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Old 04-24-2007, 01:36 AM
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Two Naughty Girls Part 1

My partner and crime and I stood there in the living room facing Sir! He was not too happy with us! We had been little brats all day, but it was all in good fun! I guess Sir didn’t share our amusement. I thought it would be fun to fill my water guns with ice cold water and squirt Sir with it. Hehe, you should have heard him yell when that freezing water hit his bare skin and shirt. Crystal and I soaked him pretty well! It was so funny! Well that was until he informed us we were going to get a spanking. I guess we just don’t know when to quit sometimes.

Our eyes got huge when Sir brought out the paddle, Crystal thought it would be wise to hightail it out of the room again and hide. Trust me I wanted to, every little inch of me wanted to run and hide and protect my bottom but I have known Sir to long to know that would not be accepted. Crystal did not even come back when he called and ordered her too! I don’t have the guts to push Sir that far.

I felt the butterfly’s in my stomach start to flutter when Sir looked at me, with his big oak paddle in hand. That dreadful paddle carried three rolls of holes, each roll had four holes. I have only received a spanking from that fire bringing implement only once before and that was for back talking, trust me I never did that again.

“Oh please Sir don’t spank me with that, I was just playing…I will be a good girl!”

I know begging never did me any good however I always think maybe this time will be different!

Pull down those pants and panties young lady, and you get over that couch right now!

I couldn’t help but start to cry, I was very scared, scared of the pain I knew that paddle would bring my bottom!

“Please Jerry don’t spank me, I really am sorry!” I really, really was! Marcy, I am not going to tell you again, get over that couch arm and I want that bottom high!

I slowly walked over to the couch, peeling down the layers of clothing baring my skin for his viewing pleasure and a paddling I knew I would not soon forget. I bent over the arm holding on to the couch pillows for dear life. I felt Sir at my side, slowly rubbing my cool naked bottom with his hand.

You have been a naughty little girl young lady! And what happens to naughty little girls when they don’t listen?

“They get a spanking Sir.”

I was crying hard now and my spanking had not even started yet. I hate disappointing Sir! Sir started tapping the paddle against my bottom. I just closed my eyes and buried my face in the pillows. Sir raised that paddle high and brought it down hard on my poor bottom. Like a pistol I shot up in a flash, clenching my bottom for dear life.

Oh please Sir I’m sorry!

The pain of that first strike was intense and I feared to feel another.

“Get back down,” Sir instructed!

Sir guided me back over the arm of the couch; I once again grabbed hold of the pillows. And just like before the tapping began, and without warning… SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! OH OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SIRRRR ITS HURTS, PLEASE STOP! YOUNG LADY, SMACK, HOW, SMACK, TIMES, SMACK, HAVE, SMACK, I, SMACK, TOLD, SMACK, YOU, SMACK, TO, OBEY ME, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, WHEN, SMACK, I, SMACK, TELL, SMACK, YOU, SMACK, SOMETHING, SMACK!

My seared flesh danced under that awful paddle. I was crying hard, kicking and screaming with every blow that Sir delivered.

OH PLEASE SIR STOOOOOP! I’M SORRY..I WILL OBEY YOU FROM NOW ON…I PROMISE. I would have promised him the moon and stars anything for him to put that paddle down!


I pounded my fists against the sofa, crying hard as I heard Sir finally put the paddle down. I felt so bad for how I had acted; it would have been fine if I had just stopped when he told me to. But I never seem to learn. But it was over now and I know Sir by now, my slate is clean!

Sir waited till my crying subsided and then he gently helped me stand, while holding me in his embrace, rubbing my blazing cheeks with his cool, soothing hands and whispering I was forgiven in my ear. He then patted my bottom gently and sent me to the corner, while calling my partner in crime for her punishment was next.
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:52 AM
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brats will play....
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