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Old 02-05-2008, 08:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Chris and Caroline

My first attempt at fiction!

It had been a normal day at the office and I arrived home just a few minutes after 5:30. I grabbed the mail and went inside, set down my briefcase and coat, and fell into the lazyboy. Caroline was already home and came downstairs to great me.
“Hey Chris, How was your day?” she asked as she reached down and kissed me on the cheek.
“Not too bad…same ole stuff,” I answered as I opened the credit card bill. I had been waiting on this one as Caroline and I had had several conversations on the need to cutback spending. I was hoping to be able to put a little towards savings this month.
I should have known by the sudden nervousness in Caroline when she noticed what envelope that I was opening. Not only had the bill not gone down, it was nearly twice what it was last month!
“Caroline, what is this?” I said with a touch of disbelief that was quickly becoming anger.
“Chris, I had to have new shoes, a new dress, and a new bag for that meeting last week,” she said with a pleading look in her eyes. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know that she needs things for her career as well as I need them for mine, but I happened to know she had several nice pairs of shoes and dresses that she had rarely, if ever, worn!
“Caroline, you know that you have plenty of nice clothes. You know it is important for us to save some money right now as well.”
“I know…I know” she said while looking down.
“I don’t know any other way to get through to you. It has been a while…and obviously too long. I will be spanking you at Seven O’clock”
I had had enough of this. Continually her frivolous spending had been keeping us from obtaining our joint goals. We had decided on a domestic discipline marriage three years ago when we got married. Caroline is a good wife…for the most part. She was raised spoiled, but with good values. Her biggest challenge continues to be realizing that we are supporting ourselves and that it is not her daddy paying for all her extravagances anymore. In three years, I had spanked her maybe a half dozen times. Nearly everyone of those had been successful in correcting behavior. She has been spanked for ignoring her turn to do laundry, for speaking rudely to me in front of guests, for being out waaaay too late with her friends, and for a drunken episode where she was just a little too flirty. All those showed immediate changes in behavior. The others had been for her spending. They had shown some temporary improvement, but soon she would forget and we were back in the same boat.
Caroline and I agreed when we first decided to do domestic disciple that her spankings would be “real” spankings. We both knew for them to be effective that they had to be hard, long, and painful. We also decided when setting down these initial guidelines that I would, depending on the severity of her misbehavior, choose the implement to be used for each spanking. All but one of her spankings had been hand spankings. The one exception being when she was too flirty with another man…that one earned her the belt. The belt had left some pretty good welts on her bare bottom and it made a huge impression on her mentally. I don’t think she will ever grab another man’s crotch again!
“Chris! It was for work. I had to have that!”
“Caroline, I am not going to argue with you. You could have made it without it. This is classic disrespect for what we both say we want to accomplish. This is also not the first time that we have had this discussion. I’ve had it. I will be up in the bedroom at seven. Have the chair in position and ready and lay out the hairbrush.”
“The hairbrush? Chris, I don’t know. That sounds a bit extreme.” I could see the fear in her eyes. Maybe this time we would get the correction we desired.
“Look Caroline. You are only making it worse by being defiant. This time I am going to make an impression on you that you won’t forget.” I said to her in my most stern and calm voice. The look I gave her left no doubt what was going to happen.
Not only could I see fear in her eyes, but also that wonderful feeling of anticipation. She knew she was wrong…knew she needed a correction…and knew that this one was going to hurt.
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Old 02-05-2008, 08:55 AM
Posts: n/a
At the appointed time, I calmly walked up the stairs to the bedroom. On the way up I was both looking forward to spanking my wife and hoping that it would provide the adjustment she needed in her spending habits. I love her and respect her, but I also loved and respected her enough to really give her what she deserved! When I walked in the bedroom door, I could see that all was in order. Caroline was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing only her bra and panties (we had agreed in the beginning that this was how she would present herself for punishment…undressed enough to be somewhat humiliated, but with some clothing still to go in my presence.), the straight back wooden chair in the middle of the room and the hairbrush laid out on the bedside table. I stood there and looked over the scene and then promptly walked to the chair and sat down. Caroline was busy studying her toes and would not meet my gaze…she knew she was really in for it this time!
“Get up and come and stand before me,” I commanded.
Caroline dutifully got up and did as she was told. She was still looking down and would not meet my gaze. “Look at me,” I said. She slowly lifted her head to look me in the eye. I could already see big tears welled up in her eyes as her predicament was now clear to her.
“Caroline, you are jeopardizing our entire financial future with your frivolous spending. You cannot just go out and spend whatever you want…even if it is for your job! If you had really needed new clothes, we could have talked about it. If we decided it was necessary, then we maybe could have sacrificed something else. What you did was totally irresponsible…totally wasteful…and totally disrespectful of me. Do you understand?”
“Yessir,” she said meekly. It was obvious from the tone of her response that she knew she was wrong. This was a great time to make an impression.
“Remove your bra.” In all her previous spankings, save one, she had been allowed to keep her bra on. The one exception was when she had been belt spanked for excessive flirting. She had been drunk when she did it, but still had a pretty hard whipping. What she had done now was much more damaging to us financially and was done when totally sober!
The quick intake of breath by her showed me she remembered her belt whipping quite nicely. She looked me in the eye and pleaded, “Chris…”
As sternly as I could, I replied “Caroline, I said take off your bra.” She slowly reached up and unhooked her bra. It was a front hook bra as Caroline doesn’t have huge tits. She is a solid “B” cup girl, that was blessed with a perfect shape. She slid the bra off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor behind her. Caroline’s breasts had always been a delight to look at. Along with the perfect shape, she had just the right size areolas and nipples. Those nipples were very hard and very erect just now. Even though she knew she was about to get a painful spanking, she was still turned on by the idea. I reached around to the bedside table and got the hairbrush. I slowly ran the flat side across her erect nipples, “We’ll see how long that excitement lasts once I get hold of your ass” I didn’t know her nipples could get harder or stick out more than they were already, but at that comment, they did!
