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Old 04-24-2007, 01:44 AM
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Irresponsible Kathy

Kathy sat at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. Her mind had been racing all day. How could I have been so careless she thought as she took another drink out of her queen bee coffee mug! “Eric is going to kill me”! Eric her husband has warned her countless number of times about being responsible and this time she had really done it.

She knew when she had called him that afternoon at work to tell him the bad news she had really let him down, and that hurt worst of all.

“Hi dear it’s me Kathy, um I have something to tell you.”

“Hi sweetie, what’s going on?”

“Um well, I went out with my sister Karen this morning and I just lost track of time. I well forgot to pay something”!

“What did u forget Kathy”? Kathy could tell by the sound of her husband’s voice he was getting impatient. He really hated when she tip toed around something important.

“I forgot to pay the light bill, so they shut it off today and it will cost us an extra $150 to turn it on, on top of the $300 we already owe”! There was a long pause of dead air. Kathy just waited for her husband to say something; anything would be good right about now.

“I will take care of it Kathy, I will leave work early and deal with this problem but rest assure we will be talking tonight”!

“Yes Eric”, that’s all Kathy could say as she heard Eric hang up the phone. Laying her cell phone on the bed she cried into her pillow thinking of what awaited her that evening.

Kathy’s stomach had been doing flip flops when she heard the front door open. Eric must be home she thought. She got up and put her coffee mug in the sink. Trying to compose herself she walked in the living room to meet him. It was a little after 5pm; it was very early for him to be home. He usually did not get in till after 7 but since he had to leave work early today to deal with the problem she created he was right on time.

“Hello Kathy”!

“Hi Eric, how did it go”?

“Well I got it all paid, however since it is so late in the day someone can’t be out here to turn it on till tomorrow morning”!

“I’m so sorry Eric, I feel so bad!”

“I know you do young lady and you will be feeling a lot sorrier by the time I am finished with you”!

Eric took his wife by the arm and led her to their bed room. By the look on his face Kathy knew he meant business and it would be in her best interest not to say a word!

“Take off your clothes young lady, and I mean everything”! “I hate to do this but if this is what it takes to make you understand how to be responsible then so be it”! Kathy began to cry as she took off her clothes. She felt so ashamed, so alone, and she wondered how she could ever make him trust her again.

“I’m so sorry Eric,” she said is a small, helpless voice.

“You had at least two weeks to pay the bill Kathy, why did you wait till the last minute”?

“I thought I had time, and I know, I’m sorry, I kept putting it off”.

“Well no more, you understand from now on I expect you to get things done, no more putting things off, now lay down on the bed,” he instructed!

Kathy placed to pillows in the center of the bed and slowly climbed over them, resting her hips over the pillows so her bottom would be propped up giving her husband a good, high target. Kathy laid there staring at her husband in terror as she watched him pull his belt through the loops of his pants and the unmistakable swooshing sound filled the silent room!

Eric looked at his wife; he could see the horror in her eyes! He knew she was sorry but still he had to teach her a lesson. If he let her get away with this, he knew she would never learn! Eric doubled his thick, leather belt in his hand, while clenching the buckle in his fist. He took a deep breath and took a step back. He aimed for his target and with no further hesitation he brought that old leather belt down hard on her naked flesh! SMACK!

The loud crack of the first strike filled the room and all that could be heard after were the cries from a very sorry young wife!

Kathy was crying and pleading from the first lick on. Her bottom danced under her husband’s belt. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK….OH OWWWWWWWWWIE OH MY GOD IT HURTS, PLEASE ERIC I AM SOOOOOOO SORRRRRRY!

Eric continued to spank, ignoring his wife’s pleas. He had to make a point, no matter how hard it was for him to see his wife in pain; he had to teach her this lesson!



YESSSSSSSS SIRRRRRRRRRRR, Kathy said in a long drawn out cry! Oh please Sir Stop, I’m sorry. Kathy’s bottom was on fire, she felt like she may never sit again, that’s if she had any bottom left to sit on once her husband was through with her!

Eric stood there looking at his well spanked little wife. Her pillow soaked in her tears and her bottom as red as a bowl of cherries. He felt she had learned her lesson, she was crying hard and there seemed to be no fight left in her. He raised his arm once more giving her five more hard strokes to her bottom and thighs, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, and then he put down his belt. The last lick hit her thighs and she let out a high pitch squeal followed by sobs. Eric quietly left the room but returned soon after. Kathy was still crying hard, he lighted some candles since it would be getting dark soon and he grabbed the aloe lotion from the top of their dresser.

Eric laid next to Kathy rubbing the cool lotion onto her burning well spanked little bottom. She jumped at his touch at first, he knew it stung but she soon relaxed and let the lotion and his gentle touch take the burn away. He then pulled his beautiful wife onto his chest, while stroking her hair, rubbing her back, and whispering I love you into her ear!

It did not take long for Eric to trust Kathy again; after all she made sure to never be so irresponsible again!
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:49 AM
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Talking kudos

way to go ss. Good stories, keep them coming
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Old 04-24-2007, 10:39 AM
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lil_dixiedarling lil_dixiedarling is offline
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Nicely done SS.....gotta love a story with the belt ~wink~


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Old 04-24-2007, 07:34 PM
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Yikes!!.. Umm sure would make me listen that's for sure.... <gulps> I'd hate to hear the sound of it coming from the belt loops. Btw, good story, ss.
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Old 04-24-2007, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by lil_babygirl View Post
<gulps> I'd hate to hear the sound of it coming from the belt loops.

Awww but the sound of it coming thru the loops is the best part...


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Old 04-24-2007, 08:20 PM
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The sound of it coming through the loops sends chills racing through my spine!
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