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Old 11-30-2007, 04:31 PM
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scarlet_ribbons scarlet_ribbons is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 7
A Meeting By the Sea

They had been chatting online now for some time and had also spoken many times on the phone. They had both come to the stage where they felt they wanted, perhaps needed to meet face-to-face. They discussed meeting in several different places, but the seaside seemed the best option. The weather was warm and it would be a nice relaxing way to meet.

They set a time to meet at a little café near the beach and both seemed happy and a little excited about the prospect. They chose a Saturday so that if they did hit it off you could take their time getting to know each other and perhaps meet again Sunday for brunch.

The day was warm and sunny, there were a few clouds overhead, but nothing that seemed problematic. They met at the café and were both a little nervous at first, but as they talked it soon dissolved and they really seemed to connect.

After they’d been there for about an hour, he suggested they go for a walk along the beach and she agreed. He said he knew a very pretty spot where hardly anyone went and it was not too far away. So they walked along the beach and out to a secluded spot almost cut off by the sea.

He was right in that it was pretty, in fact it was lovely and she smiled at him warmly as he showed her around. The day seemed to get away with them but the lingered still, not wanting their time together to end. But suddenly the sun was gone, covered by dark cloud and they both decided they should make tracks back to the café.

As they walked it began to rain and before long she was soaked through. He put an arm around her to let her know he would take care of her but then they both stopped dead in their tracks! The tide had come in and they were cut off from the shore completely. The rain began to fall harder and although he knew she was crying, her tears seemed lost within the multitude of raindrops that covered her face.

She started to panic a little and got a little angry. She looked up at him and wanted to know what he was going to do to get them both out of there! He tried his best to calm her and said that people knew they were there and help would be there soon enough, and if not they would be fine till the tide went back out.

She was not happy with what he’d said at all and let him know this in no uncertain terms. He led her under a tree – the only shelter there was, and sat her down next to him on an old log to wait out the storm and the tide. He knew the sea and was not afraid of a storm or the tide keeping them where they were, but she was angry and afraid. She needed someone to blame and he was it!

Anger took hold of her and she let loose on him, telling him she should have known better than to trust him, and that she should have gone home after they’d had coffee. She yelled and screamed at him that it was his fault and he sat quietly and listened to her rant and rave until he’d had enough.

He looked at her sternly and without a word pulled her over his knee and gave her a few firm smacks on the bottom, then sat her back down again. He had hoped this would calm her some what, but all it did was aggravate her anger and she yelled even more “how dare you touch me like that, you will pay for what you did” and so on and on until once more he pulled her over his knee. But this time it wasn’t just a few smacks; he made sure she knew he meant business.

Again he sat her back down and this time she sat quietly and sobbed, not saying a single word. He put his arm around her and comforted her and tried his best to keep her warm, she snuggled in as close as she could because she was very cold and still a little scared.

In no time at all someone had come out to get them, they climbed into the boat and were taken into shore, all the while the owner of the boat telling them how he always come out to check if anyone’s there when there’s a storm because there was usually someone stuck out there.

She was grateful for his help but ever so glad to reach shore. He thanked the boat owner for them both then took her back to his home, which was near by. He wrapped her in a towel and ran her a warm bath. He found her some dry clothes to put on and fixed her a hot cup of tea. He then got himself showered and warm again and joined her.

She had remained fairly quiet all the way there and now seemed a little uneasy with him. He sat beside her and spoke to her as gently as he could, saying that it was unfortunate that the tide had come in when it did especially with the storm happening, because he would have loved to have spent more time there showing her around.

She nodded in agreement and said that she had enjoyed what time they had there before the storm had begun. He then added that he knew she had been upset about it all, but that was no excuse for her behaviour. She looked up at him surprised and he could once again see anger beginning to surface.

This time he was prepared though and he was in his own home where he could take complete control of the situation. He was not about to let her start carrying on as she had earlier.

He looked at her sternly and put a finger to her lips to let her know not to speak. This silenced her before she’d even begun and she somehow knew then that she was not going to like what he would say next.

He told her once again that her behaviour had been dreadful; to which she immediately interrupted and said “what you did to me was unforgivable”. He shot her a look that stopped her in mid sentence and continued what he had to say. “What I did to you out there was merely a taste of what you deserve young lady!”

He could see her bottom lip begin to quiver ever so slightly and knew he was now in control of the situation. He paused then to let what he’d said sink in a little and waited to see if she would say anything in retaliation. She didn’t say anything, but got up to go. He was ready for this and took hold of her hand and told her to sit back down, as he wasn’t finished with her yet.

She did as she was told, but she really didn’t have much choice as he firmly guided her back to where she had been sitting next to him on the couch. She looked a little wary and sat on the edge of the couch ready to run. He told her that they had known each other long enough now to be open and honest with each other.

He also told her that if they wanted to pursue a relationship then there would have to be some rules set in place. He told her he was a kind and gentle man, but would not put up with the kind of behaviour that she had displayed earlier. She apologised to him at that and said that she’d only carried on so because she’d lost her temper and because she was afraid. Then he looked down at her and said “I’m afraid too young lady, I’m afraid that you need to know that I am not saying all this for the sake of saying it, and that I really mean it”.

She looked at him a little confused and adjusted how he was sitting on the couch and said, “I told you I hadn’t finished with you yet, now didn’t I?” Realisation of what he meant came to her in a flash, but before she could get off the couch he’d taken hold of her arm and held it firmly.

“Now my dear young woman” he said, “you will learn to keep that temper of yours in check or you will in future have a difficult time sitting. At this he pulled her over his knee, and gave her a few firm smacks! She wiggled and tried to get up, but the more she did so the more he held her in place over his knee.

He had given her an old tracksuit to put on until her clothes had dried and this proved to be beneficial to his needs, as he then slowly pulled down the track pants as she struggled to get up. He rubbed his hand over her bottom ever so gently and said that she would soon know that he always means what he says.

She yelled out “Okay! Okay! I know you mean what your saying, just let me up please!” At this he pulled back his arm and brought it back with as sound SMACK! onto her left cheek. He spanked her cheeks alternately until they became quite pink and she had begun to cry again.

He stopped and rubbed softly, feeling the warmth he had created there saying soothing words to her and letting her know that the spanking would soon be over. He began again, only this time the smacks were a little firmer and more constant. She squirmed and wiggled and cried for him to stop and eventually when he did, she was compliant and apologetic for her behaviour earlier that day.

He pulled her up off his knee and took her into the bedroom. He told her to lie across the bed and he’d administer some soothing lotion to her now very sore bottom. She did as she was told without question and he smiled as he watched her do so.

He rubbed in the lotion with care and as he did he talked softly to her and put a box of tissues on the bed where she could reach them, just in case she needed them. It wasn’t long before she was making new sounds, mmm kind of sounds like she was enjoying what was happening. His hands moved over her bottom and moved to her legs and as she separated her legs he moved into her nether regions. She let out a sound of delight and he knew she’d given permission for him to continue.

Alternately he caressed her bottom and other sensitive areas of her body, giving her a sense of pleasure that she’d never experienced before. One that he knew she would long for again and again in the future. He was careful of her needs, no longer wanting to hurt only to please and pleasure her. It wasn’t long before she had reached the point of climax and experienced the first of what she now hoped would be many sessions just like this.

Afterwards she slept a sleep of the content and he covered her with a light blanket and held her to him. He too had found what he’d been looking for and would fight to keep it.

© scarlet_ribbons
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