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Old 05-30-2009, 03:05 PM
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Suffering of a true friendship

Martha was standing beside the desk, her eyes fixed on something behind the window. She wasn't really looking at anything specific, her eyes were empty, her thoughts focused on the task ahead. She was re-evaluating the principles she always believed. Friendship, loyalty, trust. Suddenly all those virtues seemed to interfere with her duties. Her new duties and obligations she was so keen to fulfil. But how could she choose between responsibility and her dearest friend?She hoped she wouldn't have to but... She was deluding herself as long as possible. She couldn't any more.

Knocking on the door brought her to reality.
'Come in...' her voice was calm but full of sadness.
Young girl, more or less of the age of Martha entered the room. Her long blond hair falling freely all over her shoulders and her face with one of her famous charming smiles.
'Hi, sweetie,' she was clearly in a very good mood.

Since Martha was still standing facing the window the new girl couldn't tell that something was wrong. Or at least she couldn't tell yet. She sat on the table with usual disregard to school rules, her tie loose and shirt not inside her skirt. Smile still beaming from her face.
At that point Martha would do anything to delay the inevitable. But that wouldn't solve the problem. She closed her eyes, sighed heavily and slowly turned around to face her friend. That's not what she was expecting her new position would mean.

Few months ago the ex-headmaster decided to make her a prefect. Something that actually shocked her at first but soon she became very proud of that fact. The trust and confidence put in her made her feel really good, and happy. Of course, that meant new responsibilities and obligations but was definitely worth all the sacrifices. Or at least that's what Martha thought at first. Her best friend never seemed to be jealous or anything. Maybe a bit irritated sometimes when her new function made Martha busy in their free times both girls used to spend always together. But that's it, there was no serious problems at all.
Everything has changed at the beginning of the new year. The school had now a new headmaster. A very old man with strict rules. Not a very popular figure in school you might guess.

He was the head only for couple of weeks and the changes he made were enormous. Once absolutely teenagers-friendly school become suddenly sort of a strict reformatory. Mr. Davenport brought to life corporal punishment the second day after taking the new position . And later was only worse. None of the current pupils remembered times when caning was as normal as breathing among pupils. They were all too young. Even the horrible stories lost their meaning with the passing time.

And now...everything was back. Feelings were different about it, from disbelieve to utter horror. But certainly none of the students was happy about it. Someone who would be able to look at everything more objectively would probably find some logic hidden behind all those reforms. The school of St. Juan Martinez was no longer a proud school with excellent reputation that accompanied school for decades. The tradition was gone, so as hopes. And Mr. Davenport had his idea to fix it.

He wasn't a cruel man interested in harming or causing pain. He never associated corporal punishment with sadism, it was strictly a mean to run the school smoothly. Nothing more. Add to that the fact he himself was raised by the old school, the only true one and you would got a whole, clear picture. And of course it didn't do him any damage, on the contrary, taught him everything he knew and believed in.

Reinstating corporal punishment was meant to be more of a symbol of old, good days than anything else. The headmaster paid a lot of attention to rules of how, when and by whom pupils might get caned or punished in any other way. He was strongly against bullying, and any abuse wasn't about to be tolerated ever-ever. Every punishment had to be recorded and signed. Special book was purchased and bound in leather to make it look serious and old.

Prefects got the right to punish other, which created a lot of apprehension from other professors, according to them it was nothing less than asking for serious troubles.
But Mr. Davenport made his mind, he wanted it to be exactly as it was when he got his first caning long, long time ago. A fair one should be added. Yes, Mr. Davenport was a visionary dreamer.

When other teachers opposed that idea, he suggested that they lacked the faith in maturity of the students. Something that shouldn't have had place, if student was chosen to be a prefect. No Mr. Davenport's decision was final, he believed that it would bring more good. He wanted it to reunite the school, to create one big family, with roles and responsibilities.
The whole idea of reforms apart from being sudden was a very scary perspective as well. Students were terrified at first. It looked to them that reinstating corporal punishment means they have to be punished. They all assumed it would happen sooner or later no matter how hard they might try to avoid it. But as the days went on and there was not even a single incident, as of course everyone did their best to avoid it, they started getting more relaxed. The laughter was back on corridors, and the unnatural silence and fear, of even breathing too loudly, was gone. It was a very small school, everyone knew each other - if not by name then at least by face. It was obvious that if someone would suffer the disgrace of caning whole school would know immediately.

The overall relaxation doesn't mean everyone got back to their normal behaviour. There was still much fewer people risking skipping classes or coming unprepared. And even if that happened, and according to new rules a teacher had a right to deal with it in the old fashion way they seemed to avoid that option. And in that way the punishment book stayed empty and none of the new, shiny canes was used. Although it did happen from time to time that someone used is as a threat. Which by itself meant much and kept sending shiver down student's spine...

Martha forced herself back to reality, she really couldn't escape it any longer. She turned around and faced her friend Lisa...

You can read the rest of a story at The Darkest Drawer

Hope you enjoy it!

Lara Cornwell
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