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Old 01-30-2009, 09:39 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Jan's New Year Resolution

It's midnight Friday night, Marcia and Charlie are in the back seat of his car at Make-out woods/

Whack!........."Grrrr! S-Stop!"..........Crack!........"OOOOOOOW!"
Marcia tightly secured over Charlie's knees is paying for her flirting ways!

Smack!......."O-Ouch!....Slap!......."AAAH!"...Yeah Marcia.......
Whack!........."I've had enough of you!".........Crack!.........."Making eyes......Splat!.........."At every good looking guy!"........Smack....."OOOOOW!"

Struggling profusely Marcia frees her right arm..........Slap!......."Damn you Charlie!" Trying frantically to push down the short, blue skirt bunched up around her waist, she drives the point of her elbow into Charlie's groin!

"AAAAH! (Choke!) ...M-Marcia!" Doubling up, he quickly rubs the pain area.
"(Choke!) ..G-God Marcia......Are you trying to ruin me......And maybe us?"
Now feeling frightened she bleats; "W-Well Charlie.....This spanking is really hurting too!"

Attempting to catch his breath, Charlie grumbles back; "Yeah!..Ok Marcia....But if you thought that spanking hurt.....Wait for this one!"

Then locking Marcia's reaching arm down on her side. Charlie sharply tugs up the fallen short, skirt and slip. Raising his hand he chides; "Now tell me how you like this!"

Smack!.........."OOOOOH!..G-God!"......Nearly lurching out of her leather shoes, Marcia grimaces and grits her teeth!

Whack!........."OOOOOH! N-No!"......Slap!.........."(Sob!) C-Charlie it hurts! (Sob!)....Too much.".........Crack!........AAAAH!".........Smack !.......
"GGGGGR! C-Charlie....P-Pleeeeeez!"

Now bucking her hips wildly. Marcia grinds deeper into his ravished area!

"Oh! God!" He groans waiting for the pain to subside. Stopping the punishing spanking, Charlie begins to softly massage Marcia's red upturned bottom.

"Gosh!..I'am sorry!" Marcia coos as she rolls sideways on his lap showing her moist private hair. "B-But that spanking really was hurting!" Then smiling Charlie bends down, kissing Marcia fully on the lips!

It's now about 2:30 am and driving up to the front door of the Brady Residence, Marcia snickers; "Gee!....I hope I don't get another spanking?....I'am over an hour late!"

Softly kissing Charlie, she straightens her clothing then tiptoes inside the front door. Looking around the darkened house, Marcia gives a sigh of relief.
"Thank God!....Nobody is up!" Slowly creeping up the long staircase she reaches the top landing, "Ah!...Just a few more feet!" Finally reaching for the doorknob a voice from the dark whispers;

"Hi Marcia....You're late...What happened, did you have a hot time with Charlie tonight?"

Jumping back with a startle she gasps; "Oh! Damn..It's you Greg!"

"Yeah!..What happened?" He repeats

Looking around the hallway she whispers; "I'll tell you in the morning...I have to get in bed now...Before Mom wakes up!"

Giving a wide grin, he chuckles; "Yeah!....I'd hate to have Mom spank you tonight!"

"Yeah! Sure Greg....I bet!" She snickers while closing her bedroom door.

Later that morning the Bradys are just sitting down for breakfast.

Carol helping Alice pass out the food casually asks a tired looking Marcia. "Hi Dear....Didn't you sleep well?"

"O-Oh no Mom...I feel ok!"

"I went to bed early!" Carol continues; "So I didn't see you when you came in from your date last night!"

"Ha!..Ha!..Mom you'd have to be up real late!" Jan giggles.

"Oh!" A startled Carol exclaims; "And...Just what time was that?"

Staring daggeres at Jan, Marcia bleats; "A-Ah! sometime after one o'clock!"

Carefully looking at Marcia, then back at Jan. Carol slowly growls; "and..Just how much...Past one o'clock?"

"Ya! want to try for after two?" Jan chuckles.

"And Jan...How do you know...You were asleep?" Marcia snarls back.

"Ah!..Ah! that's enough girls!" Carol commands; "What I want to know is why Marcia.......After I told you to be home by one o'clock?"

Looking red faced Marcia groans; "M-Mom...We just lost track of time!"

Sitting down at the table, Carol carefully places a napkiin in her lap, then informs; "Well then Marcia...If time isn't that important...Then it shouldn't matter if you are grounded this weekend?"

"Oh! gosh..No Mom, the concert is tonight...And Charlie has two tickets!"

Calmly buttering her toast Carol quips; "Well...I guess he'll have to take someone else!"

Later washing the dishes Marcia snarls at Jan: "Thanks you damn tattletale....I'll get you for this ...I promise!"

Still fuming, that afternoon Marcia is out in the yard sunbathing when she's suddenly disturbed...."Whack!"....Reaching back to protect her violated bottom cheeks, she gasps; "Damn Greg....That hurt!"

