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Old 09-22-2010, 10:12 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 32
"Punished Peeping Tom"

By Carl Philip Michaels

Bobby Sanders was buzzing with excitement. If his plan worked out, he was going to see Beckie Chalmers naked!

At 15, Beckie had a year on him, and she was best friends with his sister Julia. Drop-dead gorgeous and well-developed for her age, she’d been the star of Bobby’s fantasies for over a year.

When Julia had told Mom that Beckie was coming over to swim, the thought of seeing his dream woman in a bikini had filled his head. Predictably, he was possessed with an overwhelming urge to see what was under that swimsuit! A crazy plan hatched in his adolescent head.

He changed about a half hour before Beckie was due at the house, adding an athletic supporter under his outfit. He knew that without it, he'd be humiliated by an uncontrollable reaction when he saw her heading for the pool. Once dressed, he played it cool, pretending to be immersed in a video game in the family room. Julia was still in her room when the doorbell rang.

“Bobby, would you get that, please?” his mom called from the kitchen. Normally he would have groused about being interrupted, but not today. “Sure, Mom,” he called back, leaping to his feet.

Bobby opened the door and was blown away. Beckie was a vision of loveliness, literally from head to toe. Her long, brunette hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and a sweet smile lit up her fair-skinned face with just the right number of freckles. Her ample chest pushed against a halter top that showed off her flat belly and silver navel ring. She wore short denim cut-offs and sandals that revealed her perfect toes and recent pedicure. “Hiya, kiddo,” she said, that sweet smile still on her face. “You think you might let me in some time today?”

Bobby felt his face heat up as he realized he was staring. He opened the door wider and stepped back. “Uh, yeah, come on in," he said awkwardly. "Julia’s upstairs. You want a drink or something?”

“Got ginger ale?”

“Sure, I’ll get it for you.” As he turned to go to the kitchen, Beckie kicked off her sandals and sat down on the couch.

“Galactic Warriors, huh?” Beckie nodded toward the TV screen.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty cool game. You play?”

“Naw, but my little brother loves it.”


“Hey, girl!” Julia sang out as she came downstairs dressed like a mirror image of Beckie: Bobby wondered if they'd arranged it beforehand. Girls were nothing if not a mystery.

“Where’s mine, twerp?” Julia demanded in mock offense as Bobby handed Beckie a tall glass of ginger ale.

“Hey, make with the sibling pride, chica,” Beckie said as she took the soda. “Your little brother was being the perfect gentleman.” Bobby blushed. He didn’t want her to see him as a “little” anything!

“So, you ready to do the pool thing?” Julia asked.

“Absolutely. You coming, Bobby?

“Naw, I’ve got stuff to do,” he replied. Actually, he was kind of shy about his scrawny chest, and he didn’t want to give Beckie one more reason to see him as a little boy.

While the girls went upstairs to change, he sat on the couch and started playing his video game again. Then he thought better of it, switched it off and pretended to read his dad’s "Scientific American" magazine instead. When the girls came downstairs, he didn’t notice that they were identically attired again, because Becky’s beauty completely consumed his vision. If he was blown away before, he was knocked out cold now. She was wearing a sheer cover-up over a very small blue bikini. He could see in greater detail the magnificent perfection that was Beckie’s Chalmers' body. He drank in the sight of her beautiful hair, ideal breasts, and perfect waist. Moving down those smooth, bare legs, his eyes fixed on the leather anklet on one foot and the silver toe ring on the other. He was undone.

The girls were talking rapidly and giggling about God-knows-what as they made their way to the pool. Once they’d been out there a few minutes, Bobby made his way furtively up to his room where he had a bird’s-eye view of the pool. He felt a thrill go through his whole body as he gazed at Beckie lying on her back on a chaise lounge, soaking up the sun. What a woman! Her belly ring glittered in the sunlight. A few minutes later, she turned over, and he was treated to the sight of what had to be the most luscious female bottom on the planet. She drove him to distraction when she undid her bikini top to sunbathe more evenly. He undressed her with his eyes, but it just wasn’t enough; he had to see it all! He decided it was time to put his plan into action.

“Bobby, where are you?” his mom called from downstairs.

His heart leaped in his chest. “Upstairs, Mom,” he answered, after moving quickly away from the window.

“Lunch is in a half hour.”


