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Old 02-10-2009, 06:06 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Massage Girl spanked in front of the punters

“Good evening, Fantasy Sauna”, said Karen when she'd answered the telephone, “Yes, we offer a full range of services including hand relief and topless massage. Why don’t you come along, you won’t be disappointed.”

“Who was that Karen?” said Sam, another equally stunning blonde.

“Oh, another punter. This is such easy money isn’t it? Tell you what with Nick away in Afganistan, I’m certainly making “hay while the sun shines”. He thinks I’m still doing that cleaning job. He doesn’t know it but I’ve earned enough money in a week to take a holiday in Spain with Donna. I’ve bought that teeny-weeny leopard-patterned bikini and fully expect to have plenty of sun, sea and sex. Especially the sex. Mind you, I’ll have to take off my wedding ring,”she laughed. As she twirled it around her finger.

“What that bikini you showed me in that catalogue?, Sam said.

"That's the one"

"Bloody hell Karen. With your breasts, it should carry a Government health-warning. You won't be able to go in the water in it", Sam replied.

And they both giggled.

"So who’ll be looking after Katie then”, Sam asked.

“Well she is 10, so she can stay with her nan”, Karen replied.

Just then, the door opened and Sam putting on her best smile looked up and purred in her most seductive voice, “And what would you like today”.

"Oh, I'll take him", laughed Karen and looking back to her friend, "Don't worry, it'll only take a couple of minutes and I'll be back". Slipping out from behind the desk, it was no wonder she was the most popular choice. A
38-24-36 figure, long blonde hair cascading down past her shoulders, pretty face often mistaken for a celebrity and wearing a short blue half-sleeved tunic, no longer than a baby-doll nighty, with "pop open" stud fasteners. Red
high-heels finished it off.

And with that, her and the punter slipped into the nearest cubicle, just leaving the door slightly ajar. Very soon sounds of contentment could be heard along with Karen murmering, "Mm, how does that feel?".But don't ask me for sex or a"blow-job" because I won't. Is that clear? Good..". Then came the sound of her fasteners, slowly and sexily being "popped", one after another.

Just then, a grizzly older man with white hair, wearing thick glasses, greasy jeans and 2 days stubble came in and said he'd wait for Karen. His ears pricked up when he heard her voice.

As she continued, "What's that, you think I've got the biggest breasts you've ever seen. My my, you're a big boy. And as you're begging so nicely, I'll give you a little lick...mmm"

When suddenly the door of the cubicle was thrown open and the man who had sat down earlier waiting for Karen called out, "Get out here now"

Karen stumbled out while still pushing her enormous breasts back inside her black bra and gasped in surprise. It was her step-dad Colin. She caught the glint in his eye. Dirty old sod.

“Gulp, what are you doing here?” she said

Looking his step-daughter directly in the eye, he said, “I went around to your place to see young Katie to find her crying and a young baby sitter looking after her. She told me where you were. Look at you, you young trollop”

“Don’t talk to me like that”, she said in righteous indignation, “I can do what I like, when I like”

“Oh no, you can’t. Not when you’ve got a husband away fighting for Queen and country and a kid at home”

“Look you’re embarrassing me now, so please leave”, she said.

“And I paid £500 for a so-called beauty course to help you out”, her step-father said.

“Well I put that towards my Mini”

“Right that does it you’re coming with me, get your coat”

“No way, I’ve got another client in 10 minutes, so if you don’t mind, scram” and she stood up next to Sam. Seeing for the first time the absolute brevity of her outfit. The very short blue tunic he went ballistic and told her the honour of the family was at stake.

“What sort of a place is this? He said.

“You’re a bit naïve then” piped up Sam standing up next to Karen for moral support, “We do…..”And she listed the various services on offer.

“That’s it, I’ve heard enough” and he put his hands over his ears. Grabbing her arm, he demanded, “Get your coat, for the last time, or else”

“Or else what, you’ll send me to my room. I’m a big girl now, in case you hadn’t noticed”,she laughed, “Now if you don’t mind I’m rather busy”

“You’re not too big to go across my knee young lady” he replied. To which both Sam and Karen laughed at so prepostrous an idea. That was why what happened next took several seconds to sink in. One minute she was laughing, the next her step-father had sat down on a hard backed chair, pulled her face down across his lap and was proceeding to spank her.

It took a good few seconds for the reality to dawn on her, that at a belated 28, she was receiving the first spanking of her life. Then all hell broke loose.

“Stop, you can’t do this, let me go this minute.”