"Oh sorry Marcia...But I just couldn't resist it."

Softly rubbing herself, Marcia groans; 'I guess you heard about what Jan did?"

Yeah sorry Marcia....Jan's really a snitch.. Last week she told Dad about the small dent I put in his car!"

"Greg you're right!.....And she should be taught a lesson.....a real good lesson!"

Getting aroused, Greg snickers; "Like maybe...A good spanking?"

"Now Greg!" She quips; "I know how you'd love to give her one...But this is my duty!"

Looking wide-eyed he chuckles; "Ok!...But can I watch?"

Carefully going over their game plan, Marcia states; "Mom and Dad are going to the club for dinner tonight, and it's Alice's night off!"

"Yeah! Marcia!" Greg agrees; "And after we fix hamburgers for dinner...I'll talk to Peter about taking Cindy and Bobby to the movies!"

"Splendid!" She gushes; "Jan has a date with Jim, that new guy in school. But that's not until seven o'clock!"

As the afternoon winds down, after dinner Marcia and Jan are cleaning up in the kitchen."Gee! Marcia....I feel bad!" Jan bleats; "I really didn't mean to tell Mom....It just popped out!"

"Oh! Well...It's only a dumb concert!" Marcia quips throught clenched teeth; "And there will be others!"

"Oh gosh Marcia!" She smiles; "And I thought you were mad!"

Later as Jan is upstairs getting ready for her date. Greg and Marcia are quietly
preparing for her punishment. Giving Peter some money for the movies he adds; "You and the kids have a good time....Ok?"

Looking up at Greg he questions; "Gee!...You seem to be worked up......Maybe a hot date tonight?"

"Yeah! Pete....Yeah!....See ya later!"

"Are they gone?" Marcia asks while coming down the stairs carrying her Mother's yellow hairbrush.

"Yeah!...But are you really going to use the stinging hairbrush?"

"You bet'cha!" She grins while slapping the hard surfaced wood against the palm of her left hand. "I want Jan to regret the trouble...Her big mouth has gotten her into!"

"God!...I can hardly wait!" Greg drools.

"AAh! Greg...Would you mind if I handle this myself? You'll have other opportunities to spank Jan!" Seeing the disappointment in his eyes, she quickly adds; "A-And besides....Someone has to be down here to watch for Jim!"

"Yeah! ok Marcia!" He groans with a droop; "I'll stay down here!"

Slowly walking up the stairs with hairbrush in hand, Marcia glances at her wristwatch; "Hmmm!...Six forty...I hope Jim isn't early!"

Carefully turning the doorknob of the bedroom door, she quietly opens it. Looking inside, she sees Jan sitting on the vanity chair combing her hair. Looking down at her 16 year old sister dressed in a short, dark green skirt and matching sweater. Marcia can't help from noticing how well Jan is filling out, into a very shapely young lady!

Turning back from the dressing table, Jan asks; "Marcia...Can I help you...And what's behind your back?"

"Yes Jan you can!" She grunts while bringing the yellow, wooden hairbrush around to her front!

Looking nonchalant, Jan questions; "Isn't that Mom's brush?" Without Marcia answering, Jan states; "I have my own hairbrush....I don't need that one!"

Then watching Marcia staring in silence, a light goes off in Jan's head! "O-Oh! N-No...You wouldn't?"

Finally speaking Marcia assures; "Yes Jan...I would.....And I will."

To be continued

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 11-27-2011 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 01-31-2009, 02:18 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Part 2

Nervously getting up from her chair, she trembles; 'Marcia...I..Thought you weren't mad!"

Quickly moving over to block Jan's path to the door, Marcia replies; "Yeah I know it's only a concert.....But I want to shut up your tattletale mouth....For good!"

Backing away to her bed, Jan bleats; " I..I promise ...I won't tell anything anymore....I...I even made a New Year Resolution not to!"

Backing her up to the bed. Marcia quickly grasps Jan's wrist. Then sitting down on the bed, she pulls her sister's trim body across her waiting lap!

"No Marcia.....Don't do this!" A squirming Jan begs as her older sister prepares for the spanking. First pinning down the reaching arm. then learning from her mother, Marcia deftly folds her right leg across Jan's twisting knees.

"Damn Marcia!" She pants; "I-I'll tell Mon!"

"I won't worry about that!" Marcia chuckles; "I'am sure she will approve!"

Being very experienced as the spankee, Marcia continues her new role by reaching down and grasping the hemline of Jan's short, green skirt!

"(Pant!) Don't do this!" Her younger sister grunts from her prone position, as the skirt and white lace slip are raised up over her slim hips, onto her back!

Looking down at the frilly, white panties, Marcia jests; "Aren't those kind of fancy....For a first date?"

Sliding them down on Jan's thighs, Marcia stops for a moment admiring the firm, pear shaped bottom. Then tightens her grip and reaches for the stinging, yellow hairbrush setting on the bed. "Yeah! Jan!" She warns; "I'am going to make that resolution stick!"

