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Old 12-16-2010, 07:50 AM
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TJ50 TJ50 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: CA. United States
Posts: 36
Unhappy Double Moms and Double Spankings.

I was 9yrs my friend Lisa and I hung out, school was letting out and Lisa and I went to her place we had an afternoon snack and then went to her room and we decided to go bike ridding and we were told by her mom Brenda we was to be back before dark. The rules where we could only ride our bikes around the block and that is all. Lisa and I had planned on riding further but be back before her mom knew.
It did not turn out the way we had planned. we had went to far and we got turned around and we had stop lights. it was getting dark my mom was to pick me up. We was gone a long time we were trying to get home. Lisa and I knew we was in big trouble we also knew we was going to have sore bottoms. I think we where about a mile away from her house.
We was finely almost home and we saw my moms car but Brenda's was gone. We got to Lisa's and saw a note they went looking for us. just as we read the note we saw her moms head lights coming in the driveway we had our bikes on the driveway so they knew we were home.
both my mom and Brenda wanted to know where we were. we was being yelled at and we both started crying and I remember mom telling us we will be having a good cry once she was done with spanking our bottoms.
Brenda grabbed Lisa and bared her bottom and she was taken over Brenda's knee's and spanked with a wooden spoon she squirmed and screaming with every swat then she had corner time. Then Brenda told me to come to her NOW, I walk over slowly and she went up my dress and remove my undies and she placed me over her knee and I was also spanked with the wood spoon, had corner time we were bawling but the spanking was not over now it was my mom's turn.
My mom told Lisa to come over now she took her over her knee and was spanked with My mom's hand and was being lectured how we could have been killed or lost and she told us we broke the rules so now I am hoping I will not have to do this again. she continue to spank for a long time and then she was back in the corner, it was my turn now. I was so scare I kept begging my mom not another spanking and mom said you are and get over to me now. I was about an arm reach when she just reached and yanked me down but doing it she hurt me I had scraped my knee on the carpet and got rug burn and mom felt bad but she said after I have spanked your bottom we will clean up your knee. Mom placed me over her knee and she did the same she spanked the tar out of me and then put me in a corner and after both moms told us to get our panties back on. Lisa and I went to her room and we saw each others bottom we both where still crying and was told to wash our face's we were a mess.
Brenda came over to me and cleaned up my knee and put band aide on it.

Brenda took both of us and said I hope your mom and I never have to repeat this again Brenda said we were to precious for anything to happen. my mom took me home and mom ran the tub and told me to get in the tub she was washing my hair and body then she had me stand so she could wash my back and bottom my bottom was to tender. mom had me get out and she wrapped a towel around me and she picked me up and just started to squeeze me and was hugging me I could not wrap my arms because they were wrapped in the towel but she told me she loves me and if I ever repeat I be in for another and my mom just held on me, then she carried me to my room and sat me down on the bed and she grabbed clean undies and my nightie out of the drawer and she dressed me.
Mom made me some dinner then put me in bed. the next day I had school and went and Lisa and I kept rubbing our bottoms. the kids knew we got spanked because we had to where dresses when I was in school and both Lisa and my legs showed it. they where still red and we kept rubbing our bottom. The teacher did too because I remember she had asked Lisa and I if we had some trouble and we told her what we did.
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