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Old 02-03-2009, 10:41 PM
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ScarletFanny ScarletFanny is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 44
Exclamation I Was Naughty(Part 1)

It was a chilly December morning. The snow had begun to fall last night and by this morning, it had given a pretty white dusting to everything which was perfect since it was Christmas Eve. The snow was never welcome at any other time but this day, these two days. It made the lights on houses seem brighter and the decorated trees in people’s windows glow with a sparkle. I had been out since very early before the sun ever shown. I wanted to take advantage of all the last minute deals. I wasn’t supposed to go out but, Victor had to work and as usual when I was left to my own devices, I took full advantage. That normally introduced me to some swift discipline if I was caught out but, I was determined not to get caught out today.
Victor worked in West Sussex in and we lived in East Sussex in. This put him an hour away and me at a safe distance to normally get away with much he was never aware of. I recall one day I had to clean the house and ended up laying about watching telly the whole day and at the last hour just quickly ran a feather duster across things and swept the dirt under the carpets. He never found that one out. As I thought of it, I snickered to myself in the shop whilst looking at some lovely jewelry. I was out this day to net myself a gift. I thought I had been pretty good and deserved to treat myself.

The piece was a gorgeous necklace pendant that was made of cultured pearls, blue sapphires and garnet accents. It had a matching pair of earrings, a ring and even a bracelet. Then I saw the most beautiful handbag and with the same pearls and jewels, too! I had to have them all. they would go perfectly with the garnet red velvet skirt and top I’d gotten just a half hour ago. So, purchases made, I carried my bags with a perky step to my next venture, shoes. Right in the window as if beckoning me were a pair of vintage stout heeled Victorian ladies boots in the same garnet red as my outfit with pretty gold laceups. I asked for my size and had the fitter slide them on. I stood and found them like slippers. they fit to perfection. I felt like Cinderella. I had him put them on the charge card and popped out. I was feeling peckish and stopped for some lovely tea and cucumber and watercress sandwiches followed by some dainty sugar shortbread biscuits. Recharged, I went on to catch the train back. I got home and it was only 2 in the afternoon, plenty of time before Victor would get home from work. I placed my outfit on a hanger and hung it in the back of the wardrobe and placed my jewelry in the handbag and put it up on the shelf in back. Then I placed the box of shoes in the corner of the wardrobe at the bottom. There, all set and I’ll just suprise him with it tomorrow before services at church.
I sat down for a spell to catch my breath and before I knew it, I was gone to sleep. I woke with a start as the hall grandfather clock chimed 4:30pm. Oh, my! Victor would be home in an hour and I’d not got the housecleaning done. I began in earnest sweeping all the floors as fast I could right out to the front stoop hoping the ashes would blow away. I hurriedly dusted all the tops and bottoms of things. then I set about wiping down every other surface and thing. Now, that I had that done, I started supper. I chose a quick pasta dish with a simmered bolognase sauce and made up a tossed salad, some olive oil and herb bread slices and grabbed a bottle of wine from the wine case opening it to allow for breathing. I set the table, looked about for anything that was looking undone, saw nothing and then sat down for a bit. I saw Victor heading up the walk and then I popped up to greet you at the door with a sweet kiss.

