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Old 02-03-2009, 11:11 PM
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ScarletFanny ScarletFanny is offline
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Exclamation I Was Naughty(Part 3)

"Well. We are colouring up prettily today. A crimson bum to go with a lovely crimson ensemble. I can’t wait to see you squirm in church love." I felt so submissive now and yet a wee bit defiant. It was Christmas and I was being punished. I stuck out my tongue and earned another set of 75 of the Jokari! I’d not do that again. My bottom was on fire now. "How about that lovely bath brush now darling." "Yes, Sir. Please spank me with it and hard because I have been a naughty girl, Sir" "With joy my love." Because of its longer handle you held the it vertically and this made sure the smacks would land on my sit spots. These were alternated between right and left with a flurry of warmups uncounted. As each fell, my sit spots burned as if I had sat directly in a pile of hot coals. After 150, I was sobbing. "There, are we learning a nice painful lesson this day?" "Yes, Sir. I am. I am sorry I shopped without your permission and used your credit." "You may well be sorry dear but, I’ll ensure you are very sorry by the time I’m done and that you stay that way. Now, hand me the loopy Johnny like a good girl should." I grasped it and handed it to you. "Sir, please punish my bare bottom with this loopy Johnny so that I will learn to ask permission before I do things." "Yes, my sweet, with pleasure." You then slid me forward so that my bare cheeks were propped upright and lashed at them a few times to make sure you were on target and then they came. The loopy Johnny had the distinction of feeling like two implements. It felt like a cane because of its thinnish rod like shape and also felt like a single tailed whip and could be used in a cross hatch swing whilst the victim was standing and bent slightly to jut the bottom out. It’s material was either leather or rubber. This was rubber which stung more. You loved ones that caused the most sting and heat.
By the time it had finished its work with much tearful pleading and discomfort, I had a spaghetti work of lines all over my bared flesh to go along with the deepening redness. I could feel the lines raising, the skin becoming tight and the sore ache that followed. I was only half way done being punished. "Well, doesn’t my sweet cheeks look so pretty now. Yes, her bare bottom is all red. puffy and raised lines. What a lovely Christmas pattern. Hand me the Cocobolo now. Be a good girl." "Yes, Sir." With tears streaming down my face, I handed up the paddle. "Please, Sir. Spank me with this to ensure I always mind you from now on." "Yes, indeed I will and you had better learn your lesson today or I will repeat and triple it next time." "Yes, Sir." Then, like a herd of angry wasps, the Cocobolo came down and once more you opted for the single cheek, started with the left and then moved to the right when you’d done with the left. Heat upon heat and now a nagging itch as the Cocobolo always had that effect. It sort of picked my flesh up in its wood grains and then it peeled it back off. When it peeled off, it left my bottom feeling well stung and with a scratchy itch. My bottom now felt almost twice its size and throbbed like a heartbeat at full running speed.
"Stand up darling and go lay over the sofa arm in the prescribed fashion and no dawdling or I will repeat the previous amounts all over. Now Go!" And with that you gave me several crisp spanks with your hand. I scrambled up and made sure to grab the remaining implements as you’d want me to hand them up to you. I went to the sofa, laid the implements on the floor, then propped myself over the arm and rested my palms on the floor. "Good girl, now spread your legs apart just a bit more. That’s a girl. Hand me the new cane. I can’t wait to try it out. Very lovely choice darling. You know how I like my Dragon Canes, especially the ones from Coventry Canes." I handed it up. "Sir, please cane my bare cheeks. Punish them to make certain I will obey you and ask permission for everything always." "Yes, I shall love and with deep desire, too." You rested the cane on my cheeks and trailed it down horizontally and then vertically using just the tip. You always loved to tease me with the canes before actually lashing me with them. It built the tension to the maximum. Slowly you traced along my legs and up to my spine gliding the tip along it making me shiver and my bottom visibly quiver. You loved to see my bottom shaking like jelly. You brought it up into my hair and then even caressed my face with it touching it to my lips. I spontaneously kissed it. I kissed the tool which would punish my bottom and raise lines on it. You gave a short wicked and very pleased laugh. I love to do things like this to please you and to let you know I was embracing the discipline.
Several moments passed as you savoured them and took in my spanked flesh with your eyes. You drank it like a goblet of fine wine, rich red merlot. Then THWICK! The first stroke across the middle, the line raised immediately and the skin pulled very tight. "Oww!" was my very suprised cry. The acuteness of it was amazing. This cane was decidedly lethal. You loved canes probably the best of all. You could wield them like a fine artist at the easel crafting your canvas, my bare bottom flesh as if it were the Sistine chapel and you were Michaelangelo. You used them like they were swords and you a grand Highlander in a battle with your arch nemesis whose powers you would receive after you’d slain them with one swift cut. For you caning was the most pleasurable of pass times, a skill you held and a tool you could play with altering your "brushstrokes" as you chose for the maximum effect and design.
