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Old 12-29-2006, 12:07 PM
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SGU:What Was Your Most Memorable Spanking?

For those of us who were spanked growing up, and don't mind to share a story or two, what was your most memorable spanking? Relay the context if you will, and why it sticks out as memorable in your mind.

Many of us who are now adults, thinking with adult minds, can think back and laugh at some of the things that happened when we were children, including discipline.

I also realize that there are some who were not 'spanked' in the traditional sense, but were punished, some abusively, and will not wish to share such painful memories. I want to stress that seeking painfully abusive stories is not what I am doing - but if sharing an episode of such is cathartic to someone in some way, then don't feel like you can't share.

I was just thinking, cuz to post my question (or answer) on RG's "Were You Spanked Growing Up?" thread wouldn't really be on topic to that thread.

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Old 12-31-2006, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by sarah thorne View Post
For those of us who were spanked growing up, and don't mind to share a story or two, what was your most memorable spanking?
Mine was one that occurred when I was very young, perhaps six or seven years old. Virtually all of my CP at home was by our mother, and her method of choice was to hold you by one hand while whipping your legs with a switch with the other. This resulted in the proverbial dancing-around-the-totem-pole-whooping-and-hollering scene. But this time something a little different happened. I was getting a whipping (that was the term-of-choice in my family) for some long-forgotten misdeed, and Mom started the usual way. We were in the living room and toward one side of it. After the whipping started I somehow slipped her grasp, perhaps the only time I can ever recall this happening. When I did, however, Mom didn't stop whipping, but kept the switch flying back and forth. I think I instinctively turned to face her, probably thinking that by turning the intended target, the back of my legs, away from her that she would stop. But she didn't, and just kept that switch going back and forth across my legs, anyway! So I started backing up. Mom started walking forward. That woman was not to be deterred from a well-deserved whipping. LOL. We did this backing up, walking forward thing for a few steps, with the switch flying and whistling through the air, when I came to a chair, unbeknownst to me, and just inadvertently sat down in it as I backed up. At that point I was trapped again, of course, so Mom just kept the switching going, and we were once again in a stationary arrangement. At just this time, however, my brother appeared over her left shoulder, careful to make sure that he wasn't seen by her, and started jabbing his finger at me, sticking his tongue in and out, and silently teasing me about getting whipped. Even through the action and high state of emotions of getting a painful whipping, I saw him and realized what he was doing, and tried to tell Mom, but was too much in a state of heightened emtions to be able to get any words out. He just kept making fun of me as I was catching it from Mom. Then, I suppose he sensed that she was winding down, because she had not much more than hit the last stroke when he disappeared! Being how kids at that age are, I was incensed at him and did my best to tell Mom, but, of course, she had not seen him do it, and seemed little concerned with it. Afterwards, of course he teased me again about it, out of the ear-shot of Mom, but being the little brother I pretty much had to just suck it up and go..

In retrospect, I see the great humor in all of this, the typical interaction of siblings, especially among boys, and so on. The story occasionally gets told at family gatherings. But, also showing the effect of perspective, while this event is still clearly in my mind, he does not recall it! There's still no justice in the world.
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Old 01-05-2007, 08:26 PM
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This spanking isn't the most memorable, but it definatly sticks out in my mind. It was on a Wednesday evening at Church. I was about 10 or 11. We had just arrived and I saw my friends sitting in a pew by themselves and wanted to sit with them. My mother made it clear that I was to sit with her and my dad. She nudged me into the pew and I sat down and scooted towards the middle. The pastor began speaking and my mom gave me that eyebrow and pointed to the spot next to her. So I scooted about an inch. Not such a wise move on my part. I suddenly felt my arm being grabbed and I was being pulled closer. Out of embarressment and certainly not wisdom, I yanked my arm from my mother's grasp. Before I knew it I was being escorted down the aisle and out the back door. Not a word was spoken during our journey to the van. Once inside I was bent over the back of the seat and my skirt was pulled up. My mother could give a hard hand spanking ! She made sure she was thorough this time as well. Once I was pleading and sputtering "I'm sorry" the spanking finally stopped. My skirt was pulled back down and we went back inside. When I sat down I knew my face was as red as my stinging bottom !
Happy spanking,
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Old 01-05-2007, 10:14 PM
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LOL Amber your mom must have been way stricter than mine! My mom didn't care if I sat with my friends during church, even if she was alone with my dad being in the church choir.
A red bottom is quite a nice thing!
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Old 01-05-2007, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by spanked~amber View Post
It was on a Wednesday evening at Church. I was about 10 or 11.
Wednesday and church night in the South. Still goes on today!

My family attended church really regularly, too, and my mother was particularly sensitive about the good behavior of her children in church. I recall during a revival (a series of special church meetings, going on every day--twice a day in some churches like mine--for a week or two, with the specific intent of saving souls) one time when I was probably in the four year old age range, maybe five, of acting up in the evening service. Mom dutifully took me outside, snapped a switch off from a tree that grew in the parking lot on one side of the church, whipping me, and then marching me back into the church, corrected into better behavior for the rest of the evening. This went on for, I think, six nights in a row! I don't now recall why it took this long, but perhaps it was some kind of head game between Mom and me. Mom never lost those. I finally straightened up and this never happened again in church, but it has sure left a lasting memory.
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Old 01-06-2007, 11:52 AM
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Long Ass Story....

