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Old 01-14-2007, 10:47 AM
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sarah thorne sarah thorne is offline
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(R/L)- Spooky Hands and a Spanking Good Halloween

A Spanking Good Halloween

Regardless of what the title sounds like, I wasn’t the one who received a spanking on Halloween.

Right before Halloween I decided to allow the kids to have a bit of creative fun and make what I was calling “Spooky Hands”. Basically, what you do is take a clear, plastic glove (like the lunch ladies used to use) put one piece of candy corn in each finger (for fingernails) and then fill the rest with buttered (yellow) popcorn, seal it and you have a ‘hand’.

On Halloween, I picked my son up from school and he pulled out a bag of goodies that he’d gotten from the Halloween party they’d had that day. Inside was a ‘spooky hand’ that someone had made for a treat. I was slightly disappointed – I wanted to be the one who introduced my kids to this little fun activity, but I took the opportunity to point out that *this* was a ‘spooky hand’ and we were gonna make some when we got back to their grandparent’s house. They were excited.

I took my son’s ‘spooky hand’ and pulled it inside the end of my sweatshirt to make it look as if the ‘spooky hand’ was *my* hand. I pretended to be driving with it (I did also have my other *real* hand on the wheel as well), at which my son got a bit possessive and tried to take the hand back. Playfully, I swatted at his reaching hand, at which he whined and also laughed and then tried again. I pretended to get ready to smack his leg, saying, “The spooky hand is gonna spank you!” He emitted a cry of ‘nooooooo….’ Which was more of a whine that said, ‘I want my hand back’ and kinda laughed at the same time.

Mommy gave the ‘spooky hand’ back.

So we proceed to my parent’s house where my father was cooking the kids pizza for dinner and had made cupcakes for later when they got back from trick or treating (like they wouldn’t have enough sugar!). We made our ‘spooky hands’ at the kitchen table. My son, who is autistic and tends to copy things said/done, took his ‘spooky hand’, placed it at the end of his sleeve like I had done in the car, and told his Pawpaw, “Spooky hand will get you” while pretending to ‘get’ my father. My dad, playing along, made some sort of thing about eating the ‘spooky hand’ if it got him and pretended to start grabbing it, at which my son was like, ‘noooooo….spooky hand will `pank (spank) Pawpaw!” and started to swat at my father with this little glove full of popcorn.

It was then that my father grabbed the spatula off of the counter and said in mock defense, “The spooky hand can not stand up against the spatula of the Pawpaw!” And he went to swat my son on the bottom. My son took off down the hallway with a screech and we all laughed. He came back after a few minutes, warily peeking around the corner with a grin, then started toward my dad again, with the “spooky hand”, at which my dad held up the spatula in a playfully threatening way, which sent my son shrieking down the hallway again.

My mother, pretending to ‘defend’ the kids, took a ‘spooky hand’ of her own and said, ‘I will get the Pawpaw with the spooky hand!’, and my father grabbed the spatula again and said, “ohhh nooooo….it’s the spatula!” and smacked my mom on the butt with it, sending the kids into a gale of giggles.

Eventually, pizza was eaten and costumes put on. Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle were eager to start making their rounds, so RG and I took the kids in the drizzle all the way down one side of the street and back down the other. It took about an hour, their pumpkins were full of candy and we couldn’t have gone further even if we wanted to. The last ‘stop’ was PawPaw’s house, with the kids knocking on the door, saying “trick or treat” and my mother giving them candy before they came into the warmth.

RG went into the basement to download the pics off of his camera while we allowed the kids to sit at the table and examine their loot, choosing what they wanted to indulge in after we inspected it. Spooky hand and the spatula had been forgotten, or so we had thought, until my brother came in to see the kids in their costumes. He admired the “spooky hands” and commended the kids on their effort when my mother, being picture happy herself, told my brother to stand and get a picture with our father. My brother put an arm around my dad’s shoulder and my mom handed my brother a ‘spooky hand’ and said, “here, hold this so it looks as if this is your hand on his shoulder.”

My brother obeyed his mother and they posed for a picture. The kids looked on and, as my father realized this, he also realized that he had also let the ‘spooky hand’ touch him without exacting some sort of spatula revenge, so he got this exaggerated look on his face (for the kids’ sake) and said, “uh-oh, spooky hand touched Pawpaw!” and started to reach for the spatula on the counter. The kids giggled in anticipation and my brother, having no clue as to what was going on, started to cower away, laughing, saying, "What’s that mean?? What’s that mean??” at which my father whacked him on the butt and my brother exclaimed, “Ow!”

My brother said he wasn’t touching anymore ‘spooky hands’.

The ending, tho, comes here. My father was making cynical remarks towards anything my mother was saying. So my mother got a ‘spooky hand’ to show the kids that she wasn’t afraid of Pawpaw’s threats. My father picked up the spatula and began to whack my mother on the bottom with it. My mother did not stop pretending to choke him with the ‘spooky hand’ and my father whacked harder. My mom grabbed her own spatula and said, “I can spank you too!” and they basically went around in circles, smacking each other on the butt with their respective spatulas, until my mother gave up and we were all giggling uncontrollably.

I’m starting to wonder if this gene runs in my family!

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Old 01-14-2007, 01:51 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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great story sarah. Now let's see which spankee insists that the spankers use "spooky hands" to do their jobs
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