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Old 01-03-2007, 03:31 PM
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School paddling memories 3-5

Anyway in third grade I got the paddle twice that year. Once was for basically acting like a brat, and the teacher was fed up with it. So she got the paddle and told me to come outside into the hallway. She tells me she is fed up with my behavior and she's going to do something about it right then. And unlike most teachers who paddled in the stairwell, or the computer lab down the hall when it wasn't being used, she paddled in the hallway where anyone could see! Anyway after being told why I was going to be spanked, she told me to bend over, hands on knees, and gave me three swats. Ironically, I was the only girl in the class paddled that year. Two other boys found themselves on the receiving end, but I don't remember anyone besides me getting the paddle twice!
The other time I got the paddle that year was because during grammar class that day I was more interested in drawing rather than paying attention. Well the teacher inevitably found out, and when we got back from lunch, told me to wait in the hall. A minute or two later, she comes out paddle in hand. It was pretty much the same routine, lecture for a minute, then bend over, three swats.
IN fourth grade the teacher was a real witch. I think if she paddled you, she got more benefit from humiliating you in front of the class, by announcing that you were going to be paddled. Luckily I only found myself on the receiving end once. Of course the one day I knew I was going to get the paddle, I wasn't really paying attention in class because i was nervous, so the teacher asks, to my complete mortification, if she needs to add an extra swat to help me remember to pay attention. Then she announces to the whole class that she was going to paddle me by the end of the day. When she finally got around to actually giving you the spanking though, I don't think she spanked hard enough that you even felt it! She would take you down to the computer lab and make you bend over one of the computer desks and give you two swats.
In fifth grade I got quite a few spankings, as did a few other kids. I also ended up that year being sent to office for a paddling. What had happened was that on the bus ride home the day before, these two older girls would NOT leave me alone, so I finally got provoked enough to really get mad and told them to knock it off you assholes! Anyway the bus driver heard me and the next morning, gave me an office referral slip. I took the slip to the office, and went back to see the principal. He asked me what had happened, and I told him that these two girls were bothering me and that I just lost my temper because they were making me so mad. He told me he understood, but that he was going to have to paddle me anyway. He told me to bend over and put my hands on the desk before he gave me 3 swats.
My paddlings from the teacher were pretty much the same. I remember she had two main things she spanked for, being unprepared for class 6 times in a quarter, and also getting 3 "checks" in one day. Well needless to say, both of these things happened to me, and other kids. I remember one boy who probably held the record for spankings in our class, at least 5 or 6 during the year! I remember another boy was probably the only one who cried from a spanking all year, and that was because he got 5 very hard licks, so loud we could hear the swats in the classroom, which never happened when other kids got it. Then there was another girl who got caught saying something bad on the playground and got the paddle for that. The two times I got the paddle, the first one was for 3 "checks" in one day. What happened was the teacher would get the paddle, then call you into the hallway. You would go down to the empty stairwell, made to bend over and put your hands on the wall, and got 3 swats. The next time was when I happened to be one of several kids getting the paddle that day. I think there were probably 6 or 7 of us. I was being paddled for not being prepared for class 6 times that quarter, and I think a couple of other kids in the group were also getting the paddle for that. The others I think it was because they had gotten 3 "checks" that day, thus earning a spanking. Anyway we were taken to the stariwell, and once we were all in there, we were lined up alphabetically, and the first kid, thankfully not me, was told to bend over and given 3 swats, then sent back to the room. Then the next kid went, bent over, 3 swats, sent back. Next it was my turn, so I bent over, took my 3 swats, and that was that. I almost wish I had been last, because I really hadn't wanted anyone to have to watch me get a paddling, but if you got paddled in a group, that's the way it was.
A red bottom is quite a nice thing!
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Old 01-03-2007, 03:51 PM
paully62 paully62 is offline
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Nice memories Panda. As I read accounts of school spankings the one thing that is different in my memory is that I dont ever remember anybody talking about pain. Panda also mentions the pain wasn't severe at all. In my grade and junior high schools it was pretty much the same routine Panda spoke. The teach would lead the offender out with paddle in hand. Most of the time we all waited the the explosions that seem to occur because of the way hallway echoed. It was about emberrassment and humiliation but I dont remember anybody crying because it hurt. Now before all you southerners start writing, keep in mind in Illinois it wasnt quite the act it appeared to be in Texas and other places. I'm glad Panda, that girls got it in your school. In the maybe 50-60 paddlings that happened in my school years, the number of girls could be counted on one had. I also guess that in southern schools the "coaches" were paddling fools because I never even had anybody we called "coach" until junior high. I was just curious if anybody else had experiences like mine.

