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Old 03-23-2008, 05:39 AM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
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Posts: 12
Spankings in Belize

Spankings in Belize

Executive Summary: A rich young man moves to Belize and discovers that spankings are very common there. He witnesses a father spanking his teenage daughter and a husband spanking his wife. Eventually his girl friend asks him to spank her.

I was an internet programmer when the internet was just getting started. I saw its potential and invested in some companies that I thought would profit as more commerce moved online. These investments shot up dramatically during the technology bull market. I got very nervous when my paper profits exceeded several million dollars, so one day I sold everything. I missed the top of the stock market bubble, but was extremely happy to be in cash when the crash came.

I decided to move to a country where the cost of living was low and I could live off my savings. Mexico came to mind, but I didn’t know Spanish and the culture was so different I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it. More research turned up the country of Belize. It was a former British colony and its language was English. A large percentage of the early settlers came from Scotland. After many visits there, I decided it was the place for me.

I was able to buy a large home for about one-fourth of what it would have cost in the United States. The country was highly developed so cable television, cell phones, and internet access were not a problem. I quickly started making new friends, but from time to time would invite one of my former girl friends to fly down and join me for a couple of weeks. I worked as an internet consultant occasionally from my home just for the fun of it. Life was good.

Because of its English heritage, I discovered that corporal punishment was still very common in Belize. Through reading the newspaper and talking with friends, it came to my attention that teachers spanked their students, that parents spanked their children, that many husbands spanked their wives, and that some employers would even spank their employees on occasion. I found all of this very surprising, but it also intrigued and excited me. I had fantasized about spanking someone for years, and loved to visit web sites about this “kink.” I had an extensive library of novels and occasionally would write a short story about a male spanking a female.

The first corporal punishment I saw in person was at the home of my friend Edward when he and his wife Susan invited me over for dinner one evening. I met Edward at a party and discovered that both of us were of Scottish descent, loved chess, and were internet programmers. We soon became close friends. He and his wife were both born in Belize and had a large family estate up in the hills near my home.

The meal that night was delicious and the conversation was interesting. However, as the evening progressed, Edward kept referring to his watch and I took this as an indication that I should leave. We were in the middle of a chess game but I announced that I should probably go home. Edward realized my confusion and insisted that I stay, explaining that his daughter, Margaret, had a 10:00 pm curfew on school nights. She had been late twice recently and was going to get a spanking for this third infraction. He wanted me to stay and observe her chastisement because it would add to Margaret’s humiliation and would give me a first hand experience of Belize family discipline. I had never mentioned my interest in spanking, but he must have noticed my fascination with the subject.

To draw him out I pretended ignorance and said, “I believe Margaret is a senior in high school. Isn’t she too old for a spanking?”

“I don’t believe in an age limit for corporal punishment,” Edward laughed. “My thirty-six year old wife still gets her behind spanked when she misbehaves.”

Susan was embarrassed at his comment but nodded her head in the affirmative. I could hardly believe that they would talk about it so openly. Susan was a beautiful women and the fantasy of having her over my knee led to an instant erection.

About this time, we all heard the front door open and close. Margaret walked into the room and immediately began apologizing for being late. Edward held up his hand indicating for her to stop talking.

“What time is your curfew, young lady?” he asked.

“10:00 pm on school nights.”

“And what time is it now?” Edward continued.

“10:45, sir,” Margaret answered in a soft voice.

“And what did I say would happen if you were late again this month.”

She paused before saying, “That you would give me a spanking.”

“Correct. Go to your bedroom, undress, and then join us back here.”

“Dad! You’re not going to spank me in front of Mr. Matthews are you?”

“Yes, I am,” he responded firmly. “Be back here within five minutes or I will add to your punishment.”

She ran out of the room. He had told her to undress and I was wondering what he meant - bra and panties or completely nude? Apparently, Margaret had the same question because she appeared a few minutes later in her underwear and asked, “Can I keep these on, please?”

