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Old 07-25-2008, 12:30 PM
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Naughtyone1968 Naughtyone1968 is offline
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Ageplay spanking

I am a 40 year old little girl at heart,and I am always browsing the web looking for others willing to indulge my need for a good OTK mentoring/spanking. Well one day while on a site an older lady chimed me on private messanger. She introduced herself and said that she had been following my blog and other comments for a few days and was waiting to catch me online. I thanked her for showing the interest and let her know I was enthused to meet someone. It wasn't to long before she let me in on something, that is, that she is living just down the street from me and that she has seen me from time to time, so technically she knows who I am.

Since she has seen me, she knows a few of my habits and so forth. She then told me to PROMPTLY get to her house,NOW! She gave me her address and said I better be there in 10 minutes or it will be worse for me. I signed off quickly and rushed out the door,locking up and quickly striding down the sidewalk. I suddenly felt like I was a teenager all over again, being busted by mom for satying at a friends house too long and rushing home, hoping I am not in serious trouble. I arrived at the address and before I could really get up the driveway, I heard a voice from the screened front porch.
"Where have you been?" it rang out scoldingly from the gray screening.
"Ive been worried sick for the last hour you Better get in here!!" she said.
I opened the screen door and there stood a slightly fuller figured woman wearing a pair of blue capri pants, some flip flops and a white with pastel flower sleeveless shirt. Her hair was brown with graying whisps all over and she had on a pair of slim rimmed reading glasses on with a slim pearl type string attached to them so she could let them hang from her neck when not in use.
"Get that fanny in your room right now ,missy!" she raised her arm and pointed towards the front door. I approached the front door and got within distance of her and as I passed she brought her other hand quickly and swatted my bottom through my short thin skirt, making it POP!
"All the way back and to the right, and sit on the bed and you wait for me 'till I get there!" she scolded more. My mind was spinning fast, this was happening really quick, I got inside and started down the hall, and turned to say something " M-M-Maam, I I I...." she stopped my stammering immediately..." I said get to your room." she reaffirmed her orders with a stern look on her face and looked me right in the eyes.
I went into the room and it was amazing. I took a quick glance as I found the bed with soft sheets and a blanket spread over it. I sat down and as I took it all in I realized that I was in a room that had been either set up as a young girls room or I was IN a young girls room! Plushies were up in a hammock in the corner, a small desk against the wall, a chest of drawers with cute little trinkets on top of it, everything was so real. I heard footsteps comming down the hall, and then she appeared in the doorframe.
"I told you to be home at 5, didnt I?"
"Uh...yes maam" I was stunned at her improv.
"When you stay out,I get worried" she sat down beside me and clasped my hand.
"Sweetie, I love you and this is my job, to be a good moma, and I ain't raisin' no street girl who can do as she pleases. Now, I thought about this and I think you know what needs to happen. I know yoour older now, but theres some things that will never change, one of them being that I can still wear that bottom out. I think this will help you do as your told from now on, OH and I did see you puffing on that damn cigarette too!!! So lets get this over with so I can get back to dinner." She took my hand that she had clasped and led me over her lap and angled me slightly over the bed but still across one of her legs. She took the other one and placed it over both of my legs.
"I remember how you used to kick when you were younger, we'll not have any of that today either."
She pulled up my flimsy skirt, and then found the waistline of my panties, and then she pulled them down ,uncovering my fuller grown bottom. I was very quickly thrust into that old familiar feeling of being exposed by a gaurdian and helpless to what was comming next.
"Remember hunney, this hurts me more than it does you, and since it has been so long, I am gonna really have to dish it out this time. Heres a pillow if you need to wail and cry" she handed me a small plush decoration style pillow that looked like it had been around for years. I grabbed it with both hands in front of my face, and clenched by butt cheeks together, knowing the stinging was imminent.
Her hand was still resting on my bottom as it clinched up, she rubbed her hand around on my bottom and said" Now, sweetie, you know not to clinch up like that" I relaxed and then buried my face in the small pillow.