Whack!........"D-Damn this....!".........Slap!........."(Sob!) Isn't n-necessary
.....Whack!........."OOOOOOW!" Jan wails, as her narrow naked hips twist and turn over Marcia's sturdy lap.
Now beginning to enjoy her task, Marcia's right arm moves up and down with precision, as a sobbing Jan tries vainly to break her strong hold.

Crack!........."(Pant!) Yeah Jan!"........Smack!....."Maybe this will silence that tattletale mouth?"

Whack!........."O-Ouch!"...........Crack!........."(Sob!) P-Please no m-more!"
..........Splat!.........."OOOOOH! God!"...........Crack!......."OOOOOW!"

Waiting down stairs, Greg hears the doorbell ring! "Oh! Gosh......It's probably Jim!" Looking up at the second floor, he can faintly hear the sound of the hairbrush landing, and Jan's squeals. Nervously opening the door, Greg greets; "O-Oh! Hi....You must be Jim?....I'am Greg...Ah..Jan 's brother!"

Staring at each other for a moment, Jim asks; "Is Jan home?"

"Ah Yes.....But she's kind of busy right now!" Greg bleats.

"Oh! Ok!" Jim replies with a inquisitive look. "I'll just wait...We do have a date tonight!"

Feeling desperate, Greg hurriedly asks; "W-Would you care for a drink....Maybe some lemonade?"

Still standing in the doorway, Jim politely asks; "Ah!....Could I come in?"

"Yeah! sure Jim.....Yeah! sure!" Greg bleats; "I-I'll turn on the tv.....There might be a ball game on...Do you like sports Jim?"

Faintly hearing the spanking going on upstairs, he quickly turns up the volume of the tv, while Jim sits down!

With the scene returning upstairs, Jan struggles over Marcia's lap, as her reddening bottom bucks and turns on each stinging spank from the hated yellow hairbrush!

Whack!........."(Sob!) D-Damn you Marcia!".......Crack!......."OOOOOW! T-That hurts!"

"Yeah! Jan....You've felt this hairbrush many times before!"
.....Smack!....."AAAAAH!".....And this will be one time you won't soon forget!"...........Crack!........."OOOOOOH!"

Now trying desperately to escape Marcia's strong grip. Jan squirms wildly, as the skirt and slip twists around her slim hips.

Stopping for a moment, Marcia sharply pulls the garments back up again, exposing Jan's now bruised buttocks!

"(Sob!) P-Please Marcia!" She weakly bleats; "I-I'am so sorry....I-I Told.....(Sob!)..R-Really!"

Becoming aroused, Marcia in her new role, feels a warm surge run through her body. "Just a few more!" She pants, looking down at the withering, clenched bottom across her lap!

Whack!......."OOOOOW!".......Smack!........."(Sob! ) ..AAAAAH!"

Waiting impatiently downstairs, Jim asks Greg; "Where are those noises coming from?"

Even with the tv turned up, the muffled sounds from behind the girl's bedroom door are slightly audible.

"Oh!.....T-That's Marcia watching one of those stupid monster movies!"

"Oh!...I see!" Jim replies with a strange look!

"But Jan should be down soon!" Greg assures.

Back upstairs, Jan wails as the spanking winds down!

Smack!......"OOOOOW".........Whack!.........."(Sob !) G-GOD!".........
Crack!........"P-Please Marcia s-stop......Pleeeeez!"........Slap!...."AAAAH!"

Finally laying down the "Stinging Bee" Marcia releases a sobbing Jan. "O-Oh! God..........I'am on fire!" She moans while dancing around rubbing her very red, sore bottom!

"(Sob!)....Damn....Y-You spank harder than Mom, my ass is raw!"

Hugging Jan, Marcia reminds; "Just remember...That New Year Resolution!"

"Ok sister.Oh! God yes.....I will." Jan whines, while pulling her panties back up!

Taking a few more minutes to straighten her clothes and dry her eyes. Jan painfully walks downstairs to greet Jim.

"Hi Jan!" He smiles; "But why are you walking so stiff...Are you ok?"

Smiling back she quips; "Yeah!...I sure am.....Because I have the best sister.......In the whole, wide world!"

Looking over at Greg, Marcia gives him one of her sexy winks!

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 11-27-2011 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 02-01-2009, 06:40 PM
agotkl1 agotkl1 is offline
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Great stories as always Sammy. Jan did sometimes seem more spankable than marcia although i do always seem to remember the famous whine "marcia, marcia marcia, why does everything have to be about marcia" tirade and always thought she would get after marcia herself one day. Thanks again for sharing your great talent with us. Have a spanking good day.
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Old 02-01-2009, 07:21 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Thanks Jim; Yes I do agree. Next to Carol, Jan was the most spankable in the later years of The Brady Bunch! She always had to play 2nd fiddle to Marcia during the first seasons. (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!) But certainly made her mark at the end!
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