Anyway Panda, great accounts.
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Old 01-04-2007, 03:00 PM
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Paully, my recollection of school paddlings is almost exactly the same as yours. You pretty much nailed it.
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Old 01-04-2007, 06:29 PM
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School Paddlings

By the time I was in junior high (early 1980's), serious spankings were only given by the vice principal and they really smarted. When I got in trouble for running in the halls, I was given a choice between a spanking and detention and I opted for the paddling. First the vice princpipal called my parents, then he made me bend over. I had been called out of gym class so I was in swimming shorts with no underwear. I felt naked and cold as I waited for the paddling to start. He hesitated for what seemed like forever before he finally slammed the paddle across both sides of my bottom. It stung so bad that I had to fight back tears as I waited for the next one. After four hacks, I slowly walked back to gym class with a burning butt and misty eyes. Even though it did hurt, the humiliation of everyone knowing that I had been spanked was the worst part of it.
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Old 01-04-2007, 11:04 PM
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stw, were you called out of gym class because it was the one right after your running incident, was it just coincidential, or do you think it was done intentionally so that there was little protection, as you mentioned?
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Old 01-05-2007, 02:59 PM
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paddled in school

It was actually a few days after the offense since it took the school bureaucracy a few days to process offenses. I imagine that it was coincidental, but I suspect that it is possible that they figured that a spanking in shorts or on bare legs stings a hell of a lot more than in jeans!

I do recall seeing other guys (and it was always guys) getting called out of gym class to go to the office, only to come back after a few minutes walking in a slow gait and with a sheepish look in their face, but never on the verge of tears. I don't know, maybe they opted for the detention...
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Old 01-05-2007, 11:16 PM
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Sorry if it was already mentioned and I'm just forgetting it. Where was this school again? Thanks.
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Old 01-06-2007, 06:40 AM
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It was a junior high in Washington State, 1982-1983 time frame. Paddling in school is not legal there anymore.
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Old 01-06-2007, 03:42 PM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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I find it interesting the accounts of people getting the school paddle in junior high or high school. I too attended a rural Southern school system but CP was never used beyond the elementary grades(1-7).
Paddlings also were for serious or repeated offenses. Our elementary principal was a tough but fair lady, and when anyone got paddled you knew they had really screwed up. She was not a big woman-but she could wield that Board of Education! i never had first hand experience-I was a pretty good(or chicken!) kid, but I knew of others getting it. One time this kid who was the son of another teacher in the county schools, and a bit of a bully-this was like sixth grade-was picking on another smaller kid at recess. Mrs S_ told him to leave him alone . He went back to doing it and when he was bent over with the smaller boy on the ground holding him by the neck she peppered the seat of his tightly stretched trousers with her paddle. He jumped up yelling in pain, and soon was headed inside the school building, blubbering and rubbing his injured bottom. Don't imagine he had fun sitting the rest of the day in school. Our principal did not tolerate bullying and picking on people.
Also, classroom teachers had the authority to spank. Some did and some did not. My fourth grade teacher used the switch,usually on the backs of the legs. Habitual failure to do homework sometimes meant the offender had to come to front of the class, roll up pants legs and take several cuts . She even used the switch on a couple of girls I recall. But it was very rare for a girl to get CP. Not sure I recall any case where one got the principal's paddle.
But will not say it never happened-and she would have done it she thought it appropriate for the offense.
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Old 01-06-2007, 03:43 PM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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Re my last post forgot to mention the time I was in elementary school, it was in the 50s up to 1960.A time when school CP was surely in widespread use.
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