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Old 07-28-2007, 09:45 AM
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Camping with ZED - Pt 3 by sarah thorne

After we left the Locks, we went and picked out a campsite next to the ferry, setting up the tent and getting things in order. We then went to the grocery store. You know how it is when you go shopping while hungry. I kept mentioning that we order pizza or cook something fast like hot dogs, but we still had yet to even go get wood for the fire and dusk was quickly approaching. There were some skirmishes over who would be paying for what. For the most part, though, we were able to even it out although it took some strong persuasion on my end. He even threatened to spank me if I paid for the pizza!

We did order pizza, and then went to another store to try and find some diet Pepsi, since no one seemed to carry it. We laughed that a 25 lb bag of ice didn’t even fill the cooler up 1/3 of the way, but it was enough for what we had. We picked up the pizza and ate it in the car in the middle of the cemetery where some of Zed’s family was buried. Racing against the sun, we finally bought a bundle of wood and some kindling and went back to the campsite to start a fire so that I could cook my marshmallows.

That proved to be more difficult than expected. The paper we had to help start the fire was not staying lit right. It had to be the type of pulp or something – but anyway, Zed went up to the gas station down the street to get some lighter fluid. I cursed myself as he drove off for staying behind. This was probably my last opportunity to actually use a proper toilet before morning.

But don’t ya know, I sat there in the dark waiting for him to come back, listening to the wild turkeys gobbling in the distance. The lighter fluid was unsuccessful so I volunteered to go back up to the gas station to retrieve an actual newspaper to help us. While there, I made use of the facilities. I had no desire to use the porta-potties located on the campsite.

Finally we got the fire started. Zed had found, replaced and sharpened my roasting stick. He told me the one I picked out was pitiful. I dunno what he expected, really. I had to look for it in pitch black with a dinky little flashlight and picked up the first one that looked like it would work. All I needed it for was to jab a marshmallow onto the end of it.

But I roasted my marshmallows, catching them on fire and watching them burn until they were black. Zed had, of course, whipped out his camera and captured a picture just as I was shoving one in my mouth. L I then made one s’more and then announced that I was full, which prompted taunting from him.

“You’ve been going on and on about these s’mores all day and now, you say you’re done after only one??” He asked.

“I can’t help it that I’m full!” I replied indignantly.

“I did notice that someone had gotten into the pizza box…”

“It was a bear.” I said matter of factly.

He laughed at me. “Mmmm.”

I held out my stick and picked up the bag of marshmallows. “Want one?”

“In a minute.”

The fire was nice, but it didn’t keep me warm enough. The night air was rapidly becoming much cooler.

Zed has this flannel shirt that he has me wear over my clothes, given our incompatibility in body thermostats. I am always cold and he is always warm. So there we sat, in front of the flickering fire, my snuggling in his comfy flannel shirt and we began to talk. Deep, profound talk about life, relationships and such. I took my sandals off to warm up my feet and he took them and rubbed them for me.

Eventually we retreated to the tent to sleep on the egg foam mattress which was covered with a sleeping bag and two blankets with three pillows. We took off our shoes and snuggled into place together, feeling cozy and warm, talking quietly. One other couple was on the campsite as well and I could hear their hushed whispers as well as their laughter at times. Zed said he was hot and unbuttoned his shirt. I had to laugh. I had on one short sleeved shirt, a sweatshirt and a flannel shirt over top of that plus I snuggled under the blanket. We talked some more and I turned over to go to sleep. As I was starting to drift off, he muttered something and what I heard was ‘You are very special. I think I love you.’

My eyes flew open. “What did you say?” I wanted to make sure I was hearing correctly.

He said it again. I turned over to face him and propped myself up on my elbows. “Did you just say what I thought you said?”

He played with my hair. “What? That you’re special and I think a lot of you?”

Ok, so stupid me.

“What did you think I said?” he asked. I shrugged and laughed.

“Nothing.” I answered.

