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Old 11-09-2007, 09:46 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 1970
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Who's The Boss? The Question is Answered part !

Jonathan lay sprawed on the sofa in front of the television watching an old re-run of Gilligan's Island. The show had long been a favorite, but only recently he had begun to notice the plump, shapely bottom of Mary Ann as displayed in a black two-piece swimsuit. He shifted his position and tugged on his snug jeans. He rested his h and on his red t-shirt. He began to see himself in the scene with Mary Ann. His arms around her small waist, his hand drifting down to the supple rounds of flesh. She turned slightly to smile at him. She reached back to......
"Jonathan!" Angela called softly from the top of the stairs.

"Huh!" Jonathan replied, shaken out of his dream.

"Come here Jonathan!" Angela demanded in her firm, but gentle voice. "I want to talk to you!"

Jonathan lifted his head looked up at his mother. She stood at the top of the staircase, her weight resting on one long leg, arms folded across of her trim red suit jacket. Her short matching red skirt rode high on her thighs and she was still wearing her high black pumps with sheer nylons!

"Do you have to talk to me now? Can't it wait until Gilligan's Island is over?" Jonathan nearly whined.
"No, it can't wait. Turn off the television and come here now!" Angela ordered her son.

"Jonathan learned long ago that when his mother gave him an order, she was in no mood for a compromise! He lifted himself off the sofa, turned off the television and began mounting the stairs. The closer he got to the stern and silent Angela, the more convinced he became that trouble lay ahead. When he reached his mother, she took his hand and began to lead him to her bedroom. Before he took the first step, Jonathon knew what was going to happen. She never held his hand for any other reason. It made him feel like a child and that's just the way she wanted him to feel.

Inside her room, Angela sat Jonathan down on her bed while she remained standing. He was several inches shorter than his mother even when they stood side by side. In this position, she seemed a giant. He looked up at her and swallowed hard.

"I've looked at your report card, Jonathan. What do you suppose I saw?" She asked.

"I, um...." Jonathan shrugged. "Grades?" He tried evasively.

Angela arched an eyebrow and looked sternly at her son.

"Bad grades?" Jonathon guessed.

"Yes, grades much lower than they were on your last report card. Can you explain that?" Angela asked, arms again folded across her small breasts./

"Well, I um, don't know exactly." Jonathan searched for an excuse his mother would buy. "Maybe I......

""I think you do know exactly, Jonathan, and I think you'd better tell me!" Angela sternly directed her son.

""Um, well, I might have missed some homework assignments. I guess that could be it?" Jonathan frowned in concentration while butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He clenched his bottom involuntary.

"You might have some assignments missing?"

Jonathan nodded. "I mean, I think I did them, I just forgot to turn them in. Maybe I have them somewhere.?

Angela stared at her son for a long moment. "Would you like to try again?"

Jonathan hung his head. "I didn't do all my homework>"

"Why not, Jonathan?" Angela asked softly.

"Well, there's a lot of it and I have other stuff to do and I....."

Angela turned and walked over to the dresser. Jonathan continued to explain even as he watched his mother slowly pull open the top drawer. His heart began to pound.

"...I don't know, I couldn't do it all and I was busy all the time." He explained in a rush.

"Busy with Janice?" Angela asked. Referring to her son's girlfriend. "Is that what you mean?" She questions him as she pulled out the smooth, old oak hairbrush out of the drawer.

"Mom! No Pleeeeeease not thaaaat!" Jonathan pleaded, ignoring his mother's question. "Please don't...I'am too old for that!" He insists, his hands flat on the bed.

Angela pulled the straight back chair from her vanity to the middle of the room.

"I'll bring my grades up." Jonathon promised, his eyes on the hairbrush. "Next quarter you'll see. They'll be back up...I swear!" Jonathan vowed, watching his mother sit down on the chair.

"Jonathan we've discussed this many times before. You are always willing to promise anything, but you don't follow through!" Angela explained gently. She held up the hairbrush. "A good spanking on your bare bottom is the only thing that guarantees that your grades will improve. Now come here this instant." Angela demanded.