“No, you may not,” Edward answered roughly. “You know that serious punishments are given with you in the nude, and nude you will be. And don’t try to cover up, either.”

The young girl quickly returned to her bedroom to resume the undressing process, and then appeared before us completely naked with her arms at her sides. Even though she was young, she was developing into a great beauty like her mother. Her pert breasts, flat stomach, and shaved pussy accentuated the loveliness of her long hair, sparkling eyes, and voluptuous lips. She was adorable as she stood there anxiously awaiting her spanking.

Edward moved his chair out into the center of the room, sat down, and patted his knee. Margaret gracefully placed herself over his lap with no delay. Apparently, she was reconciled to this spanking and therefore offered no further objections. I sat in a position where I had a perfect view of her ass and her pussy lips peaking out between her legs.

Her spanking began with hard swats to the center of each buttock. Edward was raising his arm high in the air and bringing it down forcefully, hitting each side a few times before moving to the other side. Her rounded ass cheeks wiggled at each impact and within moments, her lovely ivory skin started turning pink.

I was impressed that she didn’t cry out. The spanks were obviously painful, but Margaret remained silent. Edward continued spanking with hard, slow smacks as her behind started turning red. Finally, after at least five minutes and hundreds of swats, I heard her start to cry. She maintained her position, but every once in a while her hips would jerk or she might cross or uncross her ankles.

Her entire bottom was bright red before she broke down and pleaded, “Please, Daddy isn’t that enough?”

I promised you a serious spanking, didn’t I?” he asked. “You’re lucky I’m using my hand and not a paddle or a strap.”

Now that he had her attention, Edward redoubled his efforts. The swats remained just as hard but came much faster. Margaret was yelling out something at almost every blow. Smack. “Ow.” Smack, smack. “That’s really hurts.” Smack. “Please stop.” Smack, smack. “I’ll never be late again.”

Her hips were twisting, her legs were kicking, and her tears were falling. Margaret gave up all self-control as she panicked because Edward wouldn’t stop spanking her. He merely put his right leg over hers, griped her waist tightly with his left arm, and then continued to spank her poor behind even harder. She screamed, she pleaded, she begged, but nothing stopped the awful spanking.

I glanced over at Susan and saw that there were tears in her eyes. I guess she was feeling sorry for Margaret and knew from personal experience how much pain her daughter was experiencing. I was surprised at the severity of the spanking, but reasoned that Edward had given his daughter amble warning.

Finally, Margaret gave up fighting and squirming. She seemed exhausted and out of breath as she lay limply over her father’s lap and received the last of her spanking. When Edward finished, he made her stand in front of us and display her poor little spanked bottom for almost thirty minutes. During this time, we finished the chess game and discussed the possibility of Margaret working for me. He made it clear that if I hired her, he would expect me to spank her if she misbehaved while in my employ. I readily agreed that I would do so.
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Old 03-23-2008, 05:40 AM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 12
The next spanking I witnessed involved a husband and his wife. I was at a bridge party with my date, Cindy, and seven other couples in the home of a local politician. I met several new people and was having a marvelous time. At the end of one hand of bridge when it was time for us to switch tables, one of the young wives, Ann, started yelling at her husband, Jim. It seem like a silly argument and very immature on the part of Ann. I noticed that her husband didn’t raise his voice but was getting red in the face.

I needed to go to the restroom, so I excused myself and headed toward a hallway. I was unfamiliar with the house and missed the quest bathroom, finding myself in front of the master bedroom instead. Rather than continuing to search, I decided to use the restroom there. I could still hear Ann’s shouted insults as I closed the door behind me. I quickly used the facility, washed my hands, and paused to comb my hair when I heard Jim and Ann enter the bedroom. Ann had stopped talking but I heard Jim say, “I can’t believe you acted that immaturely in front of my friends. You’re going to get a spanking you will remember for a long time.”

