sir!!” after about 20 second. The Headmaster showed no mercy. He brought the cane down on the exact same spot. Carrie screamed again.

Carrie started doing something else, too. She had struggled in her bonds, testing them as far as they would allow her to move. She slid her hips as far as they would go, as though that might move her out of range of the cane. She tried to kick – to no avail. She wiggled her hips and rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to make the sting dissipate. Then she noticed it. If she rubbed her thighs back and forth just right, she could stimulate her pussy lips and, to some extent, her clitoris. It caused a strange feeling of comfort, despite the fire burning on her bare buttocks. She was desperate for more contact with her pussy lips, but there was nothing to rub them on. All she could do was rub her thighs back and forth, in a frustrating yet somewhat fruitful attempt to arouse herself. The minimal success she was having was indeed a source of comfort. As her arousal increased, the sting did indeed dissipate, or at least became less pronounced. It was like a shot of morphine.

The Headmaster must have known she would do this, having had her tied in this position. Would he notice? Did she dare continue? She tried to make it less obvious but it was hard to do. Indeed, it was noticed. By all. “I see you are having trouble keeping still, Carrie. Remember my instructions? I may yet add more penalty strokes if you don’t control yourself.” Carrie couldn’t stop, however. As frustratingly difficult as it was to arouse herself, bound as she was, it was all she had. She continued, well beyond shame although aware of the seven sets of eyes watching her every move.

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Old 03-09-2007, 07:44 AM
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Although getting more and more aroused, each stroke still hurt. Her attempts at masturbation merely made them more tolerable. It made it possible to call each one out on time. She did so, up through the fourteenth stroke. In her aroused state, that stroke was strangely comforting. She thought about the story of Leslie, who was allowed to masturbate this way through half of her punishment, then was forced to endure the rest without distraction. Would he do the same? She was about to find out. She was moving her legs faster and faster, oblivious now to who was watching.

“I see you’re getting more excited, Carrie. Almost at your climax? Perhaps I should allow you to finish before I continue.”

“Oh, my God,” she thought, he must have read that story. Justin must have told him about it. Surely he wasn’t just playing with her!

“No, please give me the rest. Please do it now! Please, Fifteen, Sir!”

The Headmaster ignored her pleas, and her violation of the rules against speaking except to count each stroke. He watched her move her thighs faster and faster. Then he measured the cane right across her “sweet spot.” He waited a minute or two. At the opportune time, just when she was close to orgasm, he delivered his hardest stroke yet right at the line where her buttocks met her thighs. The impact coursed through her like electricity, radiating through her engorged pussy lips. It took her just to the point of orgasm. All the Headmaster had to do now was wait. Within seconds, Carrie’s hips were bucking as far as the waist strap and ankle straps would allow. He permitted her to continue until she began to slow down, exhausted. She missed her count without realizing it.

For about another minute, Carrie could barely feel the stinging in her bottom, but it was not to last. Suddenly the intense burn returned with a vengeance, especially where the cane had last landed. The Headmaster looked at the witnesses and smiled. Carrie suddenly realized that she had not called the next stroke. Desperately, she yelled out “Sixteen, Sir!!”

“Oh, Carrie, you took far too long. You must have been preoccupied with something else, weren’t you now? Well, you were told to practice self-control, and there is a price for failing to do so. I will have to give you number fifteen again.”

“Oh, no, please! I can’t take it!! Please let me go, I won’t ever be bad again. I promise! I PROMISE! PLEASE!!”

The Headmaster ignored her and gave her a diagonal stroke across her buttocks. Carrie screamed once again. A drop of blood appeared where the cane landed across another smarting weal. The Headmaster noticed her desperately trying to arouse herself again. He put down the cane.

“Nurse, please attend to Carrie with an alcohol wipe. Sally, please assist me in repositioning Carrie so that she may be punished properly, without distraction.”

Carrie did not protest, as this gave her a temporary respite from the proceedings. She yelped when Gina rubbed alcohol over her cut skin, though.

