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Old 07-16-2009, 03:28 AM
WhoWantsAWhupin WhoWantsAWhupin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: California
Posts: 8
But it's the truth daddy


I wrote this story, when I was in an online relationship with a girl. She liked these stories, and so I wrote a bunch to suit her tastes. I have since parted ways with her, and I have a bunch of these, in my e-mail account. If this site likes this one, I will post some of the others. Word of warning, I do tend to write stories that involve the spanking of children, if this offends you, then do not read any further. I also was never good at punctuation, and for that I apologize, if anyone wants to help me edit the others, just drop me a line. Enjoy the story, and feel free to comment. I could use the feedback.

But It's the truth Daddy

Allison, skips happily into the small rural farmhouse that was her
home. She shares it with her parents, and Jeff and Tom her two brothers. She was returning home from the one room schoolhouse, where she spends the time in her day not spent working on the small family farm or sleeping.


The loud angry voice of her father, frightens poor allison into complete fear.
Her mind buzzes with hundreds of thoughts in a few short milliseconds. Among them were thoughts like "what have I done" "but I haven't done anything" "why is he so angry" "maybe Jeff or Tom have done something and he is mad at them" Trembling, she walks into the den where her father is. freezing immediately, the first thing she notices is the long black razor strop in her dad's hands. So much for the hope of not being in trouble she thought. but the voice in her mind cries out that she hasn't done anything though. certainly nothing worthy of the strop and the pain it will inflict.

Her throat suddenly dry, she manages to choke out a "Yes sir?"

What is the meaning of the call I got from your teacher?

I don't know? what call?

The call that said that if your grades do not come up immediately, that you will have to repeat your current grade in school. All of your essays and report cards have been coming in A's. did you change your grade?

Nnnnnooo ddddaadddyyy sheee issss lllyiinng. Iiii rrreaaallly ggggootttt
gggooddd gggrrrraaaddeeess, Allison manages to stammer out. Tears already
threatning to spill out of her eyes.

are you saying that your teacher lied to me?

yesss shhheee hatteess me daddyy.

nonsense, she has no reason to lie. now get over here and take your punishment. I can't believe that you would do such a thing and then blame your teacher.

The tears that were building up, started to spill over and run down her cheeks, she knows that it is going to hurt. she has never gotten the strop before, but she has peeked into her older brother Jeff's room after he has been whipped by daddy with it, and has seen the dark purple bruises that it leaves behind.

Frozen in fear, and unable to come up with a logical explanation as to why this is happening to her. She has always been good in school and earned every one of those grades that she was given.

Her dad, still fuming that his daughter would betray him like this, starts to
walk towards her. He tells his children often to get good grades, so they don't end up like him a poor farmer unable to grow much of anything really but dirt. She sees him coming through her tears, from across the room, hand shaking the strop. Knowing that her case is hopeless at this point and she is going to be sore and that is all there is to it. She wills herself to walk to him. He takes her by the arm, over to the couch in the den, and tells her to stand there.

Praying to St Jude* she stands next to the side of the couch, while he sits down, and makes himself comfortable. He then takes her by the arm, and guides her across his lap. He reaches down and lifts up the back of her dress, before pulling down her panties, goosebumps dot her flesh, as she feels the cold air of the room on her naked flesh. He places his hand on the small of her back, to hold her in place, and the spanking begins in ernest, his free hand, dances across her bottom, building a fire that only a hand hardened by years of hard physical labor can build. SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!!! SPANK!!! SPANK!!! SPANK!! SPANK!!

Not entirely sure why herself, but maybe at the injustice of getting an
undeserved spanking. Allison suddenly gets a stubborn streak, and starts to
beg and plead with her father that she doesn't deserve to get spanked, and that she earned every single one of those A's.

Nonsense SPANK!! teachers SPANK!! do SPANK!!!! not SPANK!! lie SPANK!!! but SPANK!! naughty SPANK!! little SPANK!!! girls SPANK!! trying SPANK!!! to
SPANK!!! escape SPANK!!! punishment SPANK!! do SPANK!!! lie SPANK!! the hand raining down, a little harder in response to what her father percieves is a lack of sorrow over her behavior.