“Please, Jim,” she answered, “I’m so sorry, I know I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Too late now, bend over the bed,” he ordered.

I couldn’t help myself. I slowly opened the bathroom door a crack so I could see what was happening. Luckily, they had their backs to me, so I opened the door enough to provide myself with a perfect view of the scene. Ann, with her feet on the floor and her elbows on the bed, was having her dress lifted up by Jim. Next, he lowered her panties exposing a creamy, full backside. Then he pulled his belt out of its loops and positioned himself to Ann’s left.

“Please close the bedroom door, Jim; I don’t want everyone to hear me getting a spanking.”

“Everyone heard you misbehave, so everyone will hear you being punished,” Jim announced with certainty.

He then started spanking his wife with his wide, leather belt. He pulled his arm back and struck her ass with great force. A loud “crack” filled the room followed immediately by an equally loud, “Ow” as a red strip appeared on Ann’s cute little white bottom. The spanking continued in this manner for several minutes, hard swats landing a few seconds apart, each followed by cries from the punished wife. After about two dozen swats, Ann was crying loudly and pleading for mercy. “Please, Jim, I’ve learned my lesson, please stop.”

“My dear, I’m not even half finished with you. Your butt is going to burn for a long time after this spanking.”

This announcement brought fresh tears to Ann’s face. By this time, her eyes were red and her face was streaked with tears and makeup. Jim continued spanking until welts appeared all over her buttocks. Seeing that he had adequately punished her ass, he started landing the strokes on her thighs. After the third one of these, Ann jumped up off the bed and yelled, “You can’t spank me there, Jim. It hurts too much.”

“Get back into position or I’ll spank you again when we get home,” he threatened.

Ann slowly bent back over the bed. Jim announced, “I’m going to give you six more swats on your thighs and I want you to count them, understand?”

I could barely understand her through all the crying as she said, “Yes, sir.”

Those last six strokes seem to take forever because it took Ann a long time to announce the count each time. She was short of breathe and crying so hard it was difficult for her to speak the numbers. Finally, she shouted out, “six,” and the spanking was over.

Wide red strips, which were already starting to swell into welts, covered her thighs. I softly closed the bathroom door and then panicked when I realized that Ann would probably want to wash her face before seeing the other quests again. However, Jim told her she must immediately apologize to everyone as he grabbed her arm and led her out of the room before she had time to recover.

I eased the door open and quietly followed them back to the main room. Ann’s tearful apology held everyone’s attention as I quietly melted back into the crowd unnoticed.
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Old 03-23-2008, 05:44 AM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
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Posts: 12
I had only been dating Cindy a month. I felt brazen when driving her home after the party as I said, “Cindy, tell me about your experiences with spanking.”

Unashamedly she admitted that her parents spanked her often as she was growing up.

“Which parent?” I asked.

“My mother spanked me when I was young, but it was my father after I turned twelve or so.”

“How did they spank you?”

Cindy answered, “My mother used her hand or a hairbrush, and my father used his hand or a paddle or a strap.”

I couldn’t believe I was being this bold as I quietly asked, “Did they spank you on the bare?”

She didn’t seem to mind my questions. “They always made me lift my dress or lower my pants, and most of the time I had to lower my panties also. A few times I was spanked in the nude.” She finally blushed as she said this.

“Were you spanked in school?” I continued.

“In the lower grades, the teachers would just send a note home, knowing that my parents would spank me when they read it. But in the higher grades, it was a trip to the office for a caning. I got “six of the best” three times before I graduated and it was horrible.

Cindy was about twenty-five years old and I was curious about the last time she got a spanking so I asked, “When was your last spanking?”

She thought for a while before answering. “The last spanking I received from my father was the last year I lived at home. I had just turned twenty-one and could legally drink. I came home drunk one night and mouthed off at him and my mother. He paddled my ass so hard I still had bruises several days later. That was my last spanking from him and the last time I got drunk,” she laughed.

