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Old 02-01-2007, 11:25 PM
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MichiganHeadmaster MichiganHeadmaster is offline
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Figged and Spanked Part I

This story was originally posted on World Spanking Forum and recently recovered.

This is based on my recent first experience with “figging,” the creative use of fresh ginger as a means of punishment for misbehaving girls, either by itself of in conjunction with other punishment. To make the real-life account more interesting, however, I’ve decided to add a storyline and to change the names of the characters to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.


Figged and Spanked

Rachel sat at Dan’s computer in his spare bedroom, typing an instant message to her best friend Traci. Rachel, 19 years old but feeling mature enough to be on her own, had recently moved out her parents house over their protests, and taken up residence with Dan.

A five-year veteran of the Midville Police Department, and six years older than Rachel, Dan had earned the trust of Rachel’s parents three years earlier when he found Rachel walking home, or trying to walk home, from a party in a state of questionable sobriety. Dan made sure Rachel made it home safe and sound, and Rachel’s grateful parents practically adopted Dan as a son. Asked what kind of punishment might be appropriate and legal for Rachel, Dan jokingly mentioned “spare the rod and spoil the child” and reminded them that spanking was still legal in that state. Although he was kidding, Dan learned a few days later from an angry and smarting Rachel that Rachel’s dad took the advice seriously and had Rachel cut a switch from the back yard. Twenty strokes later, a tearful Rachel promised her dad that she wouldn’t touch liquor again while she was underage.

Rachel kept her promise, and was determined to keep her promise until she was 21. However, she also made up her mind to leave home as soon as possible after she turned 18. Unable to find any work besides drug store clerk, however, Rachel had few options. Except for Dan.

Dan and Rachel became friends following her eye-opening and bottom-reddening experience. She felt she could trust Dan to look out for her, and Dan never took advantage of her youthfulness or naivete. He never made a move on her while she was under 18. After that, however, she and Dan grew closer together. At first, Rachel’s father didn’t approve but had little choice as she was now an adult. Besides, he still trusted Dan, and figured that she could certainly do worse. Eventually Rachel’s parents accepted Dan as Rachel’s suiter.

When Rachel finally announced that she was leaving home to move in with Dan, there were protests and long talks. Rachel’s parents realized that she was not going to change her mind so they once again resigned themselves to her headstrong decision and accepted it, even helping move her things to Dan’s large apartment.

Now, almost a year later, Rachel’s stubbornness was beginning to wear on Dan. He loved her with all his heart, but knew he would have to do something about her occasional reckless ways. She never drank or smoked, and was good at budgeting her small salary, but had one minor bad habit: She didn’t seem to be able to obey speed limits. Maybe it was because every cop in town knew her, and always cut her slack. Whatever it was, she seemed to get a written or verbal warning about once or twice a month. Sometimes he would find the warning ticket in her glove box, or hear another cop needle him in the locker room: “Well, that Rachel should be ready for the Indy 500 by next week. Clocked her at 70 on the four-lane this afternoon.”

Talking to her didn’t seem to do any good. Neither did showing her pictures of accident scenes. She seemed to even take a morbid interest in those. Dan knew he had to do something.

Rachel typed out her message to Traci: “Got stopped by a sheriff’s officer today doing 65. I told him I lived with a cop, and he let me off. Asked his name, and he said he knew him. Guess I better slow down, huh?”

“You better,” typed back Traci, “or Dan’s going to do to you what your dad did. I would too.”

“LOL!” typed Rachel. “I dare him. C U later.”

Rachel logged off just as the front door opened. “Hi, sweetheart!” she shouted as she turned off the computer.

Dan came in and took off his motorcycle boots, and she helped him out of his uniform. “How was your day?” she asked.

“Fine,” Dan replied. “Had lunch with a fishing buddy of mine.”

“Who, Rob?”

“No, you haven’t met this one, we haven’t been out in quite some time. His name is Mike.”

“Well, bring him by sometime. Always nice to have another big strong man around,” she teased, slipping off his pants.

“Mike works for the sheriff’s department. He patrols route 72.” Rachel tensed up, but continued helping Dan change.