I let her just stand there for two or three minutes as I admired the excitement that her breasts revealed. In watching her panties, I could detect the slight color change where the wetness of her pussy was beginning to show through. I knew it was time for the next step.
“Remove you panties Caroline,” I said. It was all I could do to keep the excitement that I felt over this situation out of my voice. I knew that I was giving myself away though by the hardness of my manhood. I knew that Caroline had seen this too, but I dared her to say one word about it!
Caroline’s panties hit the floor and she stepped out of them and kicked them on top of her bra. She was standing there in front of me totally naked and vulnerable. Caroline is a beautiful woman. She is a tall 5’6”, weighs about 110 lbs, and has the greatest legs and ass I have ever seen. Her long, wavy, brown hair comes down just below her shoulder blades. If I had to dream of the perfect woman for me, she would be it. Normally, when Caroline’s panties hit the floor we move pretty quickly to get her in position for the spanking. Not this time! I wanted to try something different! “Spread your legs,” I said.
“What?” She looked at me with a confused look. “I said ‘Spread your legs’…now!” Caroline quickly move to comply and her glistening pussy lips were fully exposed to me. Caroline keeps her pussy shaved nearly bare. She leaves just a little hair at the top, but takes great care to make sure that she is always smooth and bare. She calls it “going free”.
I took the flat end on the brush again and slowly ran it up her inner thighs and caressed her pussy lips with it. She tried so hard to contain the moan that escaped her lips. When I looked up at her face, her eyes were closed and her head was tilted back. I felt my own erection straining!
“Turn around,” I said. Caroline complied without even opening her eyes. I took my hand and rubbed each cheek of her butt, “It is a shame that such a great ass is going to get so torn up because you can’t control your spending. It is time.” At those last three words, the tension came rushing back into Caroline’s body and she started breathing more rapidly. Quickly she got into position, standing on my right side and waiting on my command.
I made sure that I was comfortably positioned and then tapped my knee twice with the hairbrush. At our signal, Caroline bent over my knees. She is required to have her hands either on the floor or grasping the legs of the chair. Caroline prefers having her palms on the floor. The consequence is that her toes are about three or four inches off the ground. We both like this as she says it makes her feel more vulnerable.
It generally takes us a few minutes for me to get Caroline properly positioned. This adds to the general anticipation and humiliation. This time was no different. Caroline had her palms flat on the ground, her head down with that beautiful hair dragging the ground, and her butt over my right thigh; but her back wasn’t arched and her legs were pressed together and too straight out. I tapped her on the small of the back and she immediately fully arched her back. This put her butt in a much better position. A light tap on her thighs got her to tuck them in nicely. I took the flat end of the hairbrush and pushed against one thigh and then the other until they were about six inches apart. There would be no clenching during this one!
I took just a moment to look her over…yes, she was in the perfect spanking position. My mind went back to the credit card bill and I said to her, “This is going to hurt you much more than it does me.” And then I swung the first blow.
It was about half force. I both wanted to warm her up a little bit and to gauge the impact of the hairbrush. The very satisfying “whack” as it impacted her ass along with the way she jumped told me that we had the right implement for correcting this behavior. I decided that I would warm her up with a series of three or four quick spanks followed by a pause. I repeated this three times and her butt was beginning to show some redness. I could tell that this was a really uncomfortable implement for her by the way she squirmed, but so far not a single cry out.
“Okay…time to teach you a lesson, baby.” I said. I felt her entire body increase in tension.
I hit her with one full force blow to start on the right cheek and then alternated cheeks in quick succession. By the third blow, she was trying to come up off my lap from the pain. “Chris! Jesus Christ! Chris!...Oh my God! Stop. Fuck! Please stop!” The only reaction I had ever gotten from her that was anywhere near this was when I spanked her with the belt…but it was nothing like this! Still. I told myself, we had a safe word and she had not uttered it. This litany of squirming and pleading continued for about 20 blows. A change came over her then. Her body seemed to relax some and she began to sob. I don’t mean just crying, but a full blown wailing sobbing. I continued to rain blows down on her ass with the hairbrush. Welts were already beginning to appear, but she really needed this lesson. Slowly her sobbing turned into just a steady stream of crying and she said in between blows, “Chris, I am so sorry.” Whack! “I know I was wrong” Whack! “Please forgive me.” Whack!
Still, I was determined not to let up until I was sure she had gotten the message. I was over seventy-five total blows now. I knew she was going to have some massive bruises, but the point had to be made!. After about ten more blows, I could feel her body sliding into resignation. There was no more fight left in her. She was quietly crying from the pain, but now resigned to take whatever came.
“Caroline, I hope you are learning a lesson from this. I hope you will know to control what you spend in the future.” Still, I was not done. Ten more full force blows landed upon her cheeks…I wanted to be certain that my message had been delivered.
“Now get up,” I said, “and I want you to kneel in the corner by the bed and think about what you have done.”
She got to her feet and without a word of argument went and kneeled in the corner. We had talked about corner time, but this was the first time we had used it.
I left Caroline in the corner for maybe twenty minutes. When I told her she could get up she turned and hugged me, burst into tears, and said “Thank you Chris for loving me so much. I love you!” We made love that night and both realized that somehow our relationship had changed. Both of us felt much closer to each other.
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Old 02-05-2008, 11:08 PM
sorebum sorebum is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 19
Wow! Her backside must have hurt. The hairbrush is murder on a bare bum. Ouch. Good story.
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