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Old 04-03-2011, 11:55 PM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
Caught smoking

Back in the 60's pot was not legal at all not even for medical reasons. I was around 16 and I was hanging around my friends and a good friend of mine gave me a joint. I put it in my note book down deep in a pocket and stuck other stuff to cover it up. I had been smoking for a while.After school I walked home with my friend Lisa,Linda and Michelle and we all went to the park and went in the girls room and we lit a joint. not the one I got. we all had a few tokes and then we all covered our self's with perfume and candy, Gum.

We all went our separate ways home. My mom was not home yet so I went to go take a shower to get rid of any Oder and then I started my laundry to wash the Oder of my clothes away.

I was doing my homework when mom knocked on my door and she talked with me a bit then she went to start dinner. I was on my bed studying and decided to go in the living-room to finish it. my mom was having a cigarette
as I was taking some paper out of a pocket of my note book the joint came out and mom saw it. she grabbed it and asked me where I got it. I would not tell on my friend so I refused to tell her so then mom got up took hold of me went to her room and she got one of her thick black belt and told me I had just 1 second to start talking I would not. Mom came around with the belt and whacked my thigh with it it stung like hell.

My mom told me to removed my undies and mom started spanking me with the belt and told me I was grounded till further notice. she delivered and she spanked me for I swear a good 15Min's.

I was screaming for her stop but no good. after she was finished I ran to my room and shut my door. mom was yelling at me and kept asking for answers and was told to start talking I kept my mouth shut.

After a bit I took the phone in my room and called my friend who gave me the joint I told her what happen she was sorry I got in trouble and said she give me another one. I told her we need to lay low for awhile. mom came in and took the phone and try to find out who I was talking to but my friend hung up.

Mom said I want to know now where you got the marijuana from I told mom it was non of her business and mom rolled me over on my stomach and she lifted my T-shirt and spanked my bottom with her hand. I was crying again but refuse to tell. Mom told me until I tell I would be grounded till I did.

Mom left and I cried to sleep. the next day I was dressed and out to school before mom got up. I did not want to answer any more questions. I told my friend to stay away for a spell tell the air was clear. I went to school and then home everyday for about 2 weeks and then I was invited to spend the night at a friends house my mom said no. not til I gave her the answer she was wanting so I said fine. I went to my room and slammed the door mom came in and was yelling at me that you better shape up and if you slam the door again I will spank your bottom I said fine in a sarcastic way and mom slapped my face.

I was grounded for over a month and my mom said I was off being grounded.

I was off for almost 2 weeks when my mom smelled pot on me and asked if I was smoking I said NO. she knew I was lying my mom told me you are lying and I want the truth I would not say. mom said to me young lady in your room right now and remove your jeans and undies you are going over my knees again for a hard spanking.

I did as I was told and mom came in with a wood paddle and I was yelling NO to mom and she grabbed me yanked me over her knee and laid into my bottom she spanked every inch of my bottom and my sits spot and thighs I was so sore and red I could feel the heat of my bottom.

I was grounded a again. I stayed to myself the entire time I was grounded.

I was not talking to mom only answer questions thats all.

Mom knocked on my door and sat at the edge of my bed. Mom told me to sit up and look her in the eyes.

I remember mom telling me how much she loves me and dose not want any harm to come over me. mom has asked me if I would promise to not smoke pot again, I told mom I would try and she told me that every time she hears or see me with it I will be spanked. mom left and I did do as my mom asked it took a lot to get me to stop. I was spanked a few more times and I now don't touch it.

Its been over 40yrs ago.
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