"Hello sweetheart, " I cheerily say. "Hello darling, " the warm return. "Dinner is ready and the table is all set honey. Let me take your jacket and I’ll grab your house shoes." "Thank you dear. Such a nice looking dinner. Did this take you very long to make?" "I spent a couple hours on the sauce alone, love." I actually only spent about 15 minutes with a jar sauce, some fresh minced beef and already cooked Italian sausage and some freshly added basil. I had even tossed in a chopped tomato for effect. So, we then sat down to an actually very tasty dinner. "So, what did you do today love?" "Well, you know me, home all day and kept after the cleaning for most of it and then dinner tonight. Nothing exciting." I kept my gaze directly upon you so as to completely seem as I was speaking nothing but truth.
After dinner, I cleaned up all the dishes and put them away. Then it was time for my regular evening maintenance spanking. "It seems you’ve been a good girl so I’m just going to give you a hand and hairbrush tonight and because it’s Christmas only half an hour. Are you ready to have your spanking then like a good girl?" "Yes, Sir." I lowered myself on your lap and reached back to lift my skirt and then inched my panties down to the tops of my thighs. You did the rest pulling them to my knees. You rested your hand on my cheeks which always made me squirm to get closer. Then you began lightly then medium then harder. You followed a steady even rhythm for 15 minutes and paused then, the hairbrush was spanking me and it, too was at a even pace which left me pretty warm but not terribly hot. I was all warm and squidgy now feeling turned on. I could feel your hardness under me as well.
"Now, up with you darling. You were a very good girl tonight. So, time for a treat." And with that you grasp my arm, take me into our bedroom and then take off all of my clothes followed by your own and toss back the covers. We get in and begin to kiss lightly then passionately, our bodies clinging together. Your hands and mine both explore each other and yours find my nipples and begin to squeeze and pinch them in your fingers rolling the ariole. To this I moan and coo like a contented bird. I reach down and begin to encircle and caress your cock sliding tenderly your foreskin back and forth. I am very wet and I place the tip of your very hard cock near the entrance of my tight hot little tunnel. You slide in and nestle there in a slow pumping motion. Soon, the pace quickens and we begin to dance together in the throws of sensual love increasingly getting more intense until we are both drenched in love’s sweet musky sweat. We both arch back and then cum in lovely unison and both reach hands down, mine on your cock which you’ve slid out and yours on my quim both simultaneously pleasuring the other until we cum a second time. Then, both of us spent, we lay together kissing, embracing and speaking our love to each other. Soon, we both drift off to sleep in absolute contentment in each others embrace with my head upon your shoulder.

Morning came and I awoke to find you weren’t in the room. Then suddenly, you reappeared and with a tray of a hot steaming plate of eggs, toast with my favourite jam, fresh brewed coffee and some chocolates, too. "For you darling. Merry Christmas." "Thank you sweetheart! I was going to do this for you!" "I know but, this day is special. Now, eat your breakfast like a good girl and then you must leave the bedroom for a short bit. I always wrap your gifts on Christmas day and you musn’t be about to peak."It was a tradition that I always wrapped his gift the day before and hid it and then he wrapped mine that he hid in the bedroom. I was filled with the excitement of a child. I ate my breakfast which was very tasty, popped down the silky smooth chocolates and then got up, wrapped myself in my robe and carried the tray out to the kitchen to clean up.
I could hear you busy about the bedroom and popped down in front of the telly to watch the early Christmas parade which was broadcast live from London. All of the pomp and regalia and such lovely music put me right in the mood for the day. I glanced over at the tree all decked out in varying shades of red, purple and blue ornament with the gold tinsel and glittery lights and seeing the light dusting of snow outside as a back drop making it look ever more pretty. Soon, you appeared and I turned down the telly and watched as you put the gifts under the tree along with mine which I’d already put there.
"Darling, the boxes look so pretty, almost too pretty to open.""Yes, quite don’t they? Well, it was fun to wrap up your specially chosen gifts. But, I wish to open mine first, if that is ok." "Of course, love, as always you are first." So, I went to the tree and picked up a gift. I handed it to you with a loving kiss on your forehead. It was a larger box which had a puzzlework of smaller and smaller boxes inside. In the smallest one was a solid gold engraved ID bracelet with a single carat diamond at the start of your name. On the inside was{Love Eternal Sweet Cheeks}. Also in the box was a bottle of your favourite cologne. "It’s so lovely darling, Thank You. I love it." "You are so welcome my love. And I have another gift for you, too." "Really, then what is it?" "It’s just tucked under the sofa cushions where it has been cleverly hidden since yesterday." "Naughty girl, " you said with a cat’s grin on your face. I smiled coyly and got it out. It was wrapped in a long package with a ribbon tied round and bowed. You gave a familiar sardonic smile and proceeded to open it. "Very nice darling. Very nice indeed." It was a well crafted custom dragon cane polished to a sheen with a rich umber lacquer that gave it a reddish brown cast. the handle was ornate with bits and flecks of gemstones in it’s gold base. "Very regal and has a nice whistle in the air, too." You swished it about a few times which made me wince some. You noticed and said, "Hmmmm....yes. You know I’ll have to see how well it works." "Yes, Sir." I had an air of submissiveness in my voice as I always did when encountered with new implements that I knew were to be tried and tested on my available bottom.
Scarlet Fanny

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