I realized after posting this thread that "memorable" may have been interpreted 'favorite', and that's not at all what I intended.

I meant, if you were spanked growing up, what is the one that really sticks out in your memory....for whatever reason it does?

My answer: I have a couple that stick out for different reasons. I have to say, tho, that my most memorable spanking was when I was 17. Anyone who knows me in the spanko world will tell you that I have mentioned this in many a discussion. Altho my father favored his belt during a spanking, this is the one that so vividly sticks out that I feared a strap once I entered the spanking scene due to it. (RG, bless him, got me thru that fear and it is now my favorite)

I will mention also that this spanking was my last as a dependent child -- and I hadn't had one before since I had been 14, and before that probably age 10 or so. Unlike my brother, I was quite a compliant child growing up.

Anyway, it boiled down to being a power struggle between my father and me. The incident that led to this, RG has said a number of times I should have been paddled at school for. (What does he know? Copying dictionary pages were no fun)

There is a long story behind it (imagine that!) if you care to read it.

My brother, who was always in trouble, had received a referral from school. Now, unlike most referrals (which I usually signed for him without their knowledge) my parents actually DID know about this one. They signed it, I think, and the idiot lost it.

For losing it, the principal at the private school we attended gave him a replacement referral - and then a referral for losing the first one.

The dummy lost those as well - and yes, my parents were aware of them. So, upon returning to school, the principal gave him another and told him that if he lost this one, he would be suspended.

He didn't lose it. But my mother, who is quite ditzy and forgetful at times, left for work and forgot to sign it. My brother, in desperation, called her at work and begged for her to allow me to sign it so he wouldn't get suspended. She said no. He begged me to do it anyway, and I said no. He called my mom back at work and begged some more and she refused and told hm to stop calling or he'd be in big trouble. Of course, he blamed her if he were to happen to get suspended. She still said no.

This is where I entered the 'not-so-smart' plot. My brother begged me mercilessly on the drive to school. (I drove everyone to school, being 17) Finally, I had pity on him and relented, actually rationalizing that it was not exactly a dishonest act, being how my parents did indeed know about it.

So, my brother turns in the referral and principal is all happy - until my mom calls. She proceeds to tell the principal that she had forgotten to sign the referral and to please not punish my bro for it, as she had indeed known about his referral and detention. Principal then says that the referral is signed.

Get this - and my mom is like this today (forgetful). She pauses and says that perhaps she did sign it, but just didn't remember. Principal then says he will send it home, siggy and all, and she could look at it and decide from there.

In the meantime, he calls brother to the office and grills him about the signature. Brother at first insists that Mom signed it. Principal plays a game and says Mom says she did not, and perhaps sister (me) did? Brother finally gives me up (the rat) and it was all caught on audio tape.

Now, funny thing is, that morning I had dropped all my siblings off at school and skipped school. I did do this on occasion - not a whole lot - but it was rather easy to pull off since my parents worked and I had a car. I was really good at school too (especially compared to my brother) and my absence would never rouse suspicion enough to call my parents.

So I arrived at school to pick up my siblings, and had actually went into school and stood by my homeroom door to talk to some friends when they were dismissed when the principal saw me in the hall. He asked me to come to his office for a second. I wasn't alarmed - I have NEVER really been in trouble at school and was on real good terms with the principal. He gave no indication that there was concern about me having missed school that day. (Funny, too, that in ALL of what transpired, that was never, ever realized)

In his office, he asked me about the signed referral, which I denied having signed. He said that my bro had ratted on me, and played the tape for me. I denied it again (brother was notorious liar) and said I did not know why he would say such a thing. Principal then relayed the conversation he had with my mom, then handed me the referral that was to be taken home for inspection (guess he didn't trust brother not to lose it damn me and my reliability) and one for ME as well, saying that if my mother realized that the siggy on my brother's referral was hers then I could rip my own referral up.

In the parking lot I blasted my brother and the liar denied ratting on me. I told him never to expect me to help him again (I mean, damn, he coulda said he had done it! )

At home, I went straight to my parents with both referrals and simply admitted to having done it. My mom signed my referral, I got a little 'talking to' and a lecture and we were done. I had detention the next day, which I served. (This is where RG says I shouda been paddled - but I actually disagree, since detention was not fun either and I wasn't really a repeat offender who needed real incentive not to get in trouble again, which IMO is the main purpose of paddling)

All was quiet, no more drama.

One day, I came in from school and my parents instructed BOTH my brother and I to sit on the couch. In what I felt was an unfair question, even as an adult today, my father said, "Is there anything you would like to let us know?"

I racked my brain for any recent transgressions - or even anything remotely troublesome. I really was pretty good, for the most part, and there was really nothing I could think of that I would be in trouble for. So, I said, "No."

