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Old 03-12-2007, 10:22 PM
sassy_sandy sassy_sandy is offline
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I agree with most of what's been said here. To me, spanking is a physical and emotional activity. Being told to stay in position for, say, 12 swats with a particular implement is one thing, but to be expected to be still for the whole experience would ruin it for me.

Luckily, my partners have felt the same. That the best part of a long spanking filled with banter and the exchange of control and the times when a partner pushes you farther than you thought you could's exhilarating, and you express it with your voice, body, mind, etc. There's nothing better when you both collapse at the end of a good spanking...both exhausted and content.

I try very hard, usually with success, to keep my hands out of the way, but I do get vocal and sometimes kick and squirm. During a particularly hard strapping recently, I started (involuntarily) moving out of the way of the strap. My spanking partner said "Get back over those pillows before I pull you back" in that incredible Dom tone. Now, if I kept position all the time, I'd have missed out on hearing that tone, and he'd have missed out on watching me do as I was told.

I think that holding position thing is over-rated.
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Old 04-15-2007, 12:39 AM
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IF THE GIRL ISN'T WIGGLING,CRYING ETC IT JUST ISN'T FUN. And I'm going to just be honest here and admit that even if it's discipline I enjoy spanking girls.
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Old 04-15-2007, 11:52 AM
Rose Rose is offline
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I basically agree with what has been said here. My husband rarely requires me to hold still at all. He clearly enjoys my wiggling and yelping, and I like that he enjoys it.

That being said, for me, my response to holding position depends on the type of spanking. I've never been required to hold position for a punishment, at least not completely. I'm sure if I tried to get up off his lap, or off the arm of the couch, I would've heard that dom tone that Sassy Sandy was talking about. That kind of movement would be more than an involuntary response; it would be defiance. I have never and would never be defiant to my husband during a punishment. He's always been reasonable about what is a punishable offense, and I've always been remorseful about whatever I've done. I try to accept and take the punishment the best that I can. But wiggling and kicking is something that I can't help, and during a punishment especially, I think my husband uses my physical response to gauge how much the punishment is getting through. Punishment spankings have always been the hardest for me to take, not because they are any harder, but because they are so much more emotional to me. If I had to hold completely still, I wouldn't be able to think about why I was being punished, or process what was going on at the moment. I think it would make the punishment ineffective.

I occasionally get therapeutic spankings. I got one the other day because I've been so stressed about a number of things that have been going on lately that I've been having trouble coping. I have a very difficult time crying; when I get too stressed, my body responds by getting sick and making me incapable of eatting well or sleeping. Anyway, I got one of these spankings a few days ago, and it was very effective. It was a handspanking, and I was sobbing by the fifth swat. Although handspankings from my husband hurt, I wasn't crying from the pain. I don't think I've ever cried from pain. The spanking pushed me over the edge, just as I needed it to, and I was releasing all of my stress. I noticed, however, that I didn't wiggle at all during the spanking, no matter how much it hurt. I went limp and just sobbed. I was so much in my own head that what was happening to my bottom almost felt distant to me, almost like it was happening to another person. Does that make sense? Anyhow, my point is that during this kind of spanking, I do not feel the need to move the way I need to during a punishment spanking.

The only time that my husband and I have played with holding position is during playful spankings. I think this was more about power exchange, and my ability to submit to him. I enjoy submitting to him more when it is something that I have to put a little effort into. For example, a couple weeks ago, my husband asked me to ask for a spanking. He told me that he wanted to hear me say, "spank me." A simple request, but that is something I've never done before, and until then, he'd never heard me say the word "spank" out loud. It is something that I still have trouble with. But submitting to him like that, doing something that was a little difficult and embarrassing to me, was surprisingly sexy. So in this way, holding position has also been sexy for me. He'll tell me that I am to hold a certain position during a spanking, and we both know (although it is never said) that he's going to spank me until I am forced to break position, and then some penalty is imposed. It is all in play though, and because it is play, and because I am putting effort into submission, it is quite pleasurable for me.

Anyhow, I suppose I've rambled enough. Thanks for reading.
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Old 04-15-2007, 12:43 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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There have been some dynamite posts on this thread. Thanks for sharing all your views. keep this going if you can
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Old 04-18-2007, 12:50 AM's Avatar is offline
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I sort of like it when Ann wiggles and covers. I'll usually tell her that she better not move, which is just about impossible when you get 20+ full force swats with a heavy paddle. In short, when she rolls on her side and grabs her bottom with both hands, I love it.

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Old 04-20-2007, 12:35 PM
kaylex kaylex is offline
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holding position..

Well some would say I'm a bit TOO stoic. I am generally not going to be TOLD to hold position as I'm normally not going to move. In fact I think the bigger Top/Bottom dynamic for people who are playing with me is to get to the point of GETTING to a reaction.

That said I agree the being told to hold position, or count takes away from the spanking itself. However if the spanking is just an extension of the of a lesson trying to be taught then it can have merit.

And let's not forget what a great dynamic it adds to roleplay!

All that said i actually have been asked by someone TO react. After about two minutes of it I asked if I could stop.....LOL

To each their own!
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Old 06-13-2007, 04:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Rose View Post
He'll tell me that I am to hold a certain position during a spanking, and we both know (although it is never said) that he's going to spank me until I am forced to break position, and then some penalty is imposed....
I agree with most of what I read here and this especially. I never truly expect a spankee to hold their position because if they could I wouldn't be spanking properly. It's more the attempt to follow the rules and be disciplined. And I, like so many other spankers, need that yelping, squirming, sobbing and kicking to make it complete. If there was no reaction at all I'd be worried something was wrong. It's the cussing or excessive kicking or screaming out that break the rules for holding position.
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Old 06-13-2007, 08:49 PM
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believe it or not im not always able to hold my position either lol.. especially when wood is involved
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Old 06-14-2007, 09:09 AM
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If being told to hold position is for mental effect, then I am all for it. A Top saying, "you better not move!" - knowing full well she will be moving, but it's the "oh no! I moved" feeling that a bottom can get after having squirmed, and the amusement of the Top as he jokingly chides her for it and gives 'extra'...

But to seriously be expected to stay still...nope.

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Old 06-14-2007, 10:13 AM
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Normally I have very little problem keeping relatively still or "holding position". However, even I am not immune to it it would seem...because it was fairly recently I encountered this issue. It was very strange to actually hear those words and fight like heck in order to obey them. I must admit at the time I didn't do a very good job at it though. However, at that point is when the firm, strong, yet caring hand was placed on my lower back with just enough pressure to keep me from moving too much more than a bit of the wiggles until I calmed slightly regained full position and then the spanking continued. It was an almost sureal experience for me having to truly deal with it for the first time....


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