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Old 04-05-2007, 07:02 PM
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Kaylex and Emmy Show: Part Trois

Yes, Yes. We're back by popular demand. The last KES show had over 1,000 views! Do you realize how excited that made myself and my cohost.

But we're ready to get the ball rolling again in Part Three. In case you are wondering, Trois is three in French. Like Menage a Trois. Which means threesome in French, which actually has nothing to with this segament at all I just wanted to impress the studio audience with my knowlege of dirty French words.

We've decided to start this one of with a oldie but a goody. The subject of aftercare? Any stories that you'd like to share. Techniques. Anything that special. Anything is up for disscussion with this topic.

As always I'll kick it off.

I'm pretty sure I got extra aftercare at the TAS party. Everyone was always concered about Emmy's bottom. Maybe it was because I was knew, maybe it was because I'm Emmy, and maybe its was because my backside looked like hell. There was always an endless amout of rubbing and soothing and thank God for Arnica.

My most memorable Arnica run was Sunday morning. By that time, my butt was so sore I could barely take anymore spanking. However, Thomas got a hold of me for the first time that weekend and when I faught him... I mean REALLY was fighting, he subsided and I made him rub Arnica into my skin for about thirty minutes. Yeah. That felt good. But other then that I haven't had any other experience with aftercare except the hugging and the sweet words.

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Old 04-06-2007, 06:44 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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I consider aftercare to be essential. This may sound stupid, but there are times that I need aftercare more than the spankee over my lap does. After dishing out a long good spanking, all I really want to do is seat the spankee ON my lap and cuddle for a while. It doesn't matter how "casual" or "romantic" the two of us are. I just need that moment of connection with my partner. A lot of spankees here have said they don't feel "forgiven" after a hard disciplinary spanking. My goal is to make sure that doesn't happen at the end of one of mine.
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Old 04-06-2007, 06:56 PM
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The basic reason for aftercare is to soothe the bottom after a spanking or related scene has started to wear on them either physically or mentally. This could simply be tending to bruising and abrasion, or it could be a form of reassurance to the bottom that everything is alright. To be quite frank, this is one of the best indicators to a bottom that you even give a damn about them.

Aftercare could also be in reaction to possible sub drop after an intense scene. After a prolonged or hard session, a bottom might be in "subspace," which is an endorphin rush triggered by the pain of the spanking. However, like most drugs, when the high is gone, it's often followed by a depressive low. This is often identified by low blood pressure, coldness of the extremities, cramps, and a generally depressed demeanor. In cases like this, aftercare becomes even more essential.

For basic cuts and bruises, keeping a simple first aid kit in your toybag is advisable. This should include small bandages or "liquid skin," antiseptic sprays or wipes, and lotions or creams to heal the skin.

If the skin breaks during play, stop immediately and tend to the abrasions or cuts with antiseptic, and then cover them. Depending on the seriousness of the injury, play may or may not be able to continue.

For bruises, there are several products on the market to speed healing. Arnica is by far my favorite, and I've never gone wrong when I put my trust in my tube of arnica. I've seen many a bottom that was just about played out on the first night of a party, but came back strong the next day after a late night arnica rub from me. These ladies often showed their appreciation by taking a turn over my lap, so I never leave for a party without a couple of tubes of arnica. Shea butter is also good for quick healing. Aloe vera works to a degree, but can irritate and dry out sore or raw skin.

Of course, you can't apply these lotions without rubbing the bottom, which is another important aspect to aftercare. Aside from the obvious benefit of rubbing in lotion, this constant contact reminds the bottom that you're there and taking care of her. (I use female pronouns for bottoms, and male pronouns for Tops. This isn't gender discrimination, but simply the way that I'm most accustomed.) If a bottom is starting to feel the depression of sub drop, being reminded that they're being cared for will stop feelings of inadequacy and being unwanted that usually accompany sub drop. It wouldn't be uncalled for to also massage the back, arms and legs. This would further reassure the bottom that she is being cared for. Also, if she is experiencing any coldness of the extremities, such a massage will assist her circulation and prevent cramps.

If bruising is extensive or knotted, then deeply massaging the bruised areas will break up blood clots under the skin, helping the bruises to soften.

In case of dehydration after intense play, keep some liquids handy. Sports drinks work best for this, but soda is a good second choice because it replaces lost electrolytes and the sugar gives an extra energy kick to get her circulation going again until she can eat or drink something more substantive. If nothing else is available, cool water, not cold, will at least replenish her fluids.