There were pieces of paper on the coffee table, turned upside down so you couldn't see what was on them. My father motioned to them and said, "Are you sure? Now is the time to let us know."

I couldn't for the life of me figure out what those things might be that would indicate trouble. My brother, who denied any and all things even in the light of absolute proof, stayed true to form. I truly was trying to figure out what exactly I could be in trouble for.

This torture went on for about 20 minutes or so, when he finally turned the papers over and there were ALL of my brother's referrals from the year, signed by me. Never in a million years would I have thought to say that, as it was so far outta my mind.

This was about a week before my Junior prom and my father GROUNDED me. Even from prom, altho I had my dress and all.....I was devastated. Anyone who knows teenage girls and an event like this, especially when the date was with her dream guy, would understand. I was wrenched over this for a week.

Anyway, devastated I was. Me, one who rarely expresses emotion unless under severe duress, was crying and bawling. I went into one of my funks when I get like that, which was not eating, or wanting to do much of anything.

It was Wed night, a church night, and my father decided he was gonna make this a power deal. My mother hadn't fixed supper so she kinda just heated up some spaghetti O's for my siblings and me. (Side note, I hate spaghetti o's anyway, so it didn't help matters.) I sat at the table, bowl in front of me, not eating. I was not mad, per se, but very distraught. My father saw that I was not eating and ordered me to eat. I didn't. He gave me a time limit, something he hadn't done since I was about 6, and said if he came back down and I hadn't eaten, then I was in trouble.

My brother begged me to eat but I didn't. My mother came to check on me and I hadn't, so she informed my father who was upstairs getting ready for church. He called me upstairs and I went, unspeaking and still distraught. I don't remember what he said, but he started to yell at me and I wouldn't answer him. (I get this way even now if I am upset - I clam up) He ordered me to answer him and I refused.

What happened next, RG has attempted to recreate on the Doodle Pad multiple times. He is actually surprised that it had the impression it did, being how it really was not an overly harsh spanking.

Anyway, my dad had not yet put on his belt and he grabbed me and kinda threw me down onto the bed. I was determined NOT to make like it hurt. I am sure he was hitting close to his hardest, cuz he was mad. After the 2nd stroke, I remember thinking, "there is no way I can continue to take these strokes hitting in the same place." I was not bare, this was done over pants. On the third stroke, I cried out and, to be honest, I think it might have alarmed him a bit for reasons I'll not speculate about here (already too

He let me up and ordered me downstairs to eat.

Believe it or not, I still did not touch my food. When my brother heard my father coming back down the stairs, he reached across the table and gobbled up about four huge spoonfuls to make it look as if I had eaten some.

We went to church and I recall sitting in Youth Choir and Youth Group, totally silent. It was not a good night - or week.

I did end up going to Prom, tho. My father had pity on me (and prolly only intended to let me suffer the whole week thinking I couldn't go) and the day before, infomed me that I could go. That did not, however, come without its own restrictions - but I was allowed to go and that was all that mattered.

RG still maintains I shoulda been paddled at school for it too.

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Old 01-06-2007, 11:42 PM
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i wasn't going to reply to this thread because i really wasn't spanked often, or in the way that many people were spanked as children (or like any of us are spanked now). usually just one swat, as i mentioned elsewhere.

but everyone else's openness has led me to think of one experience where i did receive more than one swat. i was very young, possibly around 4 or 5 years old, and i was at the next-door neighbors' house. they had two children, my best friend who was my same age and his older sister who was probably around 11 or something like that. there were also other people visiting, family friends of theirs or something.

i really don't remember what happened at the neighbors' house but i did something silly and the older sister said to me, "you can't do that, we have company!" i was a very sensitive kid and this sentence mortified me. i started crying and went home.

my mother was alarmed by how upset i was when i got there and asked me what happened. but i was too embarassed to get it out. i refused to tell her.

she brought me to my room and i think my sister was there too. the details are foggy but i know that she swatted me repeatedly, insisting that i tell her what was said. i think that there had been some instances in the past where my friend and his sister had blamed things on me unfairly and the like-- that's the only reason i can think of for this to be such a big deal to her. but i was really too embarassed to say and i held my ground.

eventually we went to the community pool and i wasn't allowed to swim until i told her what was said. nearer to the end she was taking a gentler approach but i believe i was also swatted there as i continued to refuse. eventually i gave up and let it slip.

i do remember that it was one of those things that, once i finally said it, i didn't understand why i had been so afraid up until then. and i'm sure my mother thought the same thing! i remember my dad being the primary source of physical discipline but this one instance was all about my mom.
the pain passes but the beauty remains
--pierre auguste renoir

persephone's submission
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Old 01-07-2007, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by persephone View Post
...led me to think of one experience where i did receive more than one swat.
Very interesting, indeed!

I still think, though, that you would definitely come out on the "lightly disciplined" side of the spectrum.

I would be very much interested in learning of others most memorable spankings. I know that our members have them to share!
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