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Old 10-01-2010, 12:33 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 32
"Birthday Suit" -- Part Three

By Carl Philip Michaels

"Jared, Sasha," James addressed the twins while holding Julie over his lap, "Do you remember what I said would happen if Julie cheated at school again?"

Jared raised his hand, as if answering a question at school. "You said you'd give her a hairbrush spanking over your knee." he said.

"And?" Jared blushed and looked at the carpet. But Sasha piped up, "You said she'd be in her birthday suit!"

That's right," their father answered, as he took hold of Julie's bra strap. Suddenly terribly aware of the enormity of what was about to happen to her, Julie bucked and kicked, horrified at the prospect of being naked in front of the family. "NOOOO, Dad, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" she cried.

James held his hysterical daughter firmly. "Julie Marie, do you want to get a totally bare spanking in front of the twins?"

"NOOOOO!!!!!" she bellowed.

"And maybe in front of Sylvie, too?"


"Then what are you going to do to avoid it?"

Suddenly, Julie saw light at the end of this terribly dark tunnel, and she spoke up eagerly. "I...I won't cheat anymore, I promise!"

"That's what you said last time," her dad observed, tapping her bottom with the brush. "Tell me what's going to be different this time."

"Um, I'm gonna do all my own work," she said. "I won't look on anybody else's paper. And I-I'll go, uh, unplugged for two weeks."

"That sounds like a good start," her dad said. "How old are you, Julie?"

She blushed furiously, knowing what that question meant. "F-fourteen," she said weakly.

"Alright, 14 hairbrush swats on your bare bottom every night until you go back to school ought to do the trick." He took her waistband in both hands, and Julie groaned as she felt her panties fly south. She felt the cool evening air on her bare bottom, and looked up to see twins with their hands to their mouths, trying to hide the grins they wore. Even though she was highly embarrassed and about to be quite sore, she felt incredibly relieved to have won a reprieve from the dreaded "birthday suit" spanking. That relief, and the vulnerable sense she always got when her bottom was bared, combined to make her feel positively giddy! She looked her brother and sister in the eye and said dryly, "Don't try this at home, kids." They both giggled, and Dad held the hairbrush high, saying, "Count them out loud."


"OW! ONE!"


"OW, OW! TWO!"

The third and fourth strokes, delivered fast, caught her on the delicate fold between bottom and thigh.


She drew in a sharp breath, and levitated slightly on her dad's lap. "AHHHHHHH! YEOWWW!! Th-three!"

On it went, extra-hard strokes laid on slowly and methodically. By the time Dad reached the tenth swat, Julie twisted and kicked. Dad had never spanked her this hard before! She let out a long "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" and was momentarily unable to find her voice to count.

"Give me a number, quick, or it doesn't count," her dad said. "OW...OW...Uh, ELEVEN!"


“AIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-TWELVE!!”

"The last two are the hardest," her father announced. As if everyone in the family didn't know that already!

He held the brush very high and brought in down with a mighty flip of his wrist on the center of her left bottom cheek. Momentarily unable to draw breath or make a sound, she rose up high on his lap and kicked her legs uncontrollably at the awful sting. Her face was twisted with pain. He raised the brush again and brought it down with the same deadly accuracy and velocity on her right. Then:


Julie writhed and kicked on his lap, willing the ferocious sting to leave her butt. "Thirteen, fourteen," he said for her, rubbing her backside gently.


He smiled. "You're quite welcome, my dear." He gave her a minute to regain her composure. "So," he said, tapping her backside lightly with the brush, "you think this bottom’s ready to go five more times?" he asked.

"Oh, God No!" she cried. "That's...that's 84 swats!"

"You see?" her mom said. "She does math problems in her head, even when her bottom's on fire. As if she has to look on anybody else's paper for the answers!"

Julie smiled through the pain. Her dad said, "And now it's time to park this brilliant hiney in the corner," he said, helping his daughter to his feet.

"Hey, Dad!" Sasha sang out.

"Hey, what, kiddo?"

"We should turn out the lights and save energy. Julie's butt's bright enough to light the whole house!" She and her brother dissolved into giggles on the couch at her witticism.

"You'll get yours, squirt," Julie told her little sister with a pained smile. Then she turned to her mother and gave her a hug. "Thanks for the underwear, Mom."

"Of course, dear. I certainly couldn't have my teenage daughter running around the house naked! Don’t think you’re getting out of your uniform discipline, though."

“No, Ma’am.” Julie blushed, then asked, "Is Sylvie really coming over Sunday?"

"I'm afraid so, Baby. I know it won't be fun, but I'll tell you a secret that just might make it a little easier. IF you promise not to tell a soul."

"I promise. What is it?" Julie asked.

Her mom leaned over and whispered in her daughter's ear, "Sylvie had to spend a weekend like that when she was fifteen."

"Really?!" Julie whispered back, her eyes wide and a smile on her face. She suddenly felt MUCH better about her predicament.
Mom just nodded and put a finger to her lips.

Julie turned and hugged her father tight. "Thanks for my spanking, Dad," she said.

"Any time, sweetheart. Five more times, in fact, starting on Monday."

Julie winced. "You know," she said in her sweetest daddy's-little-girl voice, "that hairbrush really hurt, and It's gonna be real embarrassing being in this, uh, uniform all week...Ya think maybe we could skip the other spankings?"

"Don't push it, kiddo," he replied dryly. "I can always go for twice your age instead, and I don't think your bottom could take that over five days."

Her eyes got big, and she winced again. "No, no, I'll take the 14!"

"That's my girl. You've still got an hour in the corner, so get to it."

"Yes, Sir," she said, hobbling over to the corner with her panties around her ankles. She put her hands on her head, and Dad turned the TV on. "One hundred and forty," she murmured with her nose against the wall.

"What's that?" her dad asked.

"Twice my age, times five."

"Put a sock in it, child genius, or I'll double your corner time," he said, finding the program he wanted to watch. Julie stood with her hands on her head, her throbbing hot pink bottom shining into the room.

She was smiling.

© 2010 Carl Philip Michaels
All Rights Reserved

Last edited by carl35; 10-12-2010 at 11:56 PM. Reason: grammar
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