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Old 09-19-2008, 10:08 PM
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Setinkhan Setinkhan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: I live in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Posts: 24
Debbie's First Time II

I could see the girls talking to Debbie and she steeped forward. Janice was almost jumping up and down as Debbie said, “We want something else before we let you have the sock back.”
“Oh no!” I said as I turned around. “A deal is a deal, and I get the sock back”
“Fine, we’ll just give the sock to Mother and she can give it back to you, but ooooh! I wouldn’t want to be there when she gives it to you, no wait! What am I saying of course we would want to be there when she gives it to you! No mommy please don’t hit me any more, please no more mommy!” said Joyce as she taunted me.
Debbie just looked very sternly, and Janice just quietly giggled as she watched her sister make sport of me. I was beaten and I knew it, and what’s worse they knew it. I just stood there naked and hung my head relenting, “Ok what do you want?”
Debbie said, “All we want is just to give you one lick each.”
I turned and looked at her and pleaded, “Do you know how much that will hurt me, don’t you know how much I care for you?”
Debbie reached out and put her hand on the side of my face and rubbed it down saying, “Yes, I know you care for me, and I care for you, and that is why I want to get my lick in. I just love the way your butt looks and I wished I could have been the one to give you all those marks, but I wasn’t so at least you can let me get just one lick in. Won’t you do that for me?”
On the verge of tears I told her that I would do that for her, but I didn’t see why the twins should get to hit me.
She told me, they have the sock, and that they could give it to Mother. So if I was you I’d give in and do what they said.”
On the verge of tears I relented and turned around and bent over. I stood there with my hands on the bed waiting when I heard Janice say.
“Let’s use his cowboy belt! Yeah, I know right where it is too!”
I stood up and argued, “No not the cowboy belt” That belt was two inches wide and was very heavy. Janice had already found it in my closet and was bouncing back over and swinging the belt. She accidently hit herself and let out a little yelp. “Wow that really hurts, it will make it’s own bruise.”
I was standing there with my shorts down around my ankles and trying to get Debbie to stop them and then she just turned to me and told me, “Shut up and turn back around and bend over! Don’t you move once more or I’ll make you sorry. Do you understand?”
I told her that I did and I turned back and bent over. I could hear the twins talking about who would be first. Finally they decided that Janice should go first. I waited and then when it did come it was more surprising then painful. I still let out a yelp, and I could hear Joyce saying, “Here give that to me. You don’t know how to do it. Didn’t you watch mother. You have to trail your arm to pick up speed.”
I had turned my head and she told me to turn back around, and she was getting ready to take her lick. I turned back and put my hands on the bed thinking that maybe my butt was going to be numb to being spanked until some feeling or whatever came back when I healed up some. I was wrong! Joyce really had watched mother and I heard the belt whistle through the air just a breath before it hit. The pain was there and searing through my butt. It spread out from where the belt hit as in waves and I didn’t realize that I was screaming until Debbie told me to be quiet and then added, “You don’t want the neighbors to think we’re killing you do you?” She then stepped back and I could feel her hand on my butt and her finger tracing the welt springing up from my skin. I was mentally getting ready for her lick when she tapped me on the back and told me to move over here. I looked and she went to my desk and pulled out the straight back chair and told me to bend over the chair back. I was still shaking a little from the stroke that Joyce had given me and I kind of hobbled to the chair and bent over the back. She told me to grab the legs of the chair in the front. I reached down and as I took hold of the legs of the chair I could tell this was a lot like the prayer desk in Mother’s room.
