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Old 09-17-2007, 02:12 AM
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CaliSpanker CaliSpanker is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 37
Race and The Spanking Scene

On another board a question came up as to why there are so few Asian and Black Women in Spanking Videos and I thought why not broach the subject. It brings up and interesting point. True there are not many people of color represented in spanking videos overall...for me I can only address Black representation.

While there are sites that feature the occassional Black Female spankee and spanker and on rare occassion male, there are few presented on a regular basis. The exceptions being Claire Fonda's sites, Girls Boarding School and the Real Spanking Group.

One therory put forth was that for some reason Black people have a negative response to spanking because they were beaten rtaher than spanked growing up...suggesting that Black people were prone to being more harsh than Whites in doling out punishment than Whites. Being a Black person who was spanked growing up I don't remember them as being beatings...and trust me being spanked growing up had nothing to do with my wiring for spanking as an adult...or as a teen...which is when I began my spanking experiences.One had nothing to do with the other. I just have a very high appreciation for the Femal backside.

Another therory was that slavery or religious reasons played a part in keeping Black people from the spanking scene. HUH?!

My own feelings about it are that it's all a lot more simple than that. I have had producers of spanking videos tell me that the lack of representation ran from
. Not enough interset in seing Balck people being spanked or spanking
. Not enough Black Spanking models available
. No believeable story lines for a Black Male spanking a White Woman
. Black peoples bottoms do not show color
. That there is simply no market for the subject

All interesting points but all in my mind cop-outs. This point has been brought crystal clear for me recently by a couple of events. The recent Shadow Lane party being one. While I wasn't an offical party guest I did manage to visit a few friends and make a couple of suite parties...and there were actually three Black males in attendence. And they did seem to be playing. But what was interesting was that there were 4 Black Women who were actualy there for a wedding that expressed interest in the whole idea and actually chatted up a good friend of mine about attending...not sure they made it actually but they did get all the info about how to check out SL. But thses parties have traditionaly short on Black participation. Also I recently placed an ad on craigslist to just see what would happen...and in the past week I have spanked three very delicious Black Women. All very curious...never been spanked before...and all had a great they say and while two of the Women I am meeting with again this week...they were quite adament in the fact they would never participate in it as a lifestyle choice.

In actuality there is more open participation by Blacks in the BDSM community than the Spanking Community. I do have several friends who are in the BDSM scene and when I have asked them why they gravitated towards one more than the other...the overwhelming response was that they felt more acceptence in the BDSM scene than the spanking scene. As for the Black Men and Women i do know that are into spankingon a personallevel they do say that they prefer to keep it private and would never attend parties or come to forums like this. And they do not search the net for spanking content. But that being said...I have White friends who are into spanking who felt the same way.

Before this becomes a book...probably too late...I'll just say that I would be less than honest if I didn't say that race hasn't played some part in how I view the scene and where I fit in or don't fit in...even at times feeling uncomfortable. I am going to end it on that point because I really would like to know how people feel...
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