“You’re about twenty-five now so it’s been four years since your last spanking?”

“Thanks for the compliment, but I’m actually twenty-seven. And no, it hasn’t been four years since I’ve been spanked.”

She paused before continuing, “My last boyfriend, James, spanked me two months ago, right before we broke up. He thought I had lied to him and that made him furious. He gave me a hard spanking with a strap even though I kept saying that I was telling the truth. The next week he discovered I had been honest, but he never apologized for giving me that spanking. We broke up about a week later.”

“Cindy, I can’t believe you’re being so open about all of this. I would be so embarrassed if I were in your place.”

“Well, remember that I was born here and feel corporal punishment is a very natural thing. You, on the other hand, seem ashamed of the subject.”

I paused and thought hard before answering. “I’ve had an obsession with spanking ever since I was a teenager. I have dozens of books and movies that involve spanking and visit corporal punishment web sites daily. I used to feel I was sick and felt very guilty about my feelings. The internet taught me it was a common fetish, but I’m still embarrassed by it. You’re the first person I’ve ever told.”

Cindy quietly asked, “Have you ever spanked anyone.”

“No, just fantasies so far.”
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Old 03-23-2008, 05:44 AM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
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Location: San Antonio
Posts: 12
When we reached her apartment, I hoped she would invite me inside. We had made love a couple of times at my house, but I had never been inside her place. All the talk about spanking had me so turned on that I really wanted to have sex with her tonight. I parked at the curb and before I could open my door she asked, “Would you like to come in?”

“Yes, I would. Thanks so much for inviting me,” I said with a grin.

We had a couple of drinks and talked for a while before Cindy dropped her bombshell. “Would you be willing to spank me?”

Before I could answer she continued, “You see, getting a spanking is painful, but when it is for something I feel guilty about, I feel cleansed afterwards. While you and I have been dating, I’ve done a couple of things I’m ashamed of, but didn’t feel like I could ask you to spank me since we didn’t know each other well enough. But I feel a lot closer to you now that we discussed the subject, so I would like for you to give me a spanking just like James would have if he and I were still dating.”

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak, and I kept thinking I had misheard her. As she sat there quietly, waiting for an answer, I slowly came to my senses. I finally managed to say, “Yes, but you’ll have to give me some guidance.”

“David, I know you are new at this, so I will be very clear about what I need you to do. Stay here for a few minutes while I get things ready.”

I hadn’t noticed it before but there was a large ottoman in one corner of the room. She moved it out to the center of the room and then headed down a hallway. In a few minutes, she returned with a leather paddle. She sat down beside and said, “Make me undress and get on the ottoman on all fours. Give me a long, hard spanking with this paddle. It gives a low-level sting at first, but the burn keeps getting worse and worse. To prolong the spanking, you can give me a short break ever once and a while. Rubbing my bottom at those times would be greatly appreciated. You need to spank me until I’m crying my eyes out and begging you to stop. Ignore everything I say unless I say “red light” which means I’m at the end of my endurance for pain. I doubt if you can make me say “red light” with this leather paddle. When you’ve decided I’ve had enough, bruises on my behind would be a good indication, hug me and kiss me and make me feel like I’ve paid for my transgressions. By the way, I getting this spanking for bouncing a check, receiving a speeding ticket, and yelling at my boss.”

I was enthralled at her guidelines since they fulfilled so many of my fantasies. I was already starting to feel dominant and seeing her as submissive. I planned to make the most of this opportunity. I looked her right in the eye and commanded, “Strip.”

She jerked and looked surprised. Maybe she was expecting some discussion about what she had said, or maybe the tone of my voice was unexpected. Anyway, after a couple of moments she stood up and said in a little girl’s voice, “Yes, sir.”

