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Old 05-12-2007, 04:18 PM
amberlee420 amberlee420 is offline
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True Life

This is my first comment or post on this site, as I just joined a few days ago. I have visited the site many times in the last few days as my appitite for a true spanking grows stronger every day. I have always known since being sexual active at a young adolecent age that a good bum warming would also give me a great orgasm. Over the years I would always hint around to the boyfriend at the time that I liked to be spanked, but was never really taken seriously and always just recieved a few light slaps during sex. But here's the catch 22, I could never tell them that I wanted to be told to take down my panties and bent over their knee and spanked hard enough by their hand that my bottom would be red, warm and stinging. If I told them that's what I wanted, then in some way it would feel set-up and fake, and not totally satisfy me in the true spanking that I wanted. I have been with my current boyfriend for 4 months now and as usual I have hinted around about wanting to be spanked. I would forget to do something or be absent minded about something and tell him I should be spanked, he would agree with me but not actually carry out the threat. For the past month he has been working out of town during the week and home for the weekends. So on Friday of last weekend I texted him a message that I couldn't wait till he got home and that I had been a bad girl that week by bouncing a check and smoking a cigarette. He texted me back, "that's it, your ass is going to be spanked". This exicted me so much and I had to wait in anticipation in my fish net halter and panties and garter belt with stocking. Twenty minutes later he arrived home came in and told me how sexy I looked in my little outfit, and he got in the shower. When he got out of the shower we had a long, lushous kissing session, a great foreplay session, very satisfing sex, but to my dissappointment, no spanking my bum warm and red. He went back out of town to work and I was left for the rest of the week wondering how to accomplish getting him to truly tan my hide. As of yesterday morning I was going to post a comment on this site and ask everyone here for their ideas on how to go about getting what I needed and wanted. But I got too busy with the day and thought I would try my old stand-by and text him on his way home that I was getting wetter by the minute waiting and asked him if he wanted me to tell him how I've been a bad girl now or wait till he got home. He text me back that I had better tell him now. So I told him that I bounced another check, smoked a cigerette and spent my last ten dollars on stocking instead of dogfood and asked him to pick some up. He texted me back that I was getting spanked. Now, I had heard this before and this was an empty threat, so I was not too excited waiting in my denium and lace outfit and newly acquired stockings. I texted him back exactly that " ya, ya emtpy threats". He came home, told me I was sexy in my outfit and got into the shower, I went into the bedroom and waited. We started with the usaul kissing and playing, he unlaced my oufit and turned me over onto my stomach. He was now sitting up in bed with me on my stomach and kissin, licking and sucking him while he's playing with me and rubbing my bum. Then all of a sudden I recieve a half decent smack squarely on my rump. My eyes widening, my smile is smirking and I start suckin harder. Then another smack harder than the first which makes me give a light moan. Now my bum is starting to feel a little sting and warmth and I want it harder and faster. I recieve a few more spanks each getting a little harder but as we had not seen each other all week moved on to the ultimate goal of sex and was satisfied with each other. Oh but wait, the evening is not over with yet. After our lengthy sex session I am usual famished and get us to goto the pub for some supper. We have an enjoyable meal telling each other about our week and taking about various subjects while interjecting comments of how much I liked my light spanking. By the end of our meal and drinks we have managed to slightly arouse our selves and look forward to the quick ride home. We make a quick stop at my house to pick up my dog and he notices the amount of cigarette butts in the ashtray outside. Well the look on his face sent shivers into me and I felt that I was in trouble and started with a barrage of excuses that their not all mine and that the neighbour comes over and has a smoke with me(which is all true and I had only had one cigarette that day)but it was clear that he didn't believe me and that I was in trouble for one, smoking more then one cigarette and two, lying to him. So we drove back to his place, playing with each other on the way there, rushed into the house and straight to the bedroom.. I asked him if he would like strawberries and champagne(a floavoured lube I have) or whipped cream for dessert, he told me to choose so I chose the lube. I dripped the lube in a few stratigic places to be licked off and then dripped it on him. We had assumed the same postion as earlier except that he was sitting up with his back against the wall and I was on my stomach forming a T with him which gave us perfect access to each other, mainly great access for him to play with my ass. He had also used a generous amount of the lube so with each pass across my behind it was also getting very slicked up. As he was rubbing my bum and I was squirming around, I felt he was getting a clearer picture of what I wanted and prolonging that first hard smack. Then he started in on my round little tush, one on one cheek then the other, back and fourth, then two or three on one cheek then switched, each smack getting heavier and harder and my ass getting redder and warmer. I was getting more worked up by the moment. He then paused for a moment and rubbed my little bum, it seemed like he was a pro spanker all of a sudden by dealing out enough pain to make me squirm then calming down the painfully site with tendering rubbing. He again started in with a flurry of spanks while playing with my bums respective hole and my moans and ow's getting louder and louder. He would pause for a second, I would fell his hand go up expecting a hard blow to come down but he would just touch my cheek. This would almost send me over the edge as I would squeeze my bum muscles together readying for the smack. With each session of smacks and pauses my orgasm was building to new heights. I pushed his hand that was playing with me away and asked him to spank me at the crease of my ass and thighs, I guess he didn't like me telling him how to spank me becuase this session of spanks was the hardest I had recieved yet and with each stinging slap I was inching my way across his lap. I couldn't believe that I was getting spanked hard the way I wanted and lying across his lap. My behind was now stinging beyond belief and for a moment I put my hand behind to rub it, he stopped spanking me, grabbed my wrist and held my hand to the side. He gave my behind a quick rub and started spanking me again. I guess he could tell that I was very close to my orgasm by the heavy fast moaning and panting I was doing so he stopped spanking me, wiggled out from under me and enerted me from behind. The sensation my hot and stinging ass and him behind me sent both of over the edge and I exploded with an orgasm like no other. We colapsed to the bed with heavy panting and my behind still on fire. After a few minutes I got us up to have a quick suds down in shower being as we were both very sticky from the strawberries and champagne. On the way to the shower I paused in the mirror to witness his handy work. My behind was the reddest I had ever seen and the site of it started to turn me on again. I jumped in the shower with him rubbed our bodies clean and crawled into bed for a satisfying deep sleep.

Almost as satisfying as the first time I finished it but it's worded a bit different this time. Thanks to lil dixiedarling and lil babygirl for their vote of confidence to finish. I am a very happy girl to have been able to turn my once shy of a spanker boyfriend into whats seems like a pro spanker. Although I have not received the " take down your panties and bend over my knee" part of my spanking that I so desire, I have faith it will happen and when it does I will be sure to give you the full account. I welcome any comments or critiques.

Last edited by amberlee420; 05-15-2007 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Finishing Story
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Old 05-12-2007, 06:41 PM
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lil_dixiedarling lil_dixiedarling is offline
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Interesting account.....I completely understand the feeling of if you have to straight out ask it just isn't as satisfying. I deal with that alot knowing exactly certain things that i would like, but no ability to ask for them or they lose some of their meaning in a glad to see if finally started to happen even without straight up asking.

You have my vote to continue with part two.....


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Old 05-14-2007, 02:13 PM
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Wow.. got my vote too.. interesting to say the least.
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