You delivered the first 30 so that they covered every inch of my bottom horizontally from the top to the underside cleft. Then you stood at my head and sent 30 evenly spaced and evenly distributed cuts bacon sliced. Bacon slices were some of your favourites as they crossed the regular slices and had the effect of making my bare bottom look like a checkerboard.
"And you know what is next my dear? Yes, you do, don’t you. You know I save the best for last. Pick it up dear. Embrace it. Love the Blade my dear and do give it a nice little kiss. These shall be for your deception and they will be very hard. You will count them and thank me. You will ask for the next and then at the end, you will thank the blade for punishing you as you will thank me. If you miss one count, I am going to begin your punishment from the beginning. You were wrong to deceive me and you are going to remember this lesson and never deceive me again. Now, then pick it up and kiss it lovingly." With tears gushing down my face, a look of fear and all the emotion now running through me of how ashamed I was for doing things without your permission and then deceiving you into the bargain, I was a complete train wreck.
I picked up the blade paddle. This one was a double thickness and holes so it would carry the most sting, heat and pain.I raised it so fretfully to my lips feeling the coolness, that deceptive coolness against them and kissed it. I felt like I could wretch right now. The 40 I was to get with this would equal and surpass the other 650 I had already gotten.
"Please, Sir. Please punish me with the blade so that I will learn never to deceive you again. Please punish me severely, Sir." "Yes, my love. Yes, I will and it will be very severe, too. I can and will ensure this. Now, you know I practice first and you know that your count must not begin till I have had my test shots. You are responsible for knowing when that is. If you are off, you will start your discipline all over and receive triple the blade." I got very nervous wondering if I would be able to guess the count start. You slid the cool blade across my bottom and then brought it down in a flurry of hard smacks. Fortunately I guessed correctly because after the flurry there was a second’s pause and then SMACK! The first very hard direct hit on my cheeks which went through every layer to my bones making a white hot heat! "One, Sir. Thank you. May I have another?" Two through 20 were delivered and I almost missed count on 20. I received an extra flurry of spanks for almost missing it to remind me to keep the correct count. The heat was unbearable, excrutiating pain emanated, radiated from my cheeks. Then 20 through 40 and finally it stopped. I was beyond all tears now choking, sobbing out my dry pleas. Each progressive smack of the blade went deeper and deeper until it had penetrated the interior of my bones. My bottom was a mass of raised lines, welts and splotches along with a very deep plum hue. You then peeled me off the sofa arm and took me into your arms. You sat on the sofa and pulled me down onto your lap and even you gave utterance of a moan with the heat that went through your trousers. I winced and cried as I sat on my extremely sore bottom.
"And has my darling learned that she is to ask permission and not be such a deceitful minx? Have you learned your lesson this day?" "Yes, " I said with choking tears, "I have, Sir. I shall always ask first and I shall never be deceitful to you anymore. I am so sorry I was so naughty. Please forgive me, Sir." "Yes, of course you are forgiven. This is why I spank you so that you can be forgiven and neither of us holds ill against each other. By chastising you I have brought you back to me, a cleansed pure lady, my good girl." Then you kissed me very sweetly and tenderly and held me close to cry out my tears. "Now, let’s get ready for church. I have more gifts that you can open when we get back. And don’t think you are getting out of your Christmas spanking nor your nightly maintenance either." You smiled a huge happy and wicked grin. then you lifted me off your lap, gave me a couple sharp spanks and I scurried off to get dressed in my new outfit, my bottom so sore, so hot and feeling so very loved. I heard you call out as I was in the bedroom, "Merry Christmas my love!" "Merry Christmas my darling, my Master!"
Scarlet Fanny

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Old 03-04-2009, 03:55 AM
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just womdering when we may expect volume 4
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Old 03-04-2009, 11:14 AM
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ScarletFanny ScarletFanny is offline
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I had to split up my story into three individual posts as it won't let you go over 10,000 characters. It in and of itself is a complete story. I will be posting other stories as I write them, though.
Scarlet Fanny

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Old 03-04-2009, 06:52 PM
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Red face hey

nice story ..

have a great week and weekend
~!*Lil Miss Spankable ~!*
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