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Old 03-23-2012, 03:50 PM
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KajiraGames KajiraGames is offline
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The Philosophy of 'Who Gets the Spanking?' Part 2 of 2

The Philosophy of 'Who Gets the Spanking?' Part 2 of 2
by KajiraGames (FM/FFFFF)

DILEMMA 3: The following term, Avril and her four friends were in their dorm when a pillow fight erupted. Such giggling, squealing combat was quite common, but this time two of the pillows split and feathers flew everywhere. Just then the dreaded footsteps of Mr Green (known for his painful use of the strap) could be heard coming down the hall. No time to clear up the mess, unless he was diverted. Avril remembered her aborted plan to invite a spanking for the sake of the others. If Mr Green stopped to wallop a bare behind out in the corridor, the feathers could be cleared away. Avril suggested the plan to the others, but just said 'somebody' should be the sacrificial lamb.

THE ALTERNATIVES: There were no immediate volunteers. Should they draw lots? Barbara suggested that Avril should take a strapping for the team, considering what happened last term. But Avril pointed out that Connie apparently had the most resilient posterior, since she yelled and cried the least whenever group spankings were dished out. "Let's vote on it" suggested Eve. There wasn't much time...

TECHNICAL BLURB: If one of the girls had volunteered to run out and barge into Mr Green (effectively taking her panties down and saying 'spank me, you bastard'), this would have constituted consent, thus preserving individual rights. If they had all agreed to draw lots, it would have been a social contract, also a form of consent. Picking Avril because of past unacceptable conduct represents the state's right to punish those who hurt others, e.g. by getting another girl spanked. When Connie was nominated as having the toughest bottom, a taxation system is proposed: take from those who can most afford it for the sake of the others. Finally, a vote would be majority rule, but what about the rights of minorities and individuals? Libertarians say democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

OUTCOME: Avril voted for Connie. Everybody else voted for Avril. She could have refused to be conscripted, but realised that if Mr Green entered the room as it was, she would get spanked anyway, along with the others. Shutting the door behind her she ran as fast as she could down the corridor (forbidden), out of bed without her dressing gown (forbidden) and crashed into Mr Green (suicidal at the best of times). Avril was soon bent over with her pyjama bottoms around her ankles. The others swept the feathers under the bed, while through the door the expected sounds came: "Ow! Ow! I'm sorry, Sir! Yeow! Please!"

DILEMMA 4: Dawn was the cleverest of Avril's friends, and it was she who concocted the substance that the girls called 'Hardass'. It was composed of onion pulp, sunburn lotion and a few other things. It's effect was to make the skin a little harder and a little numb. When they were called to a teacher's office, or spankings were otherwise imminent, they would take each other's panties down and smear it on their bottoms liberally. The slipper, the strap or the cane still hurt, but not as much. A lot of tears were saved by this much-valued potion, though a few teachers complained about the girls' new habit of 'eating raw onion'.

One weekend, the girls hopped the school fence to go into town, but were caught returning. "Get your school uniforms back on, and be at the Headmaster's office in fifteen minutes" said the groundskeeper who caught them. On returning to the dorm, the girls were horrified to see what a tiny amount of 'Hardass' was left in the last jar. At most, it would cover the buttocks of two of the five girls. But whose? Since the punishment for their crime was six with the cane, bottom bare, none of the girls was feeling generous.

THE ALTERNATIVES: Dawn said that since she invented the potion, she should get top priority. Avril said she had taken the strap to save them all a while ago, so she deserved it most. Eve claimed (to the other girls skepticism) that she had the smallest bottom, so there would be more left over for a second girl. Barbara suggested they share it equally and just cover the undercurve of their behinds, where the cane would hurt most. Other strokes would have to be endured full force, but by everyone - not just an unlucky majority. Connie's idea was to hide until they could make some more - they would get double the strokes, but all of them would get enough Hardass. Some of the girls thought that would end up hurting more. But Connie (who was the biggest and strongest girl) got tired of the argument, grabbed the jar, and pulled down her own panties. A fight broke out.

TECHNICAL BLURB: Dawn is a libertarian who thinks people are entitled to keep the products of their labour. Avril favours redistribution on the basis of a meritocracy. Eve values efficiency and productivity above all other considerations. Barbara, of course, is a socialist. Connie starts as a venture capitalist, but turns militarist (NeoConnie).

OUTCOME: While the others were grappling with Connie, Dawn snatched the jar and then yanked her own underwear to her knees while shouting something about owning the patent. The others diverted their attention to preventing her, and so it went on. At last, the Headmaster, cane in hand, arrived at the dorm to see why they hadn't reported to him. This caused such a startle that the jar flew up in the air then shattered on the floor. The Headmaster was confronted with the sight of a trashed dorm and a struggling heap of girls, several with their panties down. The shrieking and sobbing could be heard right across the campus as they all took twelve cane-strokes, on bottoms not protected by any clothing or any soothing substance.

I hope this has been enlightening.
KajiraGames - the spanking philosopher.

Last edited by KajiraGames; 03-23-2012 at 04:13 PM. Reason: pronoun correction
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