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Old 08-18-2011, 12:52 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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Neighbors Punishment

I remember growing up in my hometown living next door to a large family that bought the house next door to ours.We played a lot together, and I really liked them,even though I thought them a little goofy. I remember their dad being strict, and I remember one of them telling me that if they ever got punished for being bad, that their dad would give their mom a spanking too, out in the garage out back. I remember asking him why and he said because she was supposed them in line, and she had to be punished too if they didn't. I never really believed it, until I saw their mom and dad come out of that tool shed late one night.Being 13 years old and going into puberty, it gave me a strange excited feeling. I was out back one day and decided to go around back of our shed and see if i could see anything in theirs, there was just a narrow path behind the two sheds but I was able to see perfectly into theirs through about a three inch hole in the back , and it was not more than a dirty little shack. I remember being aroused at the thought of seing their mom spanked,but didnt know why , and did'nt think I would ever see it anyway.Their mom was stay at home mom, and from I remember a very sweet lady, she was to me anyway.Looking back I would guess her to be early thirties, maybe 5'5 and probably 140lb,with shoulder length brown hair, even though she didn't wear the same dress everyday, she wore the same style dress, a plain solid color dress about knee legnth and a pair of plain slip on black shoes . I never thought of her as pretty at the time, but as I think back now, she did have an unrefined beauty to her. I remember playing one day next door and one of the boys coming in saying that their dad was coming home, and caught ther older brother smoking,and boy was he going to get it. Their mom told me that it would be better if I went home, so I went out the back and to our house. I remember watching their dad pulling the oldest in. The doors were closed so I couldn't hear real well but I could almost guarantee he got an ass whipping. I immediatly went on watch, and studied signs the house was winding down for the night . It was almost dark when I walked out into our backyard, and moved into position behind their garage where the hole was,and waited, and waited, and waited. It was now completely dark and I was ready to go in when I heard the sound of a lock jiggling, then I could barely see the door open and two dark figures enter and the the door close.A few seonds later a light came one and I could see it was the mom and dad next door, and my heart started pounding, as I tried to be as quiet as I could.All I heard was "get over there" and without saying a word she walked over to a center beam and stood in front of it.I was trying so hard to be quiet,but keep breathing. I watched her kick off her shoes, then start to unbutton her dress, and after just a few buttons I saw her slide it down her shoulders and watched her step out of it, then she reached around and unhooked her bra and took it off. I had never seen a womans bare breast and I remember thinking how beautiful they were, and finally she slid down her big granny underwear and stepped out of them,WOW the first naked woman I had ever seen, she was beautiful I didnt have a full frontal view view only a side one,and it was kind of dark but I could barely make out her pubic hair. I can still remember him saying in a hatefull voice " You ain't gonna let no damn kid of mine smoke, I'll teach you a lesson" She protested briefly " I didn't know he was smoking, How could I know" " You could get off your lazy ass once and a while " he shouted "He was on his way home fron school, I couldn't just leave the house, and go to see what he was doing" she continued to plead her case "what about the other kids?" "Not another word!" now gimme your hands" I watched her hold her hands out, and him roughly tie them to a rope and he threw the rope over the beam and pull her arms a high as he could with the rope, then tied it off. He then took another piece of rope and tied her knees to the beam just as tight as he could, then walk away to the side . I didn't see him for a few seconds then another light was switched on , and suddenly I could see much better, and I cold see him again approaching her with a long thin strip of leather, and with just a snap of his wrist made it crack loudly "now you're gonna see what happens to lazy cows that let their kids smoke" I felt so sorry for her, she was a great mom ,or so I thought, and I saw her work hard at their house, but as sorry as felt for her, I had an erection of hugh proportion seeing her naked,and tied up like that. He took up a position and with a swing of his arm he swirled that leather srip through the air,and right across her back, I could see it impact,and hear her let out a small cry. The mark it left on her back looked awful, but I saw him swinging it again, and once again it landed across her upper back and shoulders, another horrible mark, I could hear her breathing hard, again it came and streaked another lash across her back, and she let out an audible " OH", after just a few seconds it sliced through air again then CRACK! another stripe across her back "OH " again it came and slashed across her back "OWWW, OWW" came from her ,it was one of the most exciting and terrible thing I had ever seen, she was standing on her tiptoes looking straight into the air,,her hands clenched in pain I could see sweat on her face and hair, then CRACK! another lash acrosss her now bloody back, and another agonizing cry of pain came from her mouth " Woman, you better quiet down, if you wake any of them kids, or neighbors up, I'll whip you skinless" and with that another lash scrawled its way across her back , with each new lash she jercked violently and her entire upper torso was becoming drenched with sweat on this warm spring night, another lash landed with a slash across her back, she clamped her mouth tight,but let out a muffled moan. It was an awful thing to hear also, the sound of that awful leather slicing through the air, and ts landing with a slash, and the sickening sounds of pain coming from my best friends mom, a lady I saw everyday, I would never be able to look at her the same way again, and as bad as it was I couldn't turn away, I now became aware of my hand down my pants as I watched the scene. I thought that maybe it was over, then heard that whirling CRAAACK!, she shook vioently and she opened her mouth as if to scream but nothing came out, and it quieted down for a few seconds, she slowly turned her face to the side of the shed where I was peaking in,I can still see her face , her hair was soaked with sweat, and her eyes were almost blood red from the tears, and an stream of vile snot, spit, and who knows what else dripping from her face then I heard the SWISH CRAACK!, and with that the rope holding her arms came untied and she slumped sideways, finally it was over, but as he walked over he picked the rope up and threw it back over " Please , No more, Please" she begged " "Woman, you think thats enough for lettig my boy smoke " " Sheeeit" With that he pulled her arms back high up s she let out a lown moan. It was quiet again then swisss Crack!, a horrible lash again across the meat of her back, and after two more it became quiet again, except for her horrible sobs. He spoke again "I guess to keep you from sitting around on yor lazy ass all day I better make it hards for you to sit" "Oh please dont, pleeease" but he had already taken up position behind her and I saw him raise that leather whip and land it right across her wobbly ass, she jerked backwards and contorted her body as it made a slashing cut, and he sound that came from her sounded neither human or animal, then like a surgeon he cut another path of fire across her butt. This added a new excitement for me, the whip striping her back seemed, horrible, but the whip landing against her naked buttocks, the first naked pair of female buttocks I had ever seen made my 13 year old manhood stand up again. SWISH CRAACK! another across the full meat of her butt, I can still remember her writhing in pain on that center post , the old man had slowed down a little, and he would walk around a few seconds before another burning lash this time acrosss the top of her thighs, CRACK! the small of her back, CRACK her butt again, CRACK her legs,CRACK her butt, CRACK her butt, CRACK her butt, and with that her body fell limp, He wound up ang gave her another savage cut across her butt, and when he realized she had fainted, he stopped. I thought she was dead, he killed her. He walked over with a bucket of water and dumped it slowley over her head and face,I watched the water wash the blood and sweat down her body and I heard her moan, she wasn't dead. He untied her hands and feet he stood her up and wrapped a sheet around her, and carried her out back into their house, I ran into our house, and up to my room, I couldn't believe what I had seen but it was the first time I had ever been that aroused. I didn''t see my friends, or their mother for a couple of days, , but on Monday I saw her on the porch ,looking like always. I remembr her seeing me on the porch,and waving to me with a smile. I felt so guilty after what I had seen, but I got over it I even developed a huge crush on her, that evil bastard she was married to died 2 months later, and even though I thought she was better off she took it hard. She lived there for a few more years, and I remember swimming at their house, and going in to change, she was in the bathroom changing already, I quietly peeked in and saw the scars she still had on her back and buttocks, I dont think she ever remarried, probably so she would not have to explaine them to anyone. The last time I visited my boyhood I noticed the tool shed was gone, but I will never forget what I saw there that summer of 72

