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Old 11-25-2009, 09:22 AM
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Domestix dot com Chapter 1 part 1


I'm a modest man. I've done nothing special in my life. I have never invented anything, or saved anyone. For most of my life, I have lived in a conservative way, never reaching out or rocking the boat, and at the ripe old age of 23, I'd decided that I'd had enough of that kind of existence. Now there are millionaires who envy my way of life. There are thousands of men who would love to be me, and just as many women who would love to be near me. No, I'm not a celebrity, nor am I outrageously wealthy. I'm just a man who reached out and plucked his dream from the ether, making it reality.

My name is Andrew. I'm 23, successfully self-employed and financially secure to a 'T'. I am also one greedy sex-o-holic and a life long spank-o. For as long as I can remember I've found the thought of being in control, being a Dom, nearly intoxicating in its sexual appeal. I don't mean like Connan or anything quite that dramatic, just a strong minded man who knows what he wants, and goes after it in a confident manner. So for as long as I can remember I've tried to emulate men who are like that, tried to become one of them. I've studied fictional story characters to actors and, more recently, other Doms. I'd often heard the saying, "Fake it till you make it," and I took that message to heart.

After nearly a decade of "faking it", I'd finally come into my own. I could look at something, anything, decide I wanted it, and then go after it with a tenacious confidence that got me what I wanted 9/10 times. Women, jobs, friends, hobbies, whatever I wanted I could take using pure will power confidence. Maybe I'd become a bit cocky, maybe I still am, but I'd decided that I'd played by societies rules long enough. It was time to start my own game, and there was only one game I wanted to play. I wanted subs. Plural, and not just two, but more like 5. I wanted them to be 24/7 live-in subs. I wanted it as a lifestyle, as a polar shift from the norm, and I was ready to go after it with everything I had.

At that time I was working for online investment companies, working e-security and providing general IT support for several large firms. I lived alone in my absurdly large bachelor pad of 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, one of which was a jumbo bathroom that I could never possibly need. (Why buy such a large house? The market was in the largest slump in the last 10 years and my business was booming, so I figured, why not?) I furnished the house nicely, and fell in love with the place. Now I was looking to fill the empty bedrooms, and I had a plan to do so.

Working in cyberspace had made me quite a few connections, so I called a guy, who knew a guy, who was and acquaintance of the kind of man I wanted to talk to. It took me a couple days to get the right number, and when I finally did get to talk to the guy, he pretty much blew me off. Not one to be deterred, I called in a favor, and the very next day, I was in to meet my prospective investor, Mac. Mac is what you call a porn king pin. He owns websites, several small to medium sized movie studios, his own record company and has more pornstars and camera men on staff than you can shake a stick at. Naturally he's an extremely successful, very busy guy, so I had to make my sales pitch stick. Luckily for me I'm a pretty smooth talker.

"Mac, you've got porn everywhere. It reaches to every corner of every fetish, utilizing almost every media in existence. You're net sales are envied by companies that employ twice as many people as you do, and I think I can make you a substantial chunk of change with my idea. I want to take two completely different fetishes and styles of adult entertainment, blend them together, and come up with something brand new and, hopefully, profitable. Strangely enough, I'll be mixing two of the largest fetishes in existence. The voyeur fetish, which is massively huge, and the spanking fetish, which, to the disappointment of thousands, your ventures have left largely untouched, aside from a few softcore BDSM flicks. They're well done, but there's a massive audience out there who wants it done harder and more realistically. So I offer you both."

"I own a house, its large enough to comfortably hold myself and 5 others, with some minor renovations. I want to bring in and hire 5 gorgeous women between the ages of 18 and 21 to live in my house with me. You'll have voyeur cams in every room, so it can function as a normal voyeur site, but here comes the big difference. Every chance I get, no matter how small it is, I'll throw one of those cute little girls over my knee and spank the shit out of her. Any questions so far?"

Mac considered for a moment, then said, "I see a small problem with this. The voyeur community will love getting to see a hot young girl getting a spanking every now and then, but for the spank-o's, thats the main dish. They won't want to watch girls paint their nails for hours on end with a chance of not even getting to see a spanking. It doesn't fly."

"You're right," I say, "But I've already thought of a way to cure that little problem. It's a voyeur site, so a hired camera crew is out the window, but what if we taught the girls to film? They'd be a free crew, and voyeurs could even watch as the girls were filming. Then we post the videos and stills that the girls take on the website, along side the more voyeuristic things."

Mac was deep in thought, "How much would you charge, and what's on the site?" asked Mac.

"Glad you asked. The voyeur part of the site will be free."

"What?" exclaimed Mac, incredulous.

"Hear me out. We make the voyeur part free to watch, but we have forums that you have to pay $5.00 a month or $30.00 a year to be a member of. On the forums, fans get to choose punishment implements, the victim, scenario for roleplay, you name it, the fans have control. They vote and we obey. We also charge for something I'll call a highlight reel. The highlight reel is all the spankings for the day for $1.00 or all the spankings for a week for $5.00. We'll also merchandise, but very modestly. We can sell spanking implements used on the girls, the girls costumes, and auction off regular stuff from the house. What do you think?"

Mac stared at me hard for a minute, then said, "I still think you could make more money charging for the voyeurism, but mostly I think I'm glad you got me to sit down and listen to you before you went anywhere else. I think this could be big."

"I'm glad you like it."

"What about sex?" asked Mac. As more of a vanilla guy himself, it made sense that he would ask.

I smiled, "It won't be required (how could it be?), but I'll be going after them all just the same."

Mac guffawed, "Of course my models would be more than willing to have sex with you! I'm insulted you think they wouldn't. You're not a bad looking guy."

"Oh," I said with a slight frown, "That's the other thing. I don't want to use models or porn stars. I want to pick regular girls, from regular lives, right off the street."

"Now that," said Mac slowly, "May be a problem. There's no way you can find girls who would be willing to participate."

"You let me worry about that. If you approve it, I guarantee I can get 5 girls contracted in less than 6 weeks."

"6 weeks? I give you extra points for being such a cocky bastard. Tell you what. We'll make 6 weeks the opening date for the site, and even if you only have 3 girls, I'll still let you open shop and recruit the other 2 later, but 3 is the minimum."

I grinned at Mac across the table, "Sound like we're in business."

"Lets make this official," said Mac, standing up. He stuck out his hand, which I firmly shook, and then we went out to lunch to discuss the more mundane details of having five gorgeous women living in a house with a sex-o-holic/spank-o.

Chapter 1: Meeting Amy. (Warning: Hairbrush and Humiliation. Hard Spanking and Sexual Content. This is the BDSM-esque girl)

So this is the premise for the story, which I would love to post here except there is a 10,000 character limit which only fits about a third of each of the 5 chapters I have written so far, and the first third of the 6th. So if you'd like to read the rest, you can go to my google groups page.

I'd love to hear from you.

Last edited by DominDrew; 11-25-2009 at 09:50 AM.
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