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Old 09-23-2007, 02:06 AM
sicko26us sicko26us is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 28
The spanking contract part 2 M/F

As a warning to sensitive readers this is just a story I made up, and there is no nudity in this part. Same as before let me know if you like it.

After signing our contracts both my sister and I were on our best behavior. Two months went by before we even had our first Friday family meeting, it was for my sister it was just talking back to our mom (about chores or something minor). When her punishment was announced she let out sigh of relief, only grounded for one week. Then the next month it was my turn, I got sent home with a note from school (for talking in class). Both my parents warned me that trouble at school usually results in a spanking, but before I had a chance to complain they said that since I had been good and it was a realativly minor offense I would be given a harsh warning and grounded for two weeks. I was relieved to say the least.

The first spanking happened at the six month mark, on a Tuesday my sister got in a minor fight at school and the teacher called my mom at home. From Tuesday until Friday after dinner my sister was feaking out, she remembered the warnng I got about trouble at school and she knew she was going to be spanked.

Friday before dinner my stepfather announced we were going to have a family meeting, my sister dropped her head in shame knowing it was for her. After we were done cleaning up after dinner we all went into the living room and me and my sister sat on the couch. My mom told us that a teacher called and said my sister got into a fight and asked her what happened, my sister replied that a bully was making fun of her and pushed her down. My mom said that, the teacher told her that punches were thrown before it was broke up. Our stepfather interupted and said fighting calls for a level three spanking, after hearing her fate she started to quietly cry. My mom quickly jumped in the conversation by saying that they have been talking it over and they thought a level three spanking was deserved but it may be harsh for a first spanking. Then our stepfather jumped back in and said that since she is a girl and not his daughter he did not think it was right to give her a level three spanking. He said that my sister was going to get a one time only choice of that spanking, she had two choices.

#1) A level three handspanking (5 spanks) by our mother

#2) A level one paddling (7 spanks) by our stepfather

My sister quickly said the level one without even thinking and I quietly whispered tuff choice, our stepfather heard and said the paddle will hurt a lot more and she will cry plenty when he was done. He continued by telling her if she ever does anything to deserve a level three she will still be getting it, just our mother would be the one to give it. My sister agreed and said she would be good from now on, and went to the garage to get the paddle. When she was gone I asked my mom who would be giving me my spankings, and she said that they did not expect to have to give either of us a level three. On Thursday when they decided my sister needed a level three my mom did not want our stepfather to see her fully nude, and he agreed that it was not right either so the comprimise they came up with is for the level threes the same sex parent would be the spanker. I said that it was not fair, he was stronger and it would hurt more, she just asked do you really want me to see you naked? And I replied I guess not.

About that time my sister walked into the den (attached to the living room) holding the paddle, she closed the door behind her. We could hear her crying thru the door, our stepfather just let her wait in there for a while, he quietly told my mom that he was going to wait for her to calm down a little before going in. About 20 minets later he yelled thru the door reminding her of the position she was to be standing in when he came in (standing in the center hands on head). A few minets after the warning he opened the door, from the couch I could see in my sister was standing in the middle of the room hands on head like directed she was wearing loose fitting jeans that I knew would cushen the blows. I did not get a very long look before he shut the door, I could hear thru the door. He asked her if she remembered what to do? she squeaked out a yes thru the tears, then he asked if she knew why she was going to get spanked? and she replied yes. He then asked why? and she said that she was fighting at school; he again explained that fighting was a level three offence and she was lucky her mother stood up for her or she would be getting her bare bottom spanked. He finished by saying that if she ever did anything like this again her mother will spank her bare bottom raw, then he asked if she understood, and thru the sobs she said she did. He then told her to give him the paddle and get into position.

I heard him tell her to count the blows and that she was getting seven unless she missed a count. I heard the loud pop of the paddle hitting jeans and I heard my sister cry and I heard him tell her to stay in position, then he asked if she was forgeting something, and I heard her cry out one. Then another plop, more cries and a barely audable two, another plop and more crying I heard him tell her to stay in position again and I heard him say three, another plop more crying and he said if she could not stay in position he was going to get mother to finish the spanking as a level three. I heard her say thru her cries no, no, and he asked what number that was and she cried out four, I heard him ask if she could stay in position for three more, and she cried that she would try. Pop a few seconds later I hear a faint five, then another pop, and I hear the crying get worse and I hear him say six, and then he said last one then a pop.

He tells my sister to get up and stand in the middle of the room again, with her hands on her head. He tells her she is not allowed to move until the egg timer goes off: then I hear the door open and he came out, I peeked in the door and saw my sister standing like she was earlier only I could tell even from the back she was still shaking and crying. My stepfather told my mom that my sister was too young for the paddle and they should plan her future spankings carefully. A little while later I heard the egg timer go off and my sister came out, her eyeliner was streaking down her face (and I did not even think she was allowed to wear makup yet) My mom just told her to go to bed, and she did.
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Old 09-23-2007, 10:48 AM
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not bad--glad you're keeping it up
"You lie in faith, for you are called plain Kate, or bonnie Kate or sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom"
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Old 09-23-2007, 10:54 AM
sicko26us sicko26us is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by Kate View Post
not bad--glad you're keeping it up

Thanks is this going to be a happy comprimise for everyone?
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