Hugging and cuddling after a scene is another common method of reassuring the bottom that she's being cared for. Even after a short play spanking, a quick hug will remind everyone that it's all in good fun and no harm was done.

Above all else, if the person that you played with seems that she might need something, ask her what that might be. Just the act of asking, in itself, is a form of aftercare because it reminds her that you're thinking of her best interests.
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Old 04-08-2007, 12:06 AM
jerseysweet jerseysweet is offline
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Aftercare is important - at the Oxnard party I had a lot of aftercare as well. To the point where it started to get aggrivating. I barely allowed anyone to use implements because I didn't want to mark, however, I didn't mark!

I got casual lotion after fun public playful spankings, and that was nice. After an intense flogging/caning session with someone, I was so in subspace, I just wanted to cuddle. He rubbed my back a bit and that was nice. I wasn't marked at all, my back was a bit red but that was it. It was nice. I almost didn't need much aftercare.

After every spanking I've had in private, aftercare was crucial. Especially after the one punishment spanking I've ever gotten. He held me and let me cry which was surprising, but very very comforting, and he gave me lotion, it was nice. He hugged me again before he dropped me off and texted me to make sure I was ok.

Without aftercare, I drop very very badly after big scenes. I get very down and depressed for a few days. Aftercare helps alleviate most of the depressed feelings.
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Old 04-09-2007, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by EmmyDoll View Post
Everyone was always concered about Emmy's bottom. Maybe it was because I was knew, maybe it was because I'm Emmy, and maybe its was because my backside looked like hell.
And maybe it was partly because it afforded the opportunity for someone to rub a young, attractive bottom.

Not that, uh, I, personally, would ever have such a motive in mind.

(Looks furtively over shoulder, whistles non-chalantly.)
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Old 04-10-2007, 01:32 AM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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Alrighty quiet folks!

A hush has fallen over the crowd and we are slightly afraid that ya'll have fallen asleep like Paully at a three Am spanking. Well thank you to those who weighed in on this topic. As always you can keep weighing. So here are my thoughts on after care (I know you've all been waiting with Baited breath):

Honestly, I'm not horribly concerend with it. If I'm playing and I don't know the person well I'm not really interested in rubbing or cuddeling afterwords. In fact unless I'm in a relationship with you I'm not gonna cuddle. The rubbing and lotioning ,If we're tight and I trust them, then that can be great. Otherwise I can handle it myself. Arnica is My Friend! Although if you want to give me candy or beads after a spanking that is always appreciated!

And that's all I got to say about that!
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Old 04-10-2007, 01:51 AM
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Old 04-10-2007, 02:59 AM
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Thumbs up Another Hot Topic!

Ok Folks,
Here's the next fascinating topic that the Kaylex and Emmy Show is going to delve into. Once again we're gonna get slightly more edgy! This one was inspired by our Own Emmy's Blog, But honed in a little.

Let's talk about Self spanking? There's many sides to this:

Bottoms: Have you ever done it? Have you ever been directed to do it? Has it done any good (take the edge off, take the guilt away, etc?), How does it make you feel (forgiven, stupid, frustrated, etc)? Is there anything that really works when doing self spanking that isn't so important when your in person?

Tops: Have you ever directed it? Would it turn you on to see it or hear it? Have you noticed that it made any difference? Do you add anything to the punishment if it's given that way?

Ok no holds bar here.... Post on!
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Old 04-10-2007, 10:07 AM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Originally Posted by kaylex View Post
Tops: Have you ever directed it? Would it turn you on to see it or hear it? Have you noticed that it made any difference? Do you add anything to the punishment if it's given that way?
Yes, Yes, not really, and not really. Now for the longer answers.

I've had spankees spank themselves on the phone while we were talking. They use a implement heavy enough so I can hear the swats being applied. The swats are usually counted. When the opportunity arises, sometimes it's done over a webcam. When you can't be there in person to do it yourself, it's an ok substitute. Beats typing (SMACK)(SMACK)(SMACK) by a country mile.
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Old 04-10-2007, 02:13 PM
teefortexas teefortexas is offline
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SNORT!! Oh yeah, there's a harsh lesson.

(tap) (tap) (tap) Has Me learned my lesson yet?
(tap) (tap) (tap) Is Me going to be a good girl now?
Okay Sweety-Me........duly chastised.
Let's move on to the self-aftercare part...

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Old 04-10-2007, 08:06 PM
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just dont see the point in self spanking.. how boring..
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