Last edited by bonzo1961; 08-24-2011 at 09:03 AM.
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:58 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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True Story

This is based on a completely true story told to me by a long time friend who grew up in Northeast Georgia

Last edited by bonzo1961; 08-24-2011 at 11:25 AM. Reason: adding to post
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Old 08-21-2011, 11:05 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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What this story describes is not discipline but brutality, torture even. Whipping someone to the extent that permanent scars are left is wrong, simply wrong. And I think the spanking community would agree.
Beating the back and shoulders is not spanking, its flogging. I agree its an interesting story, but like with judicial caning of criminals in Singapore,it is so extreme as to lack an erotic or even humorous reaction.
A husband taking his wife over his knee, pulling down her panties and spanking her evokes feelings of amusement,etc. But a scenario like the one here,only horror.
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Old 08-21-2011, 11:55 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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I did not give that beating, or even see it. I would agree with you, such beatings, and torture are not right. I just related the story that was told to me the best I could.

Last edited by bonzo1961; 08-24-2011 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 08-21-2011, 07:47 PM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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I would hope the members of the spanking community in no way think that in writing the story "Neighbors Punishment"I condone the torture of another human being. That story was told to me by a friend of mine about his growing up in Georgia in the late 60''s early 70's, and knowing him the way I do, I believe him. As he told me the story I could see that seeing what he did left an inpact on him. Partly because it was so terrible to see, but partly because he had been so aroused by the whole thing. From what I see now days, there are still people who are aroused by scenes, and stories of such extreme punishment. I have had a discipline relationship with my wife for over 25 years now, and if I ever pulled her panties down and gave her a simple spanking I believe she would divorce me. I believe that there are various degrees of spanking, or punishment that must fit each individual situation, and relationship,and some do unfortunately go to the extreme. My writing "Neighbors Punishment" just reminds us that things like that did happen, and may still in some places. Some will still be aroused by it, and some horrified. I hope I did not offend anyone by telling my friends story.
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Old 09-18-2011, 02:07 AM
bonzo1961 bonzo1961 is offline
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update to this story

my friend who actually expierenced this told me I made a few mistakes, I am going to post corrections
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