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Old 04-26-2007, 07:32 AM
hot-spanker's Avatar
hot-spanker hot-spanker is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: cookeville tenn
Posts: 82
Angie will do her chores.....

The first thing I saw when I came in the back door was all that laundry still lying in a pile. That girl I swear. I get in the kitchen there's the dishes she was supposed to have done this morning. That's it. I've had it with this nonsense. She was sitting in front of the TV feet up on the glass coffee table. Again!

"Angie!" It was like I had touched her with a live wire. Feet hit the floor, and a flood of excuses, promises, and pleas started "I'm sorry Daddy! "I forgot I'll keep my feet off I promise! Please don't spank me! I'll do the dishes right now! PLEASE! I I f f forgot the laundry Daddy please please don't take my panties down I'm too old for that!" I left her frantic tearful barrage behind as I walked to our bed room where my wife's heavy oak hairbrush lay on the dresser. I picked it up and headed back to the living room. Heart felt crying began when she saw that brush.

She stood in front of the couch hand on her plump 12 year old bottom. Wearing the Saturday uniform of the day. Thin strait leg jeans white button front blouse bare feet. "Oh god Daddy please not the brush please not the brush" I stopped the tirade with a wave of my hand and pronounced her doom. "Angie I want those jeans off now. She knew better than to argue. Her hands trembled as she undid her jeans and wiggled them off of her hips. Sliding them down her legs she stepped out of them one leg at a time, and handed them to me. Her pink tweedy bird bikini panties would be no protection from this brush, but at a gesture from me she sobbed and worked them off her little baby fat bottom, and handed them to me also. Head down. Quietly sobbing.

I led her around the coffee table to my chair. Many spankings have been given in this chair. To wife, and daughters alike. I sat and patted my lap. Angie climbed over my lap crying openly already. Her hands on the carpet head down her ponytail covered one ear as her legs dangled . She kept her young thighs pressed tightly together determined not to let anything show. Her face burning at the knowledge that Daddy could see her with her panties off. Feeling the smooth coolness of the brush sliding over bottom. With a quick scolding about her undone chores I began to spank.

With the first sharp spank her modesty was forgotten. "Oh!" she gasped legs flying. I was in a mood. I started a fast hard rhythm right from the start. Working the brush around I covered her soft girlish bottom with hard stinging spanks. She howled. I gave one spot five hard spanks. The begging began. I alternated cheeks with each spank." Oh! Daddy! Pleeease! It hurts! Oh please! It hurts Daddy I'll be good. Please don’t spank so hard! Oh god it hurts. Please Daddy I'LL DO MY CHORES! I'LL DO MY CHORES! Daddy please stop!'

I stopped long enough to say "Oh you'll do your chores all right." SMACK! "You'll do those chores and a list your mother will give you to morrow." SMACK SMACKSMACK! "There will be no more TV today." SMACK SMACK SMACK “And you will spend one hour with your nose in the corner when we are through here. Do you understand young lady?'' "Yes Daddy!"

She wailed "I'll be good Daddy please don't spank me any more." I start in on her thighs. Same speed hard, and fast. This spanking was going to change behavior. "OH oh oh ohhh! OW OW OW OW!! Oh god PLEASE Daddy!
I alternated thighs watching them redden under the brush. She bucked and wailed under the heat of the brush. Returning to her bottom I slowed my pace. She wiggled, and cried.

After 15 last hard spanks. I stopped. I gathered her into my arms. She sobbed holding me for dear life. “I’m sorry Daddy." she said tearfully looking up at me. ""shhhhh. It's all over pumpkin." I comforted her. ""Everything's alright now." I helped her up, and guided her down the hall to her bedroom. "In that corner now little girl. I'll let you know when your hour is up." S he looked so pitiful looking at me over shoulder..."Yes sir Daddy." She faced the corner shirt pulled up to reveal her crimson bottom and thigh. I heard a hiccup as I walked away.
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