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Old 01-19-2007, 08:45 PM
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Adelina, you made me laugh! That reminds me - I've been in areas of the country where they misuse, as well as overuse, the term "ignorant". I cannot understand how someone who stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk could be ignorant!

Iggy, your post led to thoughts of all my grammar pet peeves. As a composition teacher, I sympathize with your aggravation over homophones, homonyms and plain mispellings. Look it up! I will not even get into the variety of errors I see - the same ones with each consecutive group of students!

And I could not agree with Richard more. I "literally" (sorry Adelina!) loathe arrogant, self-involved people. Get your head out of your own a$$ and see what you can do to improve the world you live in. Additionally, these self-righteous know-it-alls usually know nothing at all.

Finally, I cannot stand it when people leave their blinkers on! Even if they cannot hear the ticking due to high radio volumes, they have to be blind not to see the bright blinking light in the dashboard. grrrrr.

Good que, Iggy. Although...this could get very long....
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Old 01-19-2007, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy View Post
(just makes me want to light my hair on fire and start screaming)
That's a whole other fetish, Iggy.
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Old 01-20-2007, 09:17 AM
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Pet Peeves

Arrogant, self absorbed know-it-alls.
"Help Desks" where it takes you thirty minutes to finally talk to a human who turns out to be very little help at all.
Disrespectful young people.
Screaming kids in public places....yes little kids get tired, hungry, upset..etc. and don't know how to behave...but the parents can at least remove the source of annoyance.
Folks who think everything is some else's fault. Take some responsibilty.....our mistakes are truly our own.
Mean spirited people.
People who don't stand respectfully when the National Anthem is played....if you aren't a patriot, that's you business but have some respect.

Guess I sound like a grouch....sorry.....I'm really a pretty nice guy.

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Old 01-20-2007, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by rangerboy View Post
Arrogant, self absorbed know-it-alls.
"Help Desks" where it takes you thirty minutes to finally talk to a human who turns out to be very little help at all.
Disrespectful young people.
Screaming kids in public places....yes little kids get tired, hungry, upset..etc. and don't know how to behave...but the parents can at least remove the source of annoyance.
Folks who think everything is some else's fault. Take some responsibilty.....our mistakes are truly our own.
Mean spirited people.
People who don't stand respectfully when the National Anthem is played....if you aren't a patriot, that's you business but have some respect.

Guess I sound like a grouch....sorry.....I'm really a pretty nice guy.

Rangerboy, we Texans must think alike. I agree with all of these. But the 2 that particularly drive me crazy are:

1) Arrogant know-it-alls. These folks are usually so self-absorbed that they don't even realize what know-it-alls they are being. I run into them on a daily basis, both in the spanking website business and in my vanilla life. Knowing you are a Civil War buff Rangerboy, it would be like someone coming in and telling you about Civil War history when he/she MIGHT be able to tell you that the Civil War happened in the 1860s.

2) People with a lack of responsibility. The immediate knee-jerk reaction for these folks when something goes wrong is to blame either a situation or another person rather than accepting blame themselves.