Sally retrieved a large cylindrical cushion and placed it next to the bench on which Carrie remained tied. She unbuckled Carrie’s ankle straps while the Headmaster unbuckled the waist strap. “Mr. Evans and Mr. Tolbert, perhaps you could assist?” The two helped raise Carrie’s hips high in the air while the Headmaster slipped the cushion underneath. He then re-fastened the strap around Carrie’s waist and tightened it slightly, causing Carrie’s welted bottom to rise high in the air. Sally brought two more straps which she and the Headmaster buckled around Carrie’s lower thighs. She and the Headmaster then quickly secured these straps by their D-rings and lengths of rope to attachment points on either side of the bench, as though they’d done this dozens of times before. Carrie was now once again immobilized, but this time with her buttocks arched and her thighs spread wide apart, revealing every inch of the pale skin between her butt cheeks and placing her pink asshole and pussy lips on prominent display. Modesty, if it had been an issue, certainly was no longer. Just as importantly, however, Carrie was deprived of any opportunity to arouse herself for the remainder of her punishment.

The Headmaster stepped back and surveyed the chastised girl. “Carrie, I regret that this must be so harsh but you have brought this on yourself. You will receive the last half of your punishment free of any distractions, and you will also receive six penalty strokes for your deliberate misbehavior and insolence. You will, of course, be required to control yourself for the remainder if you wish not to have more penalty strokes added. Is that clear?”

“Please, Headmaster, don’t.” Then she thought better. “Yes, Headmaster.”

“Now, I believe you are due for number sixteen. Please call for it.”

Carrie did so, and was careful to call each stroke despite the intense, unsubsiding sting of each one. There was now no relief to be had, and she had already incurred eight penalty strokes. She did not dare to earn any more.

The Headmaster added several strokes across her upper thighs. These stung more than on her bottom, and Carrie screamed after each one. However, after striking the same tender spot three times in a row, Carrie could not bring herself to count again and missed calling number 24. As usual, this was re-done and Carrie made sure to call it properly the next time. She forced herself to call each one after that, often early, but when she did so the Headmaster struck again without a break. When she properly called the stroke with only seconds to spare, he would sometimes take his time in giving the next stroke. It was unknown whether he did this to provide a needed respite or simply to keep Carrie in suspense. In any event, it was to her advantage not to call a stroke to early and definitely not too late.

Finally, Carrie called number 30 and it came crashing down across the tops of her buttocks. “Please, may I have a break? I am sorry for what I did and I can’t take any more right now. Please let me take my penalty strokes another time.”

“Carrie, if I am lenient with you, you will never learn self control. Penalty strokes must be given at the time of punishment. You will receive the six extra strokes you have earned. I will not trouble you to count them, though. I expect you to remain still, however, and take them like a brave girl. You should be trying to make your husband proud of you.”

Bent hard over the cushion, exposing herself to the assembled witnesses, pride never really seemed part of the equation. But, as on fire as her ass was, she did realize that she was close to the end and had certainly paid a price for her sins. She kept still and prepared for the remaining six strokes. The Headmaster delivered them with the same viciousness as the others and Carrie was not able to stifle a few screams. The cane bit deep into her tight skin. After the last one, several drops of blood ran down her bottom. Gina rubbed generous amounts of alcohol all over Carrie’s bottom. It was cool and soothing at first, but then started to sting almost as much as the cane.

The Headmaster inspected his handiwork, probably taking much more time than he needed, as though he wished to prolong Carrie’s embarrassment. Carrie needed to be untied, she needed to have her blistered bottom attended to in a loving way, and needed to be comforted. The Headmaster thought she needed a few more minutes on the bench. He traced his fingers on her welts. He commented, “Have your husband rub some lotion into these, and apply some ice when you get home. They will last for several days, perhaps a week or two. Your bottom will sting more tomorrow morning than it does now, as you begin to heal. That is the consequence of this type of punishment. You will be reminded of it for days to come.”

On a signal from the Headmaster, Sally unbuckled Carrie and then Justin and Angie helped walk her to the bathroom to clean up and dress. After about ten minutes, they helped a tearful Carrie back to the wooden chair, where the Headmaster had Carrie once again apologize to Mr. Tolbert and to Justin for allowing so much time to go by before confessing her sin. Mr. Tolbert graciously accepted, complimenting Carrie for taking her punishment so well. He made her and Justin promise to come over in about a week to chat. Justin answered for Carrie. “We would be happy to.”

Angie comforted Carrie on the way home, and Justin gave her all the tender aftercare she needed, although he made her attend to her chores as normal the next day. “Can’t have you spoiled now, can we? That’s not the Headmaster’s way.”

“No, my Lord,” Carrie agreed. “It isn’t. Thank you for being my Lord and Headmaster.”

They embraced, then he swatted her on her still aching butt. “Now get back to work! Or I’ll show you what a real Headmaster would do.”

Carrie grimaced, then smiled. “Yes, my Lord.”

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Old 08-25-2011, 10:16 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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What an awsome story.
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