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Old 03-08-2008, 08:28 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Jan's Birthday! Part 1

....It's Saturday at the Brady household. Carol is downstairs preparing breakfast with Alice, while Mike is in the garage getting his golf clubs. Upstairs the kids are dressed and ready for breakfast! Peter walking past Jan on his way downstairs, gives her a crisp slap on her bottom! Slap!.....Ouch! Jan yelps as her slim hips lurch forward. "Gosh, Peter.....That stung!" "Oh! Jan......Don't be such a baby!' Peter chuckles while going down the stairs! Going back to the bedroom, rubbing her bottom, Jan grumbles to Marcia; "That...Darn Peter...That's the second time he's done that!" Looking back at Jan, Marcia groans; " Yeah! ...he learned that from the "Spanking Bandit" Greg!...My rearend has gotten it's share too!"
After breakfast and helping with the dishes, Marcia and Jan put on shorts and go outside in the yard to sunbathe! Passing Greg on the way out, they quickly turn their backs away, when he raises his hand. "C'mon Greg!" Marcia growls; "Iam getting sore.....And I just might tell Mom and Dad!" ..."Ah! don't be such a spoil sportl" He laughs, while quickly reaching around and slapping Jan's thinly clad buttocks!.....Crack!......."OOOOOOW!....Damn Greg...Stop it!"

Later sitting upstairs in the bedroom, Peter is looking out the window, while Greg reads an auto magazine. Seeing Marcia and Jan laying face down on blankets in the yard. He drools; "Gee!....Jan is really developing....Isn't she?" Walking over to the window Greg looks out; "Yeah! ....Nice little ass!" He grins; "And Marcia...Doesn't look that bad either!" Staring in silence for awhile, Peter asks; "Ah!....Doesn't Jan have a birthday coming up?" "Yeah! Peter...I think in about a week....She'll be 16 years old.....Sweet 16!""Hmmmm! ..I'd sure like to give her....That spanking!" Peter sighs. "Ha! Ha!...Pete....Ya! mean..The Birthday Spanking?" "Sure Greg, why not.....You spanked her already remember?" "Yeah!..How can I forget?" Greg smiles; "what a nice, firm, little ass!" Thinking awhile, Peter asks; "But how?....Mom and Dad won't like it!"....."Ah! dont' worry...They needn't know!....And Pete....I'll help!"He grins. Looking back out the window , Peter gushes; "Gosh....Jan does look great in those shorts!"

Straining their brains trying to set-up the birthday spanking, Greg finally comes up with a plan. "Well...Pete we have to get her alone!"..."No kidding!" Peter sarcastically replies; "But how?' "Jan's birthday is next Tuesday...Right?" "Yeah! sure!" Peter agrees with listening ears. "Mom and Alice normally go shopping after lunch!' Greg states. "But we're in school!" Peter bleats. ..."Ah, Ah!....Not so fast!" Greg reasons; "How 'bout....If we play sick...And leave school early?" "Like hooky sick?" Peter asks. ..."Yeah! Pete....Hooky sick!"..."But Jan...What...If!" Peter whines...":Ah! Greg interrupts "We can call the school...And I'll talk like dad....Ok?" Peter nods; "Then what?" "I'll say I need Jan to come home!" Greg smiles. "Home for what?' Peter questions. "Aw! Pete..Home for anything!" Greg impatiently replies. "Gee! Greg.....You think...It will work?" "Peter....I guarantee it!" He grins!

......As Tuesday arrives, Greg and Peter watch as Jan comes down stairs for breakfast. Wearing a frilly, short skirted white dress. "Happy Birthday!" They chIme in unision. "Oh! thanks guys, I can hardly wait for the party tonight!" Jan smiles as she walks into the kitchen! "Yeah!" Peter gasps; "I can't wait...For the spanking this afternoon!"

Planning carefully, Greg and Peter return home about 1 o'clock. "I'll call the school!" Greg tells Peter, after making sure the house was empty. "Hello......Is this the school office?" Greg asks while holding a napkin over the receiver! "Ah!....This is Mike Brady.......A-And I would like to have Jan Brady.....To come home......It's important! Ah!...Ok...Thank you!"
"What did they say?" Peter nervously asks Greg, as he hangs up the phone.
"Peter.....Jan will be right home!" "Oh! gosh!" Peter gasps; "I-I never spanked anyone before....Especially a girl!" "Ok! Peter!" Greg jests; "Do you want to chicken out?" "Oh! no!" He excitedly replies; "I can't wait!"

......Entering the front door, Jan calls; "Hello Mom.....Dad..I'am home"! Looking down from the upstairs landing, "G-Gee! Jan looks nice!" Peter marvels; "Doesn't she?" "You bet!" Greg grins as he calls down; "Oh! Jan hi....Could you come upstairs please?" "Where's Mom and Dad?" She questions while walking up the stairs; "I was told at school....They wanted me for something!" "Oh!...They had to leave!" Greg answers with a sly look in his eye. "Gee!....That's odd!" Jan sighs, while starting back down the stairs. "Ah! Jan!" Greg quickly informs; "T-They wanted give you something!" "Oh! they did!" She replies. "Yeah! Jan....I-In Greg's room!" Peter bleats in a shrill, shakey voice! "Gee! Peter.....Are you catching a cold?" Jan asks while looking inquisitively at him!

......Going up the stairs to Greg's attic room, Jan glances back at Peter now staring at her butt; "Are you sure....You're ok?" She repeats. "A-Ah! ...Maybe I-I have a bug!" He chokes! Opening the door to his room, Greg waves Jan inside, looking around she grunts; "What's up here?" Then staring at Greg in shock, Jan stammers; "O-Oh!...n-no....I heard a-about this room.....From Marcia...O-On her birthday!" Closing the door, Greg nervously mutters; "Peter..Wants to s-spank you....For your birthday!" "Ah! bottoms slaps are one thing.....S-Spanking is another!" Jan trembles. "Aw!...C'mon!" Peter cries; I-It's your birthday.....It only happens...Once a year!"

To be continued.

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 07-22-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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