Jonathan stood on trembling legs and walked towards his mother. "But Mom. I'am sixteen!" He gestures toward the dreaded hairbrush. "That's for kids!"

Angela smiled. "Come here, Jonathan. I know what's best for you!"

Jonathan stood next to his mother.

"Take down your jeans!" Angela directed firmly.

With a last pleading look at his mother, Jonathan unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pushed them down his legs.

"Underpants!" Angela reminded her son.

"Moooom!" He whined.

"Do you want me to take then down, young man?" Angela asked.

Jonathan quickly pulled his underpants down and placed himself over his mother's long lap. The cool nylon stockings his mother was wearing made him shiver until there were goosebumps on h is bottom. The toes of his sneakers dug into the carpet. His hands touched the floor on the other side of his mother's lap. Once in this position, Jonathon was always surprised at the strength he could feel in his mother's long, slender legs!

Angela smoothed the hairbrush over her son's bottom. "I'am sorry it had to come to this. Jonathan, but you must learn to do your best in school.

Angela raised the hairbush and smacked it hotly onto one side of her son's tender white bottom!


Jonathan clamped his teeth together and clenched his bottom. But it didn't keep him from bellowing. Angela turned to the other chub aand gave it the same biting treatment!

"Do you think you're too grown to be spanked...Jonathan?" Angela asked.

Jonathan hesitated, yes he thought but knew that answer would only make this spanking worse!

SPANK! SPANK! "Owwwww!"

"I asked you a question young man, answer me!" Angela insisted!

"No I'am not too grown up!" Jonathan shrieked.


"And as long as you don't behave, you never will be, Jonathan. I'll always spank you when you need it." She promised.

Angela began smacking the underside of her son's bottom and worked her way up the tender target with stinging claps!

Tony cleaning the kitchen after dinner, became aware of the familar sound emanating from Angela's bedroom. He strained to hear the smack on Jonathan's bare flesh! He had oftened wondered what it would be like to be placed across his boss' long legs for a spanking himself.

Eight years ago when he had moved in as Angela's housekeeper, Tony quickly learned that his new boss was firm but fair. She could be a little too naive for her own good sometimes he thought, always eager to believe in and trust others. But she could only be wronged once. If someone betrayed her trust of took advantage of her, that someone....Paid the price! Tony realized that that his daughter Samantha needed a mother's touch and a firm hand to control her sometimes unruly aand sassy behavior. Tony couldn't bear to discipline her so he had asked Angela to help guide Sam, and turn her into a well behaved young lady. Angela agreed, but only with the understanding that Tony would not interfere. If had beed difficult at first for Tony to hear the hairbrush spanking the tender bottom of his pretty girl. He could feel each smack as though it was h is own bottom. And there were times when he wished it had been him! He had to admit though, that Samantha's behavior hand improved and that she only needed to be spanked a few times a year!


Upstairs in Angela's bedroom, Jonathan shrieked and wiggled his burning buns!

SMACK! SPANK! SWAT! in brisk succession, the reverberating claps landed and Jonathan's wailing filled the room!

SPANK! SLAP! WHACK! Angela's well worn brush traveled in hearty smacks down her son's crimson bottom. Upo and over the arch, and back to the boy's upper thighs, where she again struck the delicate skin.

"Owwww!" Ohhhhh! Owwww!"

"I'am going to give you ten more...Five on each side." Angela informed her son.

Jonathan clenched his bottom and howled after every smack!

"There, all done." Angela annouced. "Do you think you can remember to do all of your homework?"

"Yes!" Jonathan choked back a sob.

"Will you bring up those grades?" She asked.

"Y-Yes Mom." Jonathan promised.

"All right, I believe you. But if you decide that Janice is more important, you will be in this position again....Do you unerstand me?"

"Yes M-Mom I understand. My schoolwork will come first...I promise!" Jonathan vowed, his boittom throbbing with heat!

Angela helped her son off her long lap and then stood up herself. She wrapped her son in her arms and hugged him tightly.

"I don't like to have to spank you Jonathan....So please be a good boy!"

Jonathan held onto his mother, nodded his hear and cried!

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 11-10-2007 at 12:48 PM.
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