I felt Debbie lay the belt down on my back and I saw her move in front of me. She looked at me and told me that she had never done anything like this but then said she had always wanted to from the time that we had played house with my friend Hank. It then came vaguely back to me of her playing mother to me and Hank. She had spanked us for eating cookies or some such stuff. Not a spanking like this though. She announced it was hot in here and she told the twins that her mother had bought her a new blouse that was rayon and it just didn’t breathe, as she began to unbutton the shiny buttons. She removed the blouse reveling more milk white skin and she was indeed stout. Her tummy began to bulge out just under her white bra that was full and straining and then disappeared in her brown skirt. With her thumbs in her waist band she adjusted her skirt and then bent down to me. Only a few inches from my face she smiled and said, “I’m going to take as many as I want.” She rose up and moved out of my sight and behind me. I could feel her pick up the belt from my back and then her hand touched my butt and rubbed it around in a circle a couple of times. As Debbie pulled her hand away I knew her stroke would come, and I tried to relax as much as I could so as not to add to anymore bruising of my butt. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. She swung the belt and contacted with me harder than I think I have ever felt before.
The sound that came out of me was like a wild “Ooowww! I didn’t know I was breathing hard until she asked, “Ok?”
I nodded my head and she just laughed and said, “Fine now hold on tight”.
I figured I should do as I was told and I grabbed the legs of the chair again. I could still feel where the belt had hit me and it was just like something hot was being held against my skin. Fear gripped me and I was huffing and puffing instead of just breathing as I waited for the next stroke of the belt. I didn’t have to wait long.
It contacted me and felt as if a hot knife was cutting me. I tried not to make any noise and the muffled scream combined with the palpitated breathing sounded like some guttural bubbling being forced out my nose. I knew that I had to start breathing out my mouth or I would blow my sinuses out and maybe get a nose bleed. I only had time for a couple of quick breaths and to clench my teeth before the next stroke. With my teeth clenched I could still muffle a scream but with out sounding like some cancerous banshee with sinus problems. Debbie had hit the very same place as before and I knew I would be feeling the same place for a long time. Nothing had happened for a few moments and I became aware that Joyce was complaining that Debbie was getting to hit me more than just the one time. Debbie told her that she could and that she could shut up and watch or leave. I didn’t hear anything else and then I felt Debbie coming closer and getting back into position.
I didn’t hear the swing but I did hear it contacting the very same place as before. Still I cried out through clenched teeth. I was determined that I would not cry but if she gave me another one like the last one, I might have to break that promise to myself. I think Debbie was wanting me to cry and she pulled back and let go again. This time it broke all my will. I just couldn’t hold on any longer.
“Oh God!” I sobbed “Oh, oh, oh, whoaw”. The pain flooded through me and I just couldn’t stop the sobs and crying. I couldn’t move, I knew there was more to come, and I just waited for the next one. It came with no fanfare but hurt so much. I thought I was talking and pleading with her but both the twins and Debbie said later that I wasn’t making any sense. Debbie just patted my head and told me that she was done. At first it didn’t register with me and she told me not to stand yet. I shook a little back and forth and she laid the belt on the chair. I looked down at it and I saw the cactus flower and the T, E, and the X and the red splotches. Debbie looked down and said that it would be ok. Time was coming in and out and I was very close to passing out. I heard her take something from Janice and her and Joyce was talking about something. Then I felt something cool, and then something start to heat up on my butt. I became aware of them smearing something on my butt. It felt cool at first and then heated a little. Debbie told me I could stand. I stood shaking and she told me that I had been very brave as she put on her blouse. I stood there watching her get dressed and then I figured I should pull up my shorts. Any movement from my butt caused an ache and dull hard pain. I was still blubbering when I got my shorts up and as she pulled down her blouse from under her skirt. She turned to walk out and I saw that the twins had already left. Then she turned back to me saying, “I so enjoyed this.”
I looked at her and noticed that the twins had already left. Debbie took my hands and told me to call her tomorrow after she got back from church around two. Then she told me that she didn’t think I would be going, but to go ahead and call her. She told me that she wanted to see me again. Then she moved close to me and kissed me on the lips, smiled and said, “Call me!” She then turned and with a bounce in her step left me standing in my room. I stood there for a moment and then put my belt in the closet and pushed my chair back to the desk. I laid down on my stomach and looked over my shoulder and counted the six little red splotches bleeding through my shorts and thought of Debbie.
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