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Old 03-30-2008, 03:19 PM
Captbob552 Captbob552 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 15
Karen Gets a spanking

We arrived at Karen’s lakeside house on Friday afternoon Susan and I had been invited to spend the weekend there which included Monday since it was a holiday. We unloaded the car and went inside.

“Where’s Karen I asked?”
“She went for a walk to cool off,” Ronnie answered.
“Oh, did you too have a lover’s spat?” my wife teased.
“I don’t know, just seems like she gets angry with me for the slightest little thing. Yesterday, the car was parked too close to the jeep, today her breakfast was cold. Now she was mad because you two were coming and I didn’t make the lemonade in the good picture. I just can’t seem to please her. Bob, you and Susan know her better than anybody, what’s wrong with her?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, who can figure out a woman.” My wife gave me an evil eye and I laughed. “Here comes Karen now”
“Hi Bob, Susan. Sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived I needed to go for a little walk down by the lake. Ronnie you should see all the holes those kids dug in the beach. What a mess.”
“Holes, where?”
“Well in the sand, where else. Sometimes you don’t have a clue, Ronnie”
“They’re kids Karen, that’s what kids do,” Ronnie replied.
“Well we ought to bring it up at the next neighborhood watch meeting. There parents should go fill them up. Then that red headed kid splashed water on me. What a nerve.”
“So Karen, your house looks lovely,” my wife changed the subject.
“Oh, thanks Susan, it was a lot of work, wish you had been here I might have had some help.”
“Men don’t help with redecorating Karen, besides us women have better taste,” replied Susan getting back at me.
“Hey, let’s get into our suits and we’ll go for a swim,” I jumped in.
“You just want to see me in my bikini, Bob,” remarked Karen.
“The though never crossed my mind Karen.”
“All men are the same Karen, but let’s show them anyway,” remarked Susan.

We all went to the beach. There were only two holes that I could see and they weren’t very big. I let it go however, Karen is a close friend, but it’s not my place to correct her. We swam for about an hour, the water was great on such a hot afternoon. We all went back to the house and changed into shorts, T-shirts and sandals as the sun began heading into the horizon. We bar-b-cued some steaks and had a nice salad to go along with the other side dishes that Ronnie and Karen had prepared.

“That was a great meal, Karen,” I complimented her.
“It would have been better if I hadn’t had to do everything myself.”
“What are you talking about, Karen. I made the potato casserole and the dessert,” Commented Ronnie.
“That was the easy part,” she replied
“Karen, what has gotten into these last few weeks? Nothing I do pleases you.”
“That’s because you are a jerk.”
“Karen,” I interrupted, “Where did you get these flowers. They look great.”
“Oh, the jerk got them at the nursery or something. I’m sorry Bob and Susan. I’m tired. I think I’ll go lay down. I have a headache.”
“Karen we have to talk,” stated Ronnie in a quite angry voice.
“Not now, I’m not in the mood for one of your little talks. I’ll say good night Bob, Susan, and oh you too.”

Karen quickly walked out of the room and went to her bedroom, we all heard the door close. Susan, Ronnie and I stood in silence for a few minutes which seemed like an eternity. Finally I started making small talk with Ronnie about the baseball season. Susan soon changed the subject and I fell out of the conversation. Finally I interrupted Susan.

“Ronnie do you mind if I go talk to Karen, something’s bothering me and I would like to discuss it with her.”
“Ok with me, but Bob you are on your own. When Karen gets in these moods, she takes no prisoners.”
“Don’t I know it.” I went into the house and went to the master bedroom. I knocked lightly.
“Karen, its Bob.”
“Not now Bob I don’t feel well.”
I went in anyway. I have known Karen for several years and always treated her as a little sister. I quickly closed the door behind me. Surveying the room I saw what I was looking for, a vanity chair, which I pulled into the middle of the room and straddled it as I sat.

“What’s wrong with you tonight, Karen?”
“There must be something wrong, because you’re acting like a bitch.”
“I’m not a bitch; I just don’t feel much like being a hostess tonight.”
“Then why did you invite us, so you could have an audience when you start arguing with Ronnie.”
“It’s none of your business Bob, really. Why don’t you go out there and stop being an asshole.”
“Asshole, after all our history together and you call me that.”
“Sorry don’t cut it.” I stood up and turned the chair around, sitting back down. “Come here.”
“Why should I? You’re not going to spank me.”
“I said come here,” more forcefully.
“I don’t have to. Why don’t you leave me alone?”
“Karen B____, I said, COME HERE.”

