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Old 09-19-2008, 10:09 PM
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Setinkhan Setinkhan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 24
Debbie's First Time I

It was Saturday and Mother always went to grandmas to take her shopping and also to go herself. We had chores, but they were over by midday before she left. The twins were off somewhere and I was left on my bed lying on my side so as not to put pressure on my butt. I looked at the bruises this morning and they covered my bottom about three inches down from my waist to just below the tops of my thighs. A mass of black and blue splotches merging together with hints of red here and there. In some areas the red joined with the blue to create shades from purple to a dark violet. As I was raking the yard this morning after mowing I suddenly started to cry feeling the pain creep up in my lower back as I was bending over, but it was the back yard and I was on the side of the house. Luckily you don’t have to dress out for gym in a Catholic School until you get into High School. There is no secondary school, so it is just elementary and then off to High School. I have briefly thought about undressing in front of other boys with a butt full of bruises, and then shuddered and tried to force the thought out of my mind.
I was lost in Miss Havishams with Pip and Estella playing when the twins walked into my room. “Your not supposed to be in here, Mother said”, I demanded. “I’ll tell”, I added seeming to be forceful.
Joyce just smiled and taunted, “We can do anything we want and you won’t tell because if you do we’ll just show mother this”. She held up one of my socks and waved it back and forth. “We’ll tell her we went into the den after you came out and found this hidden in the couch. She told us to watch you and make sure that you don’t continue sinning.” Janice was giggling and laughing and reinforcing her sisters accusations.
“That’s not mine! She won’t believe it, and you will be the ones to get in trouble.” I said to try to put up some semblance of resistance to her manipulations. “What did you put there anyway? Egg whites?”
Joyce just smiled and giggled looking at Janice and sharing some dark secret, and said feigning ignorance, “It’s not what I put in there, it’s what you put in there you bad boy. Mother will be so upset that you gave into your demon desires and wallowed in the sins of the flesh. She will for sure double the punishment!”
I don’t know where they got that sock, but if it had cum in it Mother would for sure believe it came from me. Of course I know that it didn’t, because I never jacked off in the den, just in my room and the garage. But I knew Joyce was right. Mother could never find that sock or I’d be dead. She’d be so mad at me that she might not stop. If I was lucky I’d probably just end up in the hospital. I remember the pain at the last yesterday and something clicked in me and told me that if she didn’t stop soon that I would be seriously hurt. But I just couldn’t give in too easily or else the evil spawns from hell would have me doing all sorts of things. “I’ll tell her that I had done it before and that I forgot about it until you two found the sock.”
“She won’t believe you, she will be able to see that it is still wet, and hasn’t even had time to dry, but you know this so you just do what we want and it will all be over”, Janice bargained.
“Ok, so what do you want anyway”, I asked?
They both looked at each other knowing that they had won and Janice was the first one to blurt out, “we want to see your butt”. Then Joyce added, “Oh yes, we want you to drop your shorts just like yesterday and show us what your butt looks like.”
“Your sick, and I’m not going to show you or anyone else my butt.” I was so ashamed at having them stand there demanding my exposition that I almost started to cry.
Janice came back with, “Well I guess we’ll just have to give this to Mother. She told us to keep an eye on you because she thought you might try to be sneaky and keep abusing yourself for your own selfish pleasure.
My voice was almost faltering when I said, “I don’t care! Show it to her, she won’t believe you and I’ll tell her that you did this to try and get me to do stuff, like now your trying to blackmail me, so you can just get me to show you my butt, but I’m not going to show you or anyone else my butt!”
Sudden movement outside in the hallway emerged into my room and now walking and then standing in front of my sisters was a plump girl of 15 with pure milk white skin, gently rounded cheeks framed by coal black hair with piercing crystal blue eyes, and full natural colored red lips. She stood there smiling at me and then prodded, “Will you show me the marks on your butt?”
I sat up suddenly forgetting my injuries and just as suddenly was reminded and I let out a little yelp.
Debbie looked at me sadly and stated, “Oh my that must have caused you real pain, I’m sorry that you hurt yourself on my account, so please be careful.” Then she added, “Won’t you please let me see what caused all your pain, please?”
I looked at her and then at my sisters and said, “You told her, why did you tell her?”
Debbie responded before my sisters could speak, “Yes they told me everything, and I feel so bad that your mother spanked you. I’m happy that you thought of me, but I’m not happy that your mother hurt you. If I was your sister and I had found the sock in the laundry I never would have showed it to your mother. I knew what she would have done, and it would have been just our secret. Won’t you show me please?”
I looked into her face and those eyes. I could get lost in those eyes and do whatever she wanted me to do while she had me under her spell.
She was bending over now so that she could get closer and she coaxed, “Come on now just stand up and drop your shorts and show me your butt.”
Giving in I agreed, “Ok just you, not those two. They have already seen enough.”
Debbie looked sad and replied, “Oh no, they also have to see your marks. Now just stand up and drop your shorts and then turn around and show us your butt.”
I was getting tired of arguing with them so I knew I had just better get it over with and then I could get back to feeling sorry for myself, but first I wanted to make sure I got the sock so I said, “And I get the sock after you all get to see, right?”
“Of course you will”, said Joyce. I believed her like I would believe a man selling real estate 50 miles west of San Diego, and then Debbie interjected, “I’ll make sure that they will give you back your sock. How could I not believe Debbie, so I stood up and started to turn around and then Debbie corrected me and told me that I needed to drop my shorts and then turn around. She said it would be more dramatic that way. I pulled down my shorts so that I was completely exposed in the back but the waist band stopped just at the point where my penis joined my body and I started to turn around.
Debbie stopped me and told me, “Oh now just you turn right back here. I want those shorts all the way on the floor before you turn around. The twins stepped forward smiling at my shame. Looking at the three girls I knew that they weren’t going to budge on this especially with Debbie standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Why are you’ll doing this”, I whined? “I mean why do you have to see me naked, isn’t it enough to see my butt?” Debbie said that she didn’t get to see me naked and she wanted her turn, and Joyce said that she just wanted to see me naked because it was fun. I sighed and then jerked down my shorts and then stood up. The twins laughed and giggled, and I felt like I was going to get sick inside, but not Debbie. She just stood there and leered at me.
Debbie said, “Ok, that is good now, and you can turn around.” I turned and from Janice I heard a gasp and moan. From Joyce there was just a gasp, then from Debbie a soft moan followed by a low husky, “Very nice, very nice indeed!” I stood there and then looking over my shoulder said, “Ok so can I get my shorts up?”
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Old 09-27-2008, 07:13 PM
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you've got my interest. Continue...
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