Her tunic had ridden up to reveal sheer black seamed nylon stockings, matching black suspender belt and the sauciest of peach knickers, bought for her by a satisfied punter.

Standing her up, he said, “Ready to leave now?”

Her reply was a series of four word expletives finished of with a sharp slap around the face. "How dare you do that in front of all these people. I've never been so embarassed.You ? ? ?"

“Right, that’s it” he snarled and pulled her back down.

The first loud spank smacked across Karen's backside. Then another...

Karen gasped and clenched her legs together and a few red finger-marks appeared where she'd been spanked below her panties. Then... WHACK CRACK SMACK SPANK and he began spanking faster and faster until he was into a rhythm, which caused Karen's behind to bounce and twitch while her legs straightened. SPANK SMACK WHACK her step-dad spanked her continuously with solid spanks going from one cheek to the other and up and down her bottom and legs... WHACK CRACK CRACK SMACK... even spanking her bare thighs. The spanking was too fast to count, but after about 20 whacks Karen was really starting to wiggle, as much as she could, and begging, over the loud smacking, "Colin!... oh...PLEASE!"... SMACK CRACK WHACK. "Owwww... ".

Finally! The last hard palm spank bounced off Karen's sore rear end, and everything was silent except for her soft sobbing. She lay over her step-father's lap, her long legs encased in black nylon, everything else, including
tops of her thighs and backside, a vivid crimson colour.

"Geddup," said her stepfather. Obediently, Karen slowly pushed herself off his lap reaching back to massage her hot arse. Her face was flushed red, her eyes even more red from crying, tears dripping down her cheeks. She was aware that every pair of eyes was soaking up her humiliation.

Then noticing her own hair-brush, he grabbed it. Karen uttered, "Pleeez... "

“You’re going to learn a lesson today young lady that your husband will thank me for. I should have done this 10 years ago when you were 18 and maybe you wouldn’t have turned into this brat”

He spoke to her as though she were a child, not sophisticated mother and wife of 28.

Karen's eyes grew big and she wailed, "I'm sorry... OH!... I'm sorry! Don't... DON'T!"

"Get your panties down Karen!", he said barely able to contain his delight. He'd wanted to do this for a long time.

For a few seconds, Karen just stood there, rubbing her behind saying, “Please no, not in front of everybody. I'm not a child”.

Surely, she thought, someone would come to her aid. But it looked like everyone else thought it was time she got her come-uppance. Saying no to sex, who did she think she was anyway!

In a flash her impatient stepdad reached out and yanked Karen's panties down to her knees! Suddenly, her bare, big very red, bottom was there for all to see.

Those womanly round cheeks, so red and partly covered with such white hands... then her stepdad grabbed her arm and tugged her back over his lap,
Instantly Karen began to moan, wail, "Aaaa... NOOOO!. ..oooohh... PLEEEZE... And she tucked her high heels up to protect her naked rump... begging... "Daddy... PLEEEZE DON'T... NOT HERE!"

Karen wailed "Awwww... " her desperate whine accompanied by her reaching back with her free right hand to protect her backside. Whip-WHACK... Swish-SWACK... the brush lashed across Karen's thighs, below where her hand tried to cover her buttocks. "DADDY!" Karen screeched, kicking her legs straight out, her hand rushing forward, exposing her ripe tomato red bare behind. Whisk-SWAT... "Aaaaaa.." Whoosh-TWHACK!...

"Nonaaaaaaa" the brush rose and fell over her bucking bottom making poor Karen howl and gasp. Ten, fifteen, twenty strokes lapped up and down Karen's behind. And, suddenly she couldn't take anymore. Karen twisted her heels up high and put both her hands back to protect her backside from the brush. "GAWD!... Aaaaa... DADDY!...

NO MORE... STOP... I'm... I'm sorry... " Karen yelled, begged and sobbed. Unaware that she'd called him daddy for the first time in her life.

Then, suddenly, it was over, the brush dangling in his hand while Karen kept jerking and bawling over his lap for about a minute. Once she was let up, Karen leapt to her feet and began dancing around the room, grabbing at her
rear end, turning little circles, screeching "It stings... it stings... it stings... " over and over, showing her blonde pubic hair without shame. The shame would come much later, when she was on her own. Right now all she was concerned about was getting her coat on and getting back home.

And she would never ever return to the sauna. The days of topless hand relief, massage of strangers was over. This naughty girl would be keeping that massive cleavage covered up, would be moving back in with her mum and Colin and staying in for mugs of hot cocoa until her husband came home.
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