She started to rise from the bed, “You’re not going to spank me.”
I didn’t answer her, but instead said, “Come here now!”
She came toward the chair and repeated, “You’re not going to spank me.”
I continued to ignore her as she approached the chair, “you have been acting like a spoiled brat all afternoon.” She was within an arms length, so I reached out and took her hand, gently pulling her toward me. “You have been disrespectful to me, your husband and to Susan, who always defends you.” She was no standing in front of me. I reached up and started to undo her shiny black leather belt. I pulled the belt from the loops of her shorts. “You have used foul language to you friends and husband.” I removed the belt and put it behind me.
“You are not going to spank me, Bob.”
I ignored her statement again and undid the button and pulled down the zipper of her shorts.
“I don’t want YOU to spank me. I’ve tried to get Ronnie to do it, but he doesn’t love me.”
I lowered her shorts to her ankles and picked up her left foot to remove her shorts from that leg... “Of course he loves you, you little fool. Look at all the things he does for you. Look at the summer cottage he bought for you.” I finished removing her shorts and reached up to unbutton her blouse.
“He doesn’t love me enough to spank me like you spank Susan.”
She was whining now as I removed her blouse, (I always spank Susan naked. This is the way I have spanked Karen before she was married) “Karen he loves you as much as I love Susan. He buys you everything, takes you everywhere. Didn’t he take you to Mexico last winter when he had to go there on business?” I reached up and unhooked her bra letting it drop to the floor.
“I don’t want a spanking, please.”
“You are going to get one, first from me then from Ronnie. You deserve it and you know it.” I reached over and lowered and removed her pink panties. “Now come on young lady, across my knee you go.”
“But I don’t want a spanking,” she cried as she lowered herself over my lap.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Do you want me to call Susan to hold you in place? You know if you move you’ll get another one in the morning.”
“Please call Susan.”
“Susan,” I called in a loud voice, “Come to the master bedroom and bring Ronnie with you.”
“No, not Ronnie,” Karen tried to rise, but I held her firm. Susan entered the room followed by Ronnie.
“Ronnie, I am about to spank you wife. She deserves it and she knows it. I have spanked her in the past. When I spank Susan or Karen, I have rule which is strictly enforced. If they move too much during the spanking, they get spanked again the following morning before breakfast. So Karen has requested that Susan be here to hold her down if need be. I want you here so you can see how it is done and so you can give her part two.”
“She has told me that you have spanked her, but I thought she was joking.”
“She believes that you don’t love her because you won’t spank her. That’s why she has been acting up; she was trying to provoke you. We’ll begin now, as you know I have very large hands and seldom use a spanking tool of any kind, but you might want to use Karen’s hairbrush for part two.”
“I don’t know if I can, I’ve never hit a woman.”
“This isn’t hitting, this is correction by means of spanking.” With that I started slapping Karen’s bottom. I worked from side to side top to bottom explaining to Ronnie how it’s done. “You don’t stop the warm up until her ass is nice and red. It should be hot to the touch, too.” I continued, after about fifty good hard swats, with Karen crying and begging the spanking to stop I sent her to the corner. “She needs to stay in the corner for at least five minutes or until she has calmed down.”

After some more explaining, Karen had regained some of her composure. I seated Ronnie in the chair I had been in, handed him the hair brush and called Karen over.
“I won’t get over his lap so he can spank me with that awful brush.”
“Karen, would you like it better if I went outside and got a switch?”
“Then get over his lap.”
Ronnie held up his hand, for me to stop talking, which I did. “Karen over my lap now, or I’ll have Bob spank you each morning and each evening until they go home on Monday.

Karen slowly approached Ronnie and lowered her self over his knee. Ronnie started spanking Karen almost immediately. You know the saying about ducks and water, well Ronnie is an excellent swimmer. Susan and I left the bedroom and quietly closed the door behind us. We went back out to the patio and had another drink. After half an hour or so first Ronnie, then Karen reappeared. Ronnie sat in the lounge chair, but Susan remained standing.
“Bob, I want to thank you for tonight,” said Ronnie. “I’ll need a lot of information from you about all this, especially the part about maintenance spankings.”

Susan blushed. “Glad to, Ronnie. Susan is spanked every Saturday night no matter what, which by the way is tomorrow and since we all saw Karen get spanked, it’s only fair that you get to see Susan get spanked.”
“Fair to who?” asked Susan.
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Old 03-31-2008, 12:11 PM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
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Thanks for sharing this story. I enjoyed it.
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Old 04-01-2008, 04:25 AM is offline
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great story
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Old 04-29-2008, 02:09 AM
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naughty1_f_32 naughty1_f_32 is offline
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Great Story

That is an awesome story, i especially like the part at the end with the maintenance spankings - wonderful touch.
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