She began smacking my bottom...1 then 2..then 3...then 4... two smacks on each side of my cheeks. They were hard but not too bad. Just whenI thought" OHplease this isn't a....." she began in earnest delivering swift very hard smacks across both mycheeks in complete randomness. The sting would barely have time to register before another one landed right on top of it, doubling, tripling, and quadtrupling the stinging pain. I tried to hold back as a big girl, but after what seemed to be minutes faded into some kind of slow motion as she mercilessly delivered smack after samck across my bottom, making the "girl" fat of my bottom jiggle and sting and start to get get warm ,....then start to get hot, as she kept on with her undiminishing force and speed. I started to kick and squirm and reaact out of my own older adult mind to this onslaught of juvenile treatment only to be held down by her weight across my back as she adjusted her arm around my waist slightly lifting my bottom up higher, and her leg bracing my flailing legs even more.
I tried to resist, I held out as long as I could, but it quickly all came to an end as her persistance and posture could only provoke my breakdown and I succumbed to my well deserved bare bottom warming. I brought the pilow in even closer as if it were some kind of shield against her hearing my wailing and embarrassment. It finally came, the tears, the wailing, the rush of endorphines that coursed through my body with lightning speed. She had me right where she was wanting me to go. My bratty, adult spirit was boken as she continued to heat my bottom with those hard open handed smacks across my smooth and unaccustomed cheeks. i was crying so hard by now, as it all stopped. " That was just getting warmed up, sweetie, now for your real spanking. " I felt her shift.and then heard a drawer open up. I heard something like wood scraping an knocking, then i felt something cool but hard rest across my flaming bottom. "This is my oldest and best paddle, it has spanked many a bare bottoms over the years and now its going to spank yours"
My sobs were unabated as she quickly started to heat my bottom to super hot with her wooden paddle. She continued for what seemed like 5 or maybe 10 minutes. My wailing was almost near uncontrolled as she delivered her blistering punishment. I kicked, i screamed into that pillow and tears never seemed to stop. Suddenly, she stopped. My numb,but throbbing bottom was so hot. She leaned up,and then uncrossed her leg from over mine.
"Ok hunney, you can get up now." she said in a breathy voice from the excertsion. I heard her place the paddle on the nightstand and then she started to help me up. My bottom was so sore, i didn't even want o pull up my panties for modesty. She guided me beside her as she placed an affectionate arm around my shoulders and brought me in tight for a hug as I continued to sob and try to catch my breath. In a soft tone she whispered to me...
"Ive been doing this for a very long time, and you know you deservd every bit of this hard spanking don't you?" I nodded yes in silence..."You can come to me anytime for discipline and I want you to come see me every saturday after lunch for a good maintence spanking, ok?"
I nodded yes again, too weak and sobbing to say anything. She gave me another big hug and then started to get up. "You can freshen up in the bathroom that you passed in the hall. I got up and pulled my panties up just enough so that Icould walk, and I went to the bathroom and closed the door, i turned on the cold water and cuped both hands under the stream to catch some and bring it to my face. I dried my face off with a towel and then blew my nose with some tissue and then I looked into the mirror and I saw my red swollen eyes, my disheveled hair and thn I turned to look at my bottom.
It was so red and purple and a few blue marks on it, completely covering my whole bottom. It was still hot and stinging, Iknew pulling my panties up was going to be a task. I pulled them up and the cool fabric almost semed to soothe it,but the texture of the cotton, seemed to rub it still as it was so very sensitive. I took another deep breath, and thought.." Ok girl time to step back out into the world, lets not let on that we just got spanked very good.
I opened the door and went down the hall, and met her again in the kitchen, sure enough she had quite a dinner going, she invited me to stay and eat with her. I accepted and we talked and ate for two hours. Naturally I squirmed and wiggled trying to find a comfortable spot to sit on. Occasionally she would slightly smile, as if to congratulate her handiwork. I left her house and walked back in the cool of dusk, feeling much better, and relieved of all the things I have screwed up on. I felt wanted again, and that someone was going to watch over me, and make sure that I didn't mess up anymore,and if I did, I knew there was a price to pay.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:46 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Wow great story. Even better if it's true. Hope to read more like this soon.
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Old 07-25-2008, 11:00 PM
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lil_babygirl lil_babygirl is offline
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Oh wow.... that was sure something. I got some folks that sure wanna warm my backside!
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Old 03-03-2013, 03:24 PM
alexskanda alexskanda is offline
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Brilliant. I don't know if this really happened or if it's fantasy but it certainly sounds like a dream come true for many users of this site I imagine. It is very descriptive and very well written and if it did actually happen I can only say "lucky you!" sounds as though you found exactly what you've been longing for. If it is real I assume there have been many visits since then and hope you tell us about them.
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