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Old 10-28-2010, 01:06 PM
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carl35 carl35 is offline
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Posts: 32
"Dear Diary: Grounded Again"

By Carl Philip Michaels

Dear Diary,

Well, here I am again. it's late Friday night (well, early Saturday morning, technically) and I'm lying on my stomach on the bed while I write, because it hurts too much so sit down!

Yeah, I got spanked again, and I'm restricted to my room all weekend except for the bathroom and meals. It's soooo unfair! I'm 16, and most of my girlfriends hardly have a curfew on the weekends. Me, I get grounded and spanked if I lose track of time! I got home a half hour past curfew, and just my luck, BOTH my parents were waiting up for me! They smelled beer on my breath (I only had one, for real!) and they BOTH gave me a bare bottom spanking! Then they sentenced me to another "Red Bottom Weekend." (Grrr...)

The worst part is what I'm wearing. I'm restricted to a sleeveless T and panties for the weekend. My annoying little brothers are gonna have a field day tomorrow! (OK, I know I tease them a lot when they're punished too. They have to spend the weekend in just their tighty-whiteys, and it's really funny! ) But they're just kids -- 10 and 12 -- nobody even blinks when little boys run around in their underwear. I tried to explain to my parents that it's different for 16-year-old girls, but they just don't get it.

On top of that, I've got two more spankings coming, one tomorrow night and one Sunday night. My butt's already sooooo sore, how am I gonna survive two more rounds with that horrible hairbrush?! Thank God, my spankings happen in my room with the door closed, but you can hear the sounds of the hairbrush smacking my rear end--and me screaming--all through the house. It's soooo embarrassing! My spankings are scheduled for eight o'clock both nights, then I have to go straight to bed afterwards. Getting put to bed before my little brothers--how humiliating!!

Well, I'm exhausted, my butt hurts, and I wanna go to sleep so I won't have to think about the rest of this awful weekend anymore. Sitting on those hard wooden seats at school Monday's gonna be a nightmare after four spankings in a row -- NO! Stop thinking about it! Hey, it's my birthday next month, they won't still be able to spank me when I'm 17, will they? Isn't it illegal or something? If not, it should be. You're the only one I can tell about this; if my friends ever found out, I'd just die!



Copyright 2010 Carl Philip Michaels

Last edited by carl35; 10-28-2010 at 01:34 PM.
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Old 11-03-2010, 11:09 AM
janejana janejana is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1
Well at least you free rain of the house and can go on the computer. My parents are stick and when I'm grounded I'm stuck. For example No PHONE, TV, COMPUTER, everything worth doing is gone.
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