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Old 05-30-2009, 10:04 PM
Beowolf Beowolf is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 9
The Roulette

The Roulette.

Two sexy-looking Czech girls are playing roulette in an apartment. They don’t just do it for entertainment, they back money. One girl wins 30 bucks from another. One of the girls is grabbing 60 chips from the table. Each of them had staked 30. One on the Red, the second one on the Black. - Shit, you win. I’ve lost 30 Euro. (Puts the money on the table.) Well, let’s continue, give me my revenge… - OK, I’ll give you a chance. Come on… I think I’ll devastate your savings today. - Don’t be so confident, I’ll show you now how real masters play. Suddenly mother of one of the gals enters the room. She’s back from work. She’s dressed like a business lady or some chief. A black costume and a white blouse. Black hose and black high-heeled classic shoes. Not only she looks like a lady-boss, her manners speak better. - Hi girls. - Hi Mom. - Good afternoon, Pani Novakova. - What are you girls doing here I wonder? Is it a roulette or maybe it’s my hallucination? - Mmm… Eeee…. (The girls look very scared and embarrassed.) - Milenka, have you swallowed your tongue? What’s this? Answer me. Now! - Mom, it’s a roulette… - Well, well… So gambling here? How is it going? Who wins? - I’ve lost 30 Euro, Mom, but I’ll play it back I’m sure… - Play back? Darling, where do you think you are? Is it a casino here? You aren’t in Las Vegas, but in my house now! Do you know I forbid you to gamble? By the way, Milenka, your parents don’t allow you these things too. - But Mom, we’ve just played one game. And I’ve lost just 30 Euro, let me try to return it! - Milenka, I couldn’t even imagine you are so stupid. You will stop it immediately, give your money to Irka, since you’ve lost them, and then we’ll have a VERY serious talk with you both. - Yes, Mom. (Gives the money to Irka, but she refuses.) - No, I won’t take it. It’s your money, and you haven’t got a chance to play them back. - You are wrong, Irka. It’s not her money, it’s MY money. She doesn’t work, I pay for her University just like your parents pay for your education. You haven’t earned a cent yet, and are gambling with your parents’ money, which were given you to purchase books for the University and for your dinners. Gambling is a terrible vice, it leads to a drug-like addiction. People who have a head on their shoulders never touch cards or roulette. Especially if they don’t earn for their living. - But Mom, is it much of a problem? You are a well-off woman, Irka’s parents own a factory… - Two factories. Irka itemizes. - Well, girls. You don’t understand my words, as far as I see. And Milenka knows very well, what happens when my words don’t reach her mind. - Oh, Mom, please not now… Forgive me, please! - Too late to apologize. I’ve already figured out that you don’t understand your fault, you are just scared. You will be punished right now. Irka, do your parents spank you? - Yes, pani Novakova, they do it on occasions. - Milenka will receive a good caning now, and what do you prefer: either I report this accident to your parents, or you can make a company to your friend right now. Then I won’t tell anything to your parents. - Eeee… I would rather prefer to be punished by you, pani Novak, because my parents would not just spank me, but take away all the money from me as well. But I don’t know what a cane is, they usually strap me. - I’ll show you. - Milenka, bring me the cane. The girl brings her the rattan cane from another room, her head drooping. Pani Novakova takes it, bends it and cuts the air with a swish, to show how flexible it is. - Oh my God! It must hurt! - Sure it does, and much more than a strap. So, think twice. - …. I agree. I thing it’s still better than money sanctions from my parents. - You may be wrong, sweetie. But I’m sure, this is exactly what you need. So, girls, you like gambling, don’t you? If so, I’ll arrange another kind of gambling for you now. We’ll play this roulette, and IT is to decide how many strokes each of you will receive on your bare bottoms. The girls look at each other absolutely shocked. - Mom, maybe the usual 6-24 strokes? The roulette may show SUCH a value!!! - It might also show enormous value when you gambled the money, given you for another needs. So, I think this kind of punishment will be very fair in this case. Don't you think so? - I think, that again you are right Mom, as you usually are... - Irka, what about you? Are you still ready? - Oh, I’m so afraid… But yes, I’m ready. - OK, then. You both are ready, so let’s start our “game”. - OK, then. Let’s start our “game”. Sit down, please. The rules are simple. Sorry, but you’ll lose in any case. I’ll stake on the dozens. 