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Old 05-28-2010, 02:36 PM
bran0205 bran0205 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 25
well deseved spanking part 2

I found it very hard to lay in the bed when I knew the house was only half clean I could hear my new born getting fussy and I had gotten the spanking bc of my attitude that's no reason to lay in bed all day so I made my way back to the living room and my husband looked up and said all better already I said well getting there but ill be ok we didn't talk much I finished the dishes a cleaned up a little more and it was about 3 pm when everyone decided to come inside they took showers and decided to all take a nap my husband suggested that we should try to get my mom layed down with the baby and suggested that we go have some alone time..... So I ask my mom and she encouraged us to go be alone. And my husband spoke up and said yeah I think we will go walking on that trail through the woods back there. I felt my body get hot but just said yeah that sounds like a good idea and mom said for us to careful watch out for snakes we said we would and headed out the door. We started on the trail hand in hand but I couldn't keep it from creeping into my mind..... Is he gonna spank me again? This would be the first time we were alone and nobody could hear or see..... I didn't say anything just walked quietly. He broke the silence and said did it hurt to bad baby? I wanted to scream uh yeah! But I just said it was an appropriate spanking for my actions I deserved it. We were way back in the woods when we came to a clearing and stopped to talk. He asked me about the paddle and if my daddy had ever used it on me? I was embarassed to tell him my daddy had spanked me on my bare bottom over the kitchen table when I was18 years old just the way he had just done but I told him and that that was the last time he had used it on me. I mean who still gets a bare bottom spanking with a paddle from ur daddy when ur 18. He simply replied I guess an 18 year old that deserves a bare bottom spanking with a paddle. I told him I guess ur right and told him the story about why I got the spanking. He told me how much he missed us being alone and being able to spank me everytime I deserved it. And I missed it to. I felt like the bad girl that felt guilty bc she was getting away with the stuff she really should be getting in trouble for. I had already spotted a perfect switch while we were talking just in case he thought I deserved more. He got up to go pee behind a tree and I quickly went over and retieved the switch from the tree and layed it across my hands with my arms extended out to him. He was suprised to see me standing there holding the switch when he turned around. I was scared bc part of me was thinking are u crazy my bottom is still stinging from the last spanking but I knew it was the right thing to do. I needed it I deserved it and honestly when would we get this chance again? He said what are u doing? I said getting u a switch for my spanking. He said but we already took care of it u took ur spanking already I looked down still extending the switch to him yes but we both know I deserve more of a spanking than just that. He said well yes but we can take care of it another time when u aren't so sore. I looked around and said there is nobody here to see or hear anything when are we going to get this chance again. I deserve a spanking I have been very bad and not just today so this is ur opportunity to cathch me up on my well needed spankings. He said are u sure? Pull down ur pants and let me see the results from the first spanking I did so and he said baby its bad. This switch will hurt even worse on top of the paddling. Still bent over with my pants just below my behind I said yes sir. He said ok then are u ready? I said just a min and started to pull my shorts down to my ankles. Ull wanna swat my thighs too. He said but u have short shorts on that will be noticeable. I said o yeah ur right ill just pull them half way up my thighs so u can still have acess so the tops of my thighs. Is that ok? He said yeah that fine but baby I've never spanked u with a switch before.... I stood and turned to face him showing him my front and said it ok darlin u had never spanked me with a paddle before earlier and I have to say I do believe u did a great job. He nodded kissed my lips and told me to bend over and grab my ankles. I heard the tone in his voice change as it had before and once again knew I was in big trouble. The switch stung on top of my paddling resluts and I winced and moaned and groaned before finally just burtsing into tears. He continued to spank me continuesly for the next 20 mins even after I was crying hystarically from the tops of my thighs all the way up my bottom a few swats hit my sides and back but for his first time he was very good. This time when he was done I fell to my knees and wept. He sat on the ground beside me pulled me into his lap and held me while I just cried and kept apologizing and he told me that now I was his good girl I had desrved needed and taken my spanking for being such a bad girl before and now I was released of my guilt and would not receive another spanking until I deserved it. (Which knowing me won't be long) when I finally stopped crying his hand found my wetness between my legs and began to gently rub he instructed me to get on my hands and knees and he entered me from behind. The combinaltion of feeling him inside me and feeling his skin against my blistered backside was strangely intriguing. We left the woods that day holding hands silently walking up the trail just as we had entered it but both feeling so much more accomplised!
Daddy... I think I need a spanking...
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Old 06-07-2010, 02:44 PM
bran0205 bran0205 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 25
This a true story not fiction.
Someone pls comment........
Daddy... I think I need a spanking...
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Old 06-24-2010, 05:59 AM
howiwish howiwish is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 9
oh so here is the part 2. thanks for sharing your story. more spankings please
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