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Old 07-23-2007, 11:02 PM
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ndvpmn ndvpmn is offline
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Posts: 27
Vet School Part 8A M/F

Vet School Part 8

The policeman who had arrested her had just spanked Melissa with a wooden paddle. Once the handcuffs were taken off, she pulled up her rough orange jail uniform and went over to her mattress to eat her lunch. She was very hungry, since she had not eaten breakfast, and this was her first meal. She had to kneel down to eat, because she couldn’t sit down since she had endured two spankings already.

Melissa was also concerned because all of her money was used for tuition and books at the vet school. Her credit cards were maxed out, she had no job, and she left with only fifty dollars in her pocket. She did not want to spend time in jail, since the vet school would probably kick her out for not attending classes.

After Melissa had finished eating her lunch, she asked for her make-up kit from her purse. Once it was checked for any weapons, the policeman handed over the make-up kit to her. There was a shiny silver metal mirror that hung over the sink, and Melissa used it to make herself more presentable. She had cried after her last spanking, and her face was a mess.

About five minutes till two o’clock, two policemen came in to escort her to court. They put handcuffs on her, and also leg cuffs with a short chain. They walked her out of the jail to a building next to it. The building was on only one floor, but had many rooms. Melissa was escorted to Courtroom B and forced to sit down on a hard wooden chair. Then her handcuffs and leg cuffs were taken off of her.

For a small courtroom, she was surprised at all of the townspeople who were attending her court case. Soon everyone had to stand as the judge entered and took his seat. The judge appeared to be around sixty years old with many grey hairs.

After a few minutes, the prosecution was able to state her case. Melissa was caught driving over 95 mph on a 55 miles per hour highway. She had fled to a dirt road once she had seen the red lights and siren. Her car had to be towed and impounded, and she had spent the morning in jail.

Then the policeman who arrested her took the stand and told his side of her arrest. To her surprise, he even told of how he had spanked her twice, already. He told the judge that she was very cooperative and that she needed to be back on school grounds by Sunday evening.

Next, the radar gun, the paperwork on her arrest, towing charges for her car, and other paperwork were entered into evidence for the judge.

Now it was Melissa’s turn to give her defense. She told the judge that she just wanted to get away from the school, and wasn’t aware how fast she had been going. She also confessed to the judge that she tried to flee from the policeman, but was caught.

“My friend Al, the policeman who arrested you said he had spanked you twice. Is that true?” The judge asked.

“Yes it is. Thee first time over his lap before I put on the jail uniform. The second time was after he brought lunch in for me. He said you liked to see red bottoms on girls before you sentence them.”

“I do like to see red bottoms on uppity girls that come from the vet school.” The judge said. “So drop your jail bottoms so that I can see the results of your spanking!”

“But your honor, please not in front of everyone. Can’t we do this in private.”

“Drop the now, or I will have one of my deputies drop them for you.” The judge yelled out at her. “The longer you wait, the longer your sentence will be.”

So Melissa slowly dropped her jail uniform to her knees, and bent over so that her bare bottom was exposed to the judge.

“Spread your legs apart for me, so that I can see all of you.” The judge said. This really embarrassed Melissa, and made her face as red as her ass cheeks.

To embarrass her even more, the judge said, “Now turn so that the audience can see your red ass, and keep your legs apart.”

Melissa hated doing this, but felt she had no choice. The audience whispered among themselves on how red her ass looked.

“Al did a good job of spanking you.” The judge said. “Do you have any money to pay for your traffic violations and towing and court costs?”

“I have only fifty dollars I brought for food and cash. All of my money went to the Vet school for my tuition and books. My credit cards are maxed out, and I no longer have a savings or checking account.”

“You can get off the witness chair and take your seat.” The judge said. “I will leave for a few minutes and return with my ruling.” Then the judge stood up and left the courtroom.

In a few minutes, he returned. “In the court case against Melissa, I rule that she owes $400.00 for going over the speed limit.” The judge continued on with, “Melissa owes another $200.00 for fleeing arrest, $100.00 for towing, and $300.00 for court costs. That makes $1,000.00 (One Thousand dollars) or 60 days in jail. Can you pay this or will you do jail time?”

“I don’t have the money to pay this fine and I need to be in school, is there anyway we can work this out?” Melissa pleaded.

“I was hoping you would say that.” The judge said. “At four o’clock on Sunday afternoon, we have public punishments for those who don’t have money and who don’t want to spend a lot of time in jail. If you promise to take four public punishments, one every Sunday starting tomorrow, I will drop the fine and jail time.”

“Yes, I promise to take the four punishments.” Melissa said. She didn’t want to be kicked out of the vet school, for missing classes for two months.

“I will hold you in jail until tomorrow at four o’clock, at which time you will receive your public punishment. Then on the following three Sundays, I expect you to show up at the police station by one o’clock, so that we may prepare you for your punishment. If you don’t show up, we will arrest you at the vet school and then you will do jail time. Court dismissed.”

Next, Melissa had to sign papers stating that she accepted the public punishment on her own free will, and that she would show up every Sunday, until her sentence had been carried out. Then they cuffed her again and lead her back to her jail cell. There she cried, but knew the worst of it would be over sometime tomorrow, and then she could get back to her schooling.
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