25 on the first dozen, 50 on the second, and 100 on 3rd. So, the punishment may vary from 25 to 100 strokes of the cane. They all sit around the table and mother turns the wheel. The girls look at it as if it were a rattlesnake, ready to bite them. The wheel stops and shows the 2d dozen, which means 50. - Oh, it means 50! I’ve never got that much! Mom, please… - Pani Novakova, it must be intolerable, please, have a mercy! - No, girls. I think it’s a very fair value. Exactly what you deserve. I’m sure this will be the caning you’ll never forget. And these memories will keep you safe from many problems in your future life. - First I’ll punish you, my daughter. And you, Irka step aside and stay there, watching how I flog you friend. As you soon will take here place, it will be useful for you to have some idea of what awaits you. (With a very sinister smile.) - Take off your clothes and assume the position bending over the back of the chair. Pani Novakova fixes her legs and waist with a rope. (Milenka slowly undresses, and places her clothes very neatly on the sofa.) - Over the back I said! It won’t be so pleasant as you hope. This time everything is too serious. - Now I’ll give you 50 strokes of the cane, and you will count the strokes. Once you lose count, I’ll start from the very beginning. - Oh, my God! One! - You’ve remembered God, my darling? Did you think about God, when you were gambling? - Oh, it hurts so much! Mom, please forgive me! - Sure I’ll forgive you, but only when I’m over with the punishment. - Oh, please stop it! - Are you kidding? It’s just the beginning. - Oh, I can’t take more of it!!! - I know better what you can and what you can’t. So be quiet and receive what you have deserved. - I’ve realized my fault! Please, that’s enough! - I don’t think so. Enough will be when I lay the 50th cane over your bottom. - Oh, Oh, I’ll never gamble again, please, believe me! - After the punishment you won’t, I’m sure. - I’ve already learnt my lesson! Please don’t lash me more! - If you say one more word, I’ll add 10 strokes to your 50. The girl wiggles too much, and Pani Novakova has to tie to the chair not only her legs and waist, but hands as well. The caning continues. At last… - 50!!! Aaaa, Ohhhh! - Will you ever gamble again and spend the money, you haven’t earned, on the purposes, I haven’t allowed you? - Never again, Mom! - Well, now I believe, you have really learnt your lesson. (Releases Milenka and sends her to the corner.) - Now go to the corner and stay there naked. Your arms behind your head. And think about your behavior and the consequences of your misconduct. (She goes to the corner and stays there facing the walls, but never loosing the opportunity to glance how her friend receives the punishment. She obviously enjoys it. - Now, Irka, it’s you turn. The girl approaches the punishment place on trembling legs. - So, I remind you that it was your choice to receive caning from me. Don’t expect any mercy. You’ll receive all the 50. - Pani Novakova, what I’ve seen is simply terrible. My parents never whipped me like that. I don’t understand, how I’ll manage to stay this. Maybe you will lash me a bit slighter? - No, don’t even think about it. The punishment will be as severe as Irka has received. And you’ll just thank me for that in future, believe me. Count your strokes carefully. (Pani Novakova now fixes the girl to the chair very carefully, because she looks forward, what effect the first caning in her life will produce.) - AAAA!!! One! - Oh, why I have agreed??? It’s so painful!!! - Oh, it stiiiiiings!!! - Oh, please, better report to my parents! - Too, late, dear. But if you want, I’ll report it to you parents after I give you 50 strokes. - No, no!!! - Remember, this is for your own good. I’m doing it for you, not for myself. - Oh…. Set me free, please… - Please…. - Forget it. - AAAA!!!! - Do you understand why you are being caned now? - Oh, yes, because I was gambling. - And??? - What? - Is that all? You see, you don’t understand your fault well enough. - AAAA! Ah, yes, for disrespect to the money, earned by my parents!!! - That’s correct. Do you feel how a good lashing helps to realize one’s faults? - Oh, yes, I do! Maybe it’s enough? I’ve realized everything. - No, realizing your fault isn’t all you need. You must be punished for that. To remember for a long time. And you aren’t yet. - AAA!!! Fucking shit! - What? Swearing? You’ll be penalized right now! - Oh, no!!! ……………….. Finally… - 50!!! - Now what do you think about your future behavior? - I’ll never ever play roulette or cards or any other game for money! I’ll always consult to my parents how to spend the money they give me! - Correct. Now I see, that I’ve managed to boost the ability of your brain to think properly, and I’m sure you’ll remember this lesson for years. - Oh, yes! - Good. Think of this every time you’re intending to do some foolish thing. Remember this lesson, and I hope it will stop you.

“THE ROULETTE” is the second severe caning movie, based on a real story, shot in the Czech Republic, which I highly recommend to all, who like the Czech style punishments. If you want to see this story in action now, it has been put on video, and here it is:
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