For example, a very popular video we shot a few years back, with a very popular model (who will remain nameless! LOL) had a very real-life situation. She was being punished for having too many "pending" bills. Her response? "Things got ahead of me." Not, "I'm behind in my bills." But "things got ahead of me." My business partner Draytone and I rewound that scene and watched it over and over and just laughed and laughed, repeating the line "things got ahead of me." I still chuckle about that to this day! And we all love this particular model too. It's just that whole "can't possbily be my fault" thing...
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Old 01-20-2007, 02:19 PM
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Very well said Rangerboy & Gary. The know-it-all thing is definatly a huge one for me.
Telemarketer's that act pissy if you tell them no thanks, or bill collectors that could care less whether the last amount of money in your account is for grocery's and gas. I know they are just doing their job, but thats why I don't have that job. My heart would get in the way. BTW Gary, my Mervyn's bill is paid in full now. Guess I learned my lesson from that one, lol.
I work with children on a daily basis. Keeping them in line is my job, so it is beyond annoying to me while in public because I can't put on my teacher hat and adjust the attitude of a child throwing a tantrum. Here's one also; People that reward a child with candy for "calming down" just makes me go bonkers. If I had thrown a fit when I was litle, I wouldn't have been able to SIT DOWN.
The mean spirited one Rangerboy, I really agree with. Besides it being bad manners, what good comes from someone being vindictive or deceitful ?
Backstabbers is another one for me. Betrayel is so horrible and sometimes life altering.
Okay-I'm sounding really whiny and grouchy and that could get me in trouble, so I think I'll close on this one. lol
Happy spanking,
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Old 01-20-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by spanked~amber View Post
BTW Gary, my Mervyn's bill is paid in full now. Guess I learned my lesson from that one, lol.
Actually Amber, I wasn't referring to you. BUT, it's good to know your Mervyn's bill is paid off, especially since I don't even think they are in business in Texas anymore!
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Old 01-20-2007, 02:58 PM
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At the top of my list of pet peeves is when people repeatedly type the word "your" when really it's supposed to be "you're". For example, "Your early today." Grrrrrrrrrr!! It's basic grammar!

It's even worse when they KNOW that they're using "your" wrongly, but they do it anyway because the're too lazy to use the apostrophe!
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Old 01-20-2007, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy View Post
Well use of the word "loose" when it should be the word "lose" just drives me completely batty! I even saw it in a movie I watched the other day! Grrrrrr.....

Also misusing "dominate" when it should be "dominant" i.e. I am a dominate male. (I think if someone is going to call themselves a Dom, they should actually know what it is short for!)

(just makes me want to light my hair on fire and start screaming)
Oooohh...that drives me bonkers too!!

And one more thing: using "their" instead of "they're" as in "Their not supposed to be here". Geezus!!

Another thing I can't stand is when the letters e and i are switched in certain words, like "thier" (their) and wierd (weird).

LOL...I can go on and on about this. Now that I think about it, most of my pet peeves have to do with grammar/spelling. I mean, it only takes 10 seconds to go to and check the spelling of a word when you're not so sure how it is spelled!

I'll shut up now.
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Old 01-20-2007, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by garyspk View Post
Actually Amber, I wasn't referring to you. BUT, it's good to know your Mervyn's bill is paid off, especially since I don't even think they are in business in Texas anymore!
Lol. I knew you weren't referring to me. On my clip it's obvious by my fidgeting and response that I was guilty as charged. tee hee
The fact they are no longer in business here was another incentive to get it paid. I was tired of my phone ringing. The kid, oh excuse me, the "young man" reading me the right act on paying it off got a scolding let me tell ya. Before the conversation was over, I received an apology for his rudeness as well as the effort to "work something out" on my end. I assured him that I hate owing money, it was the only card I had. I also told him that if I have to choose between buying groceries and having a place to live or paying off my meryvn's bill, he isn't going to rank very high in my priorities. Give me respect and I'll show the same. Be arrogant and rude....well he also ended up admitting to me how much debt he owed ! Lol.
Happy spanking,
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Old 01-20-2007, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by dotty View Post
Oooohh...that drives me bonkers too!!

And one more thing: using "their" instead of "they're" as in "Their not supposed to be here". Geezus!!

Another thing I can't stand is when the letters e and i are switched in certain words, like "thier" (their) and wierd (weird).

LOL...I can go on and on about this. Now that I think about it, most of my pet peeves have to do with grammar/spelling. I mean, it only takes 10 seconds to go to and check the spelling of a word when you're not so sure how it is spelled!

I'll shut up now.
Dotty, we should probably start a subset forum called LOL.

First off, I'm not sure would help because first, one has to know the proper "usage" of a word before one can spell it...especially in the case of something like there/their/they're.

Also, my English teachers in school were WRONG. It ISN'T always "I before E except after C!"
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