“Yep. In fact, he told me about an interesting stop he had today. Seems someone that looked just like you was driving a red Grand Am just like yours. Imagine that!”

Rachel felt flushed, but wanted to change the subject. She started massaging Dan through his underwear. “Don’t you want to fool around a little instead of talking shop?”

“Rachel, I know what happened. You were doing 65 in a 40 mile per hour zone. You know you could have gotten a $200.00 ticket and even lost your license, don’t you?”

“He let me go. No one’s going to give me a ticket while I’m living with you.”

Dan started putting on his jeans and got serious. “Not if I put you out. This is my apartment, you know.”

Rachel started to get worried. If she moved out, she would have to move back with her parents. Besides, she loved Dan dearly and couldn’t bear being made to leave him.

“Oh, please, don’t do that. I’m sorry, I really am. I’ll stop speeding, I will. Starting now. I promise.”

“Rachel, that won’t do. You’ve promised me that before. But the only time you keep a promise is when you know there will be a punishment. And you remember the last punishment you got that made you keep your promise not to drink any more.”

“Oh, no, not that. I couldn’t take it!”

“Sorry, but you have a choice. You move back with your parents, or take the punishment I give you.”

Rachel knew she was in for it. She didn’t want to move out, and knew he meant business. She would have to submit to what he had in mind. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to teach you a lesson. You’re going to get a spanking you’re going to remember for a long time.”

“Please, don’t use a switch. I can’t bear to get spanked like that again!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll just consider this your ‘first conviction’ in my court. I’m just going to use my hand this time, but you’ll remember it. But I’m also going to give you something to make it even more memorable.”

Rachel was relieved but still worried. What did Dan have in mind?

“When are you going to spank me?” she asked, not really ready to submit just now but not wanting to delay it either.

“Oh, right now, my dear,” Dan replied. Rachel’s heart sank but she knew realized the punishment was coming and it was better not to delay it. Besides, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad.

“Please, let me keep my pants on,” Rachel asked plaintively, knowing the probable answer.

“No way. In fact, go ahead and take those jeans and shoes off now, but leave your panties on for me.” Rachel didn’t know if this meant that the spanking would be on her bare bottom or on her panties, but knew it wouldn’t matter much with such thin material. “Oh, and you better use the bathroom now if you need to. I’ll give you 10 minutes.”

Rachel obeyed and returned to the bedroom wearing only her blouse, panties and socks. She was nervous as could be but sort of excited, too. She still hoped it would not hurt too much. Rachel sat next to Dan on the bed and rubbed his crotch. “Do you have to do this,” she asked.

He moved her hand away. “Save that for later. And, yes, I do.”

For the first time Rachel noticed the plate on the bedside table containing a brown root she had seen in grocery stores, a glass of water and a paring knife. She got concerned. “What is that for?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Now, over my lap!”

Rachel, slightly built, easily got up and lay across his lap, with her head and feet on the mattress and her round bottom up in the air. As Rachel expected, Dan slipped his fingers under her panties and pulled them down to her knees.

“Please be gentle. I promise never to speed again.”

“I know that. And I’m going to make sure of it.” Dan rubbed her bottom with his right hand, while firmly placing his left hand in the small of her back. After a few minutes, Dan brought his hand down sharply across her cheeks, making her gasp.

“Ow! Don’t, that hurts!” Rachel started to move her hips away as if avoiding the next smack. Dan pulled her back and held her down, and brought his hand down hard across the bottom of her ass cheeks.

“Stay still!” he commanded.

Dan continued slapping Rachel’s bottom rhythmically, alternating cheeks or hitting both at once. He was not using all his strength, though. He wanted to save that for later. But he was getting her attention.

Rachel struggled and cried to no avail. After a few minutes, her bottom cheeks were nice and red. Dan stopped to inspect his handiwork. “Is it over? Please don’t spank me any more,” Rachel pleaded.

“You’re about halfway there, Rachel, but I have a surprise for you. I’m going to give you a short break while I prepare it, then we’ll finish your spanking.”

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