She proceeded to slowly take off her clothing. I had seen her nude before, but watching her strip at my command was a new experience. She had a nice slim body, approaching my ideal of the female form. When she finished undressing and putting her clothes on a nearby table, she stood in front of me awaiting my next order. “Turn around and let me see that pretty little butt I’m about to spank.”

Again, she seemed surprised as she blushed and slowly turned. “Hands behind your neck,” was my next command.

Her ass was soft, rounded, and just waiting for me to spank it. I made her remain in that position for several minutes since I knew that the anticipation of a spanking is nerve wracking. Finally, I released her by telling her to get on the ottoman on her hands and knees. “Yes, sir,” she replied meekly.

I picked up the paddle and walked over to the stool. I hit my left palm with the paddle several times to get a feel for how it felt. The first stroke didn’t hurt much, but as I struck my hand repeatedly, the pain soon blossomed. The paddle wasn’t large enough to cover both buttocks at the same time, so I began on her right cheek, striking it firmly and slowly with about two dozen swats. By this time, pink coloring showed exactly where the strokes had landed. Cindy hadn’t made a sound yet.

I began spanking her left cheek in the same manner and again about two dozen times. When I moved back to the right buttock, I heard a small intake of breath. I kept spanking her there until I heard a soft, “Ow.”

I moved back to the left and struck it until that side was the same color as the right. Next, I paused and gently rubbed her ass. “I’m so sorry for what I did,” she said with a slight tremble in her voice.

When I resumed the spanking, my swats were harder and I alternated buttocks after each one. It only took a couple of minutes of this for Cindy to start crying. At first, I could barely hear her sobs, but the longer I spanked the louder the crying became. Finally, the pleading started, “Please, that’s enough David, I’ve learned my lesson.”

I stopped and rubbed her bottom again. It was very warm to the touch this time. I stepped in front of her and observed that tears had streaked her makeup; she hadn’t faked the crying. “We’re almost done, but the worst is yet to come. Maintain your position and this will all be over in a few more minutes.”

A terrified look came into her eyes. I think she was reassessing my ability to deliver a hard spanking.

When I was ready to continue, I starting spanking that very sensitive area where the ass and thighs meet. And to make it worse, I tried my best to hit the exact same spot every time. By the fifth swat like this, she was crying loudly, screaming out expletives of pain, and begging, “No, David, not the same spot every time.”

I ignored her and continued spanking her with all my strength. It didn’t take very long for the fast slaps to turn this part of her anatomy into an ugly purple color that would leave a nice bruise for several days. I then stopped and gave her a short respite but did not rub her hurting buttock. “We’re almost done now, Cindy, you’re taking this very well.”

She just nodded her head. I started spanking the other side in the same manner. After about a minute, between all the crying and pleading she yelled out, “Yellow light.”

We hadn’t discussed this phrase but I instantly knew it meant she was very near her limits. I didn’t lessen the strength of my blows or their speed. I wanted to see the same shade of purple on this side. I guess secretly I was hoping she would call out “red light” since she had mentioned I couldn’t make her say it with this type of paddle. However, the color soon matched and I stopped the spanking.

I helped her stand and hugged her closely to my body. She was still trembling all over as I kissed her teary eyes and wet face. “I’m really proud of you, Cindy. You’ve certainly paid the price for your misbehaviors.”

She wasn’t able to talk yet but she did nod her head. I stroked her hair and her back as I continued kissing her. At last, she was able to speak. “Thank you David. That was just what I needed. I feel absolved of all my misdeeds since my last spanking. I can start tomorrow with a clean slate and feel good about myself again.”

“And you have helped me fulfill a fantasy I’ve had for many years,” I answered.

As we continued hugging, she obviously felt my rock hard erection. “We can make love if you’ll let me stay on top,” she giggled.

And that’s exactly what we did.
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Old 08-23-2008, 04:37 PM
sweetthing44 sweetthing44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 6
Red face

I love this story this would be good for a role play between two lover.
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