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Old 04-12-2008, 10:23 AM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Mary's Broken Promise

......It's 12:30 AM and Donna Stone is up waiting for daughter Mary to come home from a date. Sitting in the living room in her rocking chair, Donna tries hard to concentrate on her knitting. Glancing once again at the tall Grandfather cock in the hallway, she groans; "Gosh! Mary promised she would be home by midnight......I-I hope nothing has happened!" With husband Dr. Alex Stone still at the hospital and 12 year old son Jeff in bed hours ago. Looking out the window she finally sees a car pull into the driveway. Entering the house, Mary gasps; "Gee! Mother....Are you still up?" Looking annoyed, Donna replies; "Mary......What happened?" "Oh!...Really nothing!" She answers while hanging up her jacket in the hall closet. "Ah!....You say nothing?" Donna questions. "Yes Mother......I guess we just....Lost track of time!" Staring at Mary for a few moments, Donna quips; "I get the thought......That maybe your word means nothing?" "Why?" Mary asks while looking wide eyed. "Mary you would be home by midnight!" Donna sternly states. "And Mary.....That's when I expected you to be home!" "Gosh! Mother!" Mary moans; "I-I'am 17 years old.....And a senior in high school....I should have more freedom!" "Now Mary....You know your Father and I have always respected your wishes!" Donna calmly replies with a wrinkled brow. "And promised me this evening.....That you would be home by 12 Midnight!"

........Starting to walk up the stairs Mary snorts; "I'am not Jeff's age....I should be able to make my own decisions!" Not answering, Donna stares with narrowed eyes, as Mary runs up the stairs. Then a moment later hears the door to her bedroom slam shut. Slowly setting down her knitting, Donna glances at the hall clock. "Hmmm! 12:45" She thinks; "Alex probably will be at the hospital most of the night!" Going upstairs Donna knocks on Mary's bedroom door. "Yes!" Mary answers. "I would like to speak with you!" Donna states in a firm voice. Opening the door, Mary still dressed in a Beige sweater and snug, Brown skirt asks; "What do you want to talk about....Mother?"

..........Looking Mary straight in her eyes, Donna calmly replies; "First Mary....Your Father and I....Love you very much!" "Thank you Mommy...I love you both too!" "Secondly!" Donna continues; "When I'am promised something..........I expect it to be upheld....Unless something unusual exists!" Remaining silent, Mary listens intently. "Thirdly!" Donna adds in a low keyed voice; "When a promise is not upheld........With no apparent reason....Then the flat side of my hairbrush......Does my talking!" "O-Oh! gosh!" Mary nervously chuckles; "I'am nearly 18 years old.......Too old for a spanking!"

.......Quickly reaching up Donna grasps Mary's right ear. Pinching it with her thumb and fore finger, she leads Mary down the hallway to the Master bedroom! "OOOOOW!....Mother please....You're hurting me" "No!..Not yet!" Donna replies while closing the bedroom door. Releasing Mary's ear, Donna walks over to her vanity table. Slowing picking up her wooden hairbrush, she sits down on the chair. Sliding up the gray skirt to the tops of her nylon stockings, Donna politely instructs; "Mary....Please come over here...And lay over my lap!" "M-Mother!" Mary whines; "J-Jeff will hear it!" "Nonsense......Jeff's a sound sleeper!" Donna assures; "You know how hard it is to get him up in the morning!" "B-But.....I'am too old...For this....!" "Mary!" Donna interrupts; "Now get over here......This instant!" Knowing her Mother means business, a sniffling Mary reluctantly obeys!

.......Setting down the hairbrush on the carpet, Donna grasps the hemlines of Mary's Brown skirt and Pink slip and pulls them up and over her shapely hips, folding them neatly on Mary's back! Then sliding her thumbs underneath the elastic band of the pretty Pink panties!" "P-Please Mother........N-Not on the bare skin.....P-Please!" Pulling them down to her daughter's knees, Donna replies; "Young lady.......I want the full effect....Of my hairbrush!" "(Sob!) I-I'am too old for this!" Mary pleads, as she digs the toes of her shoes into the carpet and tightly grips the wrung of the chair!

......"Yes!....It's been awhile!" Donna sneers; "But long overdue!"......Whack........"OOOOOOH!"........With the first impact landing across Mary's right cheek, the second hits the left side..........Crack
"(Choke) OOOOOOH!.....M-MOMMY!"...........Smack!........."OOOOOOW!"
Slap!............"(Sob!) AAAAAH!"......Feeling the biting sting of the hard, wooden hairbrush, Mary reaches back trying to block the spanks. Only to have her determined Mother pin her arm down......Whack!......"AAAAAH! P-PLEASE STOP!"...........Slap!........."OOOOH! M-MOTHER!"...As Mary's naked midsection pushed into Donna's firm, un-covered lap. She can feel the coolness of the slippery nylons!.....Smack!......."O-OUCH!"...."Mary!"
Crack!........"Are you going!".........Whack!......."To keep your promises?"
Smack!......"From now on?"........Splat!......."(SOB!) Y-YES MOMMY!"
Crack!..........AAAAH!!.....I-I'LL PROMISE A-ANYTHING"..........Whack!
"(SOB!) I-I MEAN........(Sob!......I MEAN IT!"

........Looking down at Mary's now red, clenched bottom. Donna lays down the hairbrush and pulls up the pink panties, then hugging a sobbing Mary she coos; "This spanking hurt me too....But Mary, it was for your goodness!" "(Sob!) I-I know Mother....And thank you.....But I hope Jeff didn't hear it?" Mary groans while rubbing her very sore bottom!

.......That morning at breakfast, a tired Alex comes into the kitchen. "Oh! good morning Dear!" He greets; "I feel like.... I could sleep for a week!" "What time did you come home Dad?" Jeff asks. "Oh! about 3 o'clock....I guess!" Then looking at Mary, Jeff quips; "Then I guess you missed it?" "Missed what?" Alex asks, while glancing at Donna. "O-Oh! nothing Dear.....Nothing!? Donna nervously laughs; "Just somethng on television!"

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 04-13-2008 at 01:05 PM.
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Old 04-13-2008, 10:03 AM
Redskinluver Redskinluver is offline
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A nice F/f domestic discipline story, the kind I love. The ending was a bit of a surprise,would have been nice to have known more of Mary's reaction on learning her brother heard it all.
Expect though her Dad guessed what happened it he happened to notice Mary sitting down gingerly for breakfast!
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:39 AM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Originally Posted by Redskinluver View Post
A nice F/f domestic discipline story, the kind I love. The ending was a bit of a surprise,would have been nice to have known more of Mary's reaction on learning her brother heard it all.
Expect though her Dad guessed what happened it he happened to notice Mary sitting down gingerly for breakfast!
Redskinluver; Thank you for your nice words. Yes, maybe hearing about Mary blushing would've a better exit? Or even having Jeff watching it? I bet he would've loved that!
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