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Old 10-20-2010, 11:35 AM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 32
"Substitute Spanking"

By Carl Philip Michaels

Maggie Jensen came through the door, exhausted from her day at the law firm and the long drive home. Her husband Bryce was at the kitchen sink, loading the dishwasher.

“Hi, Hon,” he called over his shoulder. “How was your day?”

“Long,” Maggie replied wearily. “Did the school board call today?”

Bryce froze, feeling like the proverbial deer in the headlights. “No,” he answered warily, his eyes on the dishes. “No calls today.”

“Really?” His wife laid her briefcase down on the kitchen island and crossed her arms. Bryce turned around and didn’t like what he saw. Did she know something? How could she know?

“No, they didn’t call,” he repeated, unable to look her in the eye. Maggie sighed and sat in one of the kitchen chairs. “Come sit down, Bryce, we need to talk.”

His stomach flipped and his face reddened. He knew he was lying through his teeth; the question was: how did SHE know?

He sat. “What’s up?” he asked innocently.

Maggie huffed and her face darkened. “What’s UP is that I happen to know they called. A little thing called ‘remote message access,’ one of the many bills I pay. And since you’re lying about the call, I think it’s safe to say you turned down the offer. Am I right?” Bryce’s face turned redder still, and he felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

For the past six months he’d been unemployed, having been “not asked to return” to his teaching job the following year (school board-speak for “fired”). Between Maggie’s receptionist's salary and his unemployment insurance, they'd been able to keep the household afloat, but his benefits ran out in a month. He had applied to substitute-teach for a neighboring county, and one week prior, they had approved him as a sub and put him in the system. He’d gotten his first call to substitute early this morning, but he’d panicked and let the machine pick it up.

“Well?” Maggie demanded.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he said miserably.

“Why didn’t you accept the job?”

Bryce squirmed under his wife’s penetrating stare. “I, um, I didn’t call back.”

Maggie’s face went from angry to livid in a second. “You DIDN’T CALL BACK?!”

“I panicked!” he whined. “I’m…I’m terrified.”

“Of what?”

“Of…of being fired again.” Bryce dropped his head and rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

His wife’s face seemed to soften for a moment, but she quickly regained her resolve. “No,” she said emphatically, sitting up straight. “We’re NOT doing this. You get fired and just decide to give up? It would have been nice to know that was your plan when we agreed you’d take every sub job they offered!"

"Maggie, I..."

“Be quiet and listen," she said sharply. "Let me tell you what terrifies ME. Knowing my husband lies about things that affect both of us. The thought of losing the house. Having to move back in with my parents at 35!”

“Maggie, that’s not gonna happen,” Bryce said defensively.

“No? Well, I do the bills, and I’ll let you in on a little secret: If we don’t replace your income FAST, that’s EXACTLY what’s gonna happen.”

Bryce shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know why you’re getting so pissed off. It’s just one call, I’m sure they’ll call again tomorrow.”

Maggie felt like screaming! She knew—because Bryce had told her!—that school boards dropped potential subs pretty quickly if they didn’t return their calls. “That’s it,” she said, standing up. “Drop those pants and go stand in the corner; you’re getting punished tonight.”

“Oh, Maggie, come ON!”

“Drop them! NOW!”

Bryce was both angry and embarrassed, but he knew he deserved this. According to the Jensen's domestic discipline contract, when one of them failed to live up to their agreements, the other had the option to administer a punishment spanking. Unfortunately, Bryce was the more impulsive and less self-disciplined of the two, and hence found himself on the receiving end much more than he liked.

He pulled down his sweatpants and stepped out of them, then followed Maggie’s pointing finger to the “Punishment Corner” in the family room. In just his t shirt and white briefs, standing with his hands on his head and his nose in the corner, he felt juvenile and ridiculous. He heard Maggie pour herself a glass of wine. That was probably in his favor, since it tended to calm her down. After his corner time was over and she’d changed out of her work clothes, maybe she’d be feeling a little mellow and be content with giving him a token, symbolic spanking.

But he wasn’t counting on it.

[End of Part One]

© 2010 Carl Philip Michaels
All Rights Reserved

Last edited by carl35; 10-20-2010 at 11:58 AM.
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