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Old 01-28-2009, 09:53 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Games Mistress's Punishment

In Part1, Stephanie Bradshaw canes the Head-Girl and Deputy. But it appears she's not so innocent. We find out her fate in Part 2

"Now I don't have to tell you about the seriousness of this do I?", enquired the Head.

Sullenly looking down at her feet, she didn't have to respond.

Continuing, the Head gravely said, "Ordinarily, we could have let this go with a severe warning. However, something else has been brought to my attention of an even more serious nature It appears, (and he took of his glasses and polished them with his hanky to give a dramatic effect), that you have been photographed, in shall we say, a compromising position here on the school premises"

"But headmaster....."

"I'm not prepared to say who took them", and he glanced over at a very smug looking Melanie, "our reinstated HeadGirl felt it was her duty to inform me"

Placing her hands palms down on his desk, and leaning forward so the poor man had an eyeful of her voluptuous breasts she begged him for another chance.

"Please I'll never do it again, I promise", she breathed in her most seductive voice, well aware that her cork-size nipples were barely a matter of inches from his face.

Tearing his eyes away from her breasts, he thundered, "How dare you try to influence me. Stand up straight Bradshaw when I'm speaking to you". Now I admit you're a good teacher and we wouldn't want to lose you. But there must be some form of punishment. You will wait outside my door while we discuss it. Is that clear?"

"Yes headmaster", came the reply.

"Yes sir, let's have a little respect around here"

"Yes sir then. For goodness sake, I'm not a child you know", she replied.

Thirty minutes later, she was called back in.

"About time too, can we get this over with?", she said, fearing the worst.

"(Ahem), I won't beat about the bush. We've come to a decision. What you have done is most serious. A breach of trust of the highest kind. And such in-appropriate behaviour. I and everybody with the exception of the Head Girl was ready to terminate your employment forthwith with no reference"

"But headmaster, please don't fire me, we need, I mean I need this job. I'll accept anything", said Mrs Bradshaw wringing her hands.

"If you will allow me to finish", he continued, "The Head-Girl put up a strong case for your defence and suggested an alternative punishment"

"And what's that?, she replied, relieved that she wouldn't be losing her job.

Well we are all in agreement now and it seems very appropriate", he replied.

"Sorry I'm not with you", she said with a puzzled look.

"When you punished Miss Trubshaw & Miss Wilkinson earlier this week, I believe you made the comment "that's the way to deal with mis-behaving girls WHATEVER THEIR AGE", he said.

"What he's saying Miss Smarty-Pants", piped up the Head Girl, "Is that you're going to get a dose of your own medicine"

"What are you saying?", said Mrs Bradshaw, a worried frown on her face.

"What I'm saying," started the headmaster, "Is that you're going across my knee for the spanking everyone here thinks you richly deserve"

"What," she said, "Oh no you're not. I'd rather leave than that"

Suddenly, and without warning the door flew open and in strode a very angry, red-faced Mr Bradshaw.

"Oh, I thought you were away", said a suddenly nervous looking Mrs Bradshaw.

"I bet you did. Well I've heard enough. Playing around my back are you. Well you may think you're not going across the head-master's knee. BUT YOU'RE GOING ACROSS MINE"

"What? no, you can't”, came the startled reply.

Fully 6ft 3ins with a bull-neck and solidly built, he grabs his protesting wife by the ear, pulling her over to a chair. As he pulls her she starts to complain. "George, what do you think you're doing? Let go of me."

But her husband sits down on the chair and over his knee goes Mrs Bradshaw.
"George, stop it. Let me up this second. What are you doing?", she wailed.

“What I’m doing my girl is something I should have done a long time ago”, he said, hand poised at shoulder height above his wife’s deliciously wriggling behind before looking over to the headmaster, “I take it I have your approval, this minx has had this coming a long time?”

“Oh yes”, came a chorused reply.

George gives her four good swats on the back of her thin dress. Swat. "OH." Swat. "OH" Swat. "OH." Swat. "OH."

And then some more. Swat. "OH" Swat. "OH. Stop it. You don't have the right. Swat. "OH." Swat. "OH. This is so humiliating. Now stop this, this second, do you hear me?."

“Humiliating”, he almost spat the word out, “I’ll show you what humiliating is”

And with one hand, he pulled her dress up above her waist.

A collective gasp filled the room as into view came her black suspender belt fastened to the top of her black fish-net stockings and tiny lilac silk panties barely covering her already reddening cheeks.

Struggling without success, she cried, “Oh, please stop. I’m too old for this. Everyone can see. You bastard, I’m leaving you for this”

“Well you’ll be doing that with a sore ass,” and looking over to the Head Girl, “Can you pass me her hairbrush, please?

“With pleasure, Mr Bradshaw”, squeaked Melanie.

“God no, please I’m 32. You can’t do this", Mrs Bradshaw wailed.

She tried to stand but without success. Wriggling like an eel this way and that way, she was unaware that one of her large boobs had fought its way free from her dress. But the three men hadn’t. This was a tale the Headmaster would talk about in his bath-chair when:

Crack. "Yeeeeeeowch." CRACK “Owch” CRACK “Owch”

After the first few searing cuts of the hairbrush on her backside, Stephanie Bradshaw was squirming in earnest now. And despite her brief knickers, which covered very little anyway, it started to turn red.

She was absolutely beside herself. All thoughts of modesty gone as first one high heel, then the other, were kicked off as her shapely legs went one way then the other.

Crack. "Yeeeeeeowch." Crack. "Yeeeeeeowch. George, please. I've learned my lesson. I won’t see him again. I promise”, she pleaded.

“Oh, Mr Bradshaw”, it was Melanie, the Head Girl. And he stopped for a moment.

Before she continued, “She pulled my knickers down when I was punished. I hope you’re going to do the same to her”.

Stephanie Bradshaw was past caring when her husband said, “Too right I will. She’s never worn these for me”

And dragged her wispy lilac panties down past her stocking tops. The three men in the room couldn’t believe their eyes. It was one thing the head girl being punished. But to see a more mature woman get spanked. A mother, a teacher, a professional — someone who is used to being in control and being listened to.

By now Stephanie Bradshaw had broken down and was sobbing for all she was worth. Both boobs had come out her dress, every THWACK made her womanly buttocks wobble. John Wilkinson, the young IT guy nearly had an accident in his chair.

Finally, with the 32 year old Mrs Stephanie Bradshaw crying like a baby, the punishment stopped. She was told to stand facing the corner and instructed to keep her dress up above her waist, her silky panties caught around her ankles. And the final humiliation! Melanie Trubshaw, the head girl who she had punished. Who she had laughed at and told to “stop snivelling”. Was instructed to unfasten Mrs Bradshaw’s stockings from the suspenders leaving them falling around her legs. Her humiliation was complete.
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