A half hour. That meant the girls would be changing in about 15 minutes. He forced himself to wait, glancing several times at his watch. After exactly eight minutes, he slipped silently into Julia’s room and entered the closet, pulling the door shut behind him. He could see into the room well enough through the wooden slats. He waited for what seemed an eternity in the dark. Finally, he heard the girls coming up the stairs, and his heart started pounding with excitement. No turning back now: he was about to get a close-up of something any male would crawl through the desert to see!

They entered the room chatting. He watched feverishly as they took off their cover-ups, and his hand moved on auto-pilot to between his legs. Then came the moment he’d been waiting for: Beckie reached behind her back and undid her bikini clasp, and her perfect breasts spilled out in all their glory! The excitement was overwhelming; Bobby drew in an audible breath and his feverishly working right hand banged into the mini-hamper in the closet. He froze. The girls froze. “What was that?” Beckie asked, looking anxiously toward the closet and covering herself with her hands. “I think I know,” said Julia, herself topless yet unconcerned. She strode toward the closet door.

NO!! Bobby’s heart was pounding so hard it felt as if it would leave his chest, and his face and neck flushed hot-red. This wasn't going according to plan!

Julia flung open the door, and Beckie shrieked, grabbing a towel to cover herself. “It’s your ‘perfect little gentleman,’” Julia said derisively, as Bobby tried to shrink into nothing. At first Beckie was too shocked to speak, and then her face became a mask of humiliated rage. “You little PERVERT!” she shouted. "I thought we were FRIENDS!” Sobbing, she ran out of the room, the towel wrapped around her top.

“Oh, you are SO busted, little brother,” Juliet hissed. In a panic, Bobby tried to push past his sister and out the door, but she blocked him expertly.

“Nuh-uh! You’re staying right where you are. Mom is gonna beat you butt ‘til you can’t sit down, and I’m gonna enjoy listening to you howl,” She said angrily. “Mom! Come upstairs, quick!”

Bobby knew she was right. He was in for a long, bare bottom spanking for sure.

“What is it, honey?” Mrs. Sanders called back in alarm.

“It’s Bobby! He was spying on us changing, and he saw Beckie…”

She stopped herself because she didn’t want to humiliate her friend further. She must still be in the house somewhere, her clothes were still on the bed.

Mrs. Sanders quickly climbed the stairs, while Bobby whimpered in fear. When she reached the door, he heard,

“Oh my God! Cover yourself, Julia!”

“Why?” she demanded, hot tears in her eyes. “The little perv’s already gotten an eyeful.” She lowered her voice. “He got a good look at Beckie, too.”

“Robert Andrew Sanders, you get out here this instant!” There was steel in his mother’s voice and eyes, and he was more than a little afraid. He crept out with a hung-dog look on his face, obviously guilty. Mrs. Sanders strode over to him and grabbed him by the ear, saying nothing as she dragged him downstairs. He let out little cries of “Ow!” And “No!” as she frog-marched him to the spot in the family room that had long been the household’s “punishment corner.”

“Nose in that corner, little boy, and don’t you move ‘til I’m calm enough to deal with you!” She said through gritted teeth. She couldn’t believe her son would humiliate his sister and Beckie like this. She was about to leave him when she had a better idea. She quickly spun him around and unfastened his shorts. “No, Mom!” he cried in alarm. She gave him two hard swats on the butt, eliciting a yelp. “Quiet,” she said sharply. “You embarrassed the girls, now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.” She yanked his shorts down to his ankles, leaving him in just his underwear and t shirt. “Hands up!” she commanded. Afraid to disobey, he lifted his hands and his mother pulled his shirt off. “Now turn around!” Two more painful swats landed on his bottom, this time without the protection of his shorts. “Hands on your head, and don’t move a muscle!” Whimpering, he complied, wondering where Beckie was, and whether she would see him like this. Of course, now she'd probably never even speak to him again.

Barely able to contain her anger, Mrs. Sanders said, “In a half hour you’re getting the spanking of your life, young man!” She punctuated her sentence with another mighty wallop on his already-sore butt. With tear-filled eyes and a stinging backside, he settled in for a long corner time, knowing his mom would deliver on her promise. Besides the stinging pain in his immediate future, he had three great concerns: 1) Spankings in the Sanders household were always given on the bare bottom; 2) The family room curtains were open, and; 3) Beckie was still in the house. He stared at the wall in misery.

[End of Part One]

Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels

Last edited by carl35; 09-23-2010 at 06:52 PM. Reason: spelling
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corner time, f/m, setup, witnesses

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