I turned back over and drifted off pretty easily, for I was very tired.

I was awakened in the night to hearing Zed say, “Hello?” on all fours over near the opening of the tent; as if he thought someone was outside. He unzipped the tent and I saw the fire still flickering in its slow death. Otherwise, it was pitch black. All was quiet – we were only one of two sites that were occupied so we were pretty isolated.

As he lay back down, I snuggled back into place, slowly realizing that I was going to have to go to the bathroom. I didn’t want to have to wake him up to walk me down to the nasty porta potties. Could I hold it til morning? I looked at the clock on my cell phone and noted that it was 2:30 a.m. No, I didn’t think I could hold it until dawn.

I had awakened him when I got up to check the time. Meekly, almost apologetically, I asked him to walk me down the lane to the toilets. He got up and did so, waiting outside for me as I tried not to touch anything inside. Surprisingly, the toilet paper was soft but there was no way to wash hands, which just disgusted me to no end. When I came out I found him looking at the license plates of parked cars.

“Come on,” he said, placing an arm around my shoulders and walking me away from the direction of our campsite and toward the river only a few yards away. The night air was cool as we stood there and all was completely calm and still. The water was absolutely still. All was dark.

Once we got back to the tent we snuggled into place again, my bladder empty for the moment. I quietly thanked him for walking me down due to the fact that I was such a chicken and afraid of wild turkeys.

He kissed my head. “If it made a difference to you that I walked you down, then it was worth getting up for.”

I started to tell him that there were lots of things he did that made a difference to me, but I was so tired and fell asleep with his arms around me.
The birds were up well before dawn broke yet I still managed to doze off and on throughout the early morning. It rained too, sometimes a bit hard, but it wasn’t too bad and actually, the sound of it steadily coming down was soothing.

What woke me up was not an alarm clock. No, it was a warm hand that slipped underneath my layered clothing and started to manipulate nipples while he smirked as I tried to push his hands away unsuccessfully so that I could continue my slumber. Wandering hands unbuttoned pants eventually, traveling underneath panties and fingers rudely intruding. Inside, then out. Slowly but thoroughly. Three orgasms came and went easily and I began to wish those fingers were him.

Soon, though, his motive became apparent as he hoisted me up from my comfortable position and began to arrange the pillows around, pulling my pants and panties down and instructing me to lie over the mound. He meant bottom up, of course, but I positioned myself on my back, pillows underneath my hips in hopeful anticipation.

“Bottom up!” he instructed.

“But I like what happens to me in this position,” I managed in my sweetest voice.

Eventually, well aware that he was going to find a switch, I obeyed and did as told. He told me to lie there like that in anticipation as he searched and skinned a switch.

Now, I hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet and I started to have to go pretty bad. I was also about to be switched, which is an intense experience, so I needed to empty my bladder. As Zed took a seat to start stripping the bark with his knife from the suitable branch he’d found, I asked to get up and go pee.

“Do you have to go real bad?” he asked, sounding a tad put out since he wanted me to lie there in trepidation.

Enter my smart mouth. “Do you want me to pee all over you??”

“Alright, go on.”

I jumped up and pulled up my pants. As I emerged from the tent he swished the switch through the air at me.

“Maybe I’ll go down to the ferry instead,” I said. “And hitch a ride to the other side of the river.”

“So, if I hear the ferry start up, then you’re on it?” he asked, grinning. I grinned back at him in response and started my walk down to the porta potties.

So I did my duty then came back. He was waiting and smiling wickedly, slicing the switch through the air as I walked toward him.

Here is a pic of the finished product.

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Old 07-28-2007, 11:43 AM
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"Bears & Port-a-potties & switches...Oh my !" Lol, this story must be a fictional account...this doesn't sound like what the two of you would act like at all

Story just gets better & better.
Happy spanking,
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Old 07-28-2007, 12:16 PM
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I guess I should edit the title to say R/

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