You SPANK!!!! will SPANK!!! learn SPANK!!! this SPANK!! lesson SPANK!! and
SPANK!!! do SPANK!!! well SPANK!!! in SPANK!!! school SPANK!!! if SPANK!! I
SPANK!! have SPANK!! to SPANK!! bruise SPANK!!! every SPANK!! inch SPANK!! of SPANK!!! your SPANK!!! backside.

Allison cries into the couch, both from the pain, coming in waves off her
bottom, and from the pain coming from her heart that is now broken because her father does not believe her.

SPANK!!! SPANK!! SPANK!!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!!. Allison tries to squirm and get free, but her father's hand on her back, holds her firmly in place. SPANK!!! SPANK!!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK! SPANK!! SPANK!!! the pain of her backside, is getting really intense, but all she can do is cry into the couch cushions, at a complete loss of how to convince her father, that she is the good little daddy's girl that she has always been.

Between SPANK!!! swats SPANK!! of SPANK!! his SPANK! hand SPANK!!, she SPANK!! tries SPANK!!! to SPANK!!! to SPANK!! think SPANK!!! of SPANK!! a SPANK!! way SPANK!!! to SPANK!! rebuild SPANK!! a SPANK!! relationship SPANK!! with SPANK!! her SPANK!! father SPANK!! she SPANK!! did SPANK!! not SPANK!! break SPANK!! but SPANK!! one SPANK!! he SPANK!! thinks SPANK!! she SPANK!! did.

looking down, at the flaming red bottom, he decides that maybe it is time to
really enforce the message. He takes the strop in hand, and brings it down
across the tender cheeks. SMACK!!!! Allison having never imagined the pain that the strop coulc cause, tries to arch her back as she screams for mercy. the only response she gets, is another lash of the strop, this time across her sit spot SMACK!!!! crying and yelping is the only thing she has the energy to do at this point. SMACK!!!! SMACK!!!! two quick ones across her tender bottom flesh, take her breath away, and her father waits to make sure she is okay, before landing one SMACK!!! across her previously untouched bottom.

Her bottom turns from a bright red, to a dark angry red, threatning to bruise
under the touch of the horrible instrument. SMACK!!!! another one crashes down leaving behind a red welt to join the others, SMACK!!! Allison losing her
abilty at this point to do anything but lay there, takes the rest with no more
than a whimper as she is completely spent. SMACK!!! SMACK!! SMACK!!! these get no response from her other then her bottom bruised and extremely tender is unable to prevent the terrible onslaught of the strop. SMACK!!! SMACK!!! SMACK!!! these three cause as much pain to poor Allison as all of the others combined, as they land across bruised flesh.

He makes sure that she is restrained under his hand, before finishing off the
punishment with a quick fire volley of painful lashes. SMACK!!! SMACK!!!
SMACK!!! SMACKK!! SMACK!! SMACK!!! SMACK!!! putting the strop down, he gives her a few minutes to calm down and get some enrgy back, before he helps her get dressed, the clothing pressing against the bruises and causing fresh waves of pain to radiate when she attempts to move. He sends her out to do her afternoon chores which takes her an extra hour to do as she is so sore. Once done, she walks to her room and lays across the bed and falls fast asleep.

Across town, her teacher, smiles to herself as she imagines Allison getting
punished harshly. She is glad, as she worked hard coming up with a believable lie to tell her father so that Allison was sure to get beaten. She never really liked teaching, but making sure that her students, are made as miserable as she is, is the one bright spot in her career. She starts working on laying out the next lie she will tell a parent so that another child is unable to sit.

* St jude is the patron saint of lost and hopeless causes. I am actually southern baptist and not catholic, but I could not resist having a bit of literary fun with there being a saint for lost and hopeless causes, and a kid about to be spanked.
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Old 09-03-2009, 01:32 PM
Munieca Munieca is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Mexico
Posts: 12
nice! i hope the teacher eventually gets caught and the parents call for a public reprimand! at the auditorium, a chair and spanking implements reacheable. Parents help themselves!!
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Old 10-13-2009, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Don't know how dad would ever make amends with his daughter after the teacher is proven to be a liar. This teacher sounds like my 6th grade teacher, a real snake in the grass.
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