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Old 01-11-2009, 03:26 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Sales Manageress gets an overdue spanking Part 2

There was a moments pause until the penny dropped and then she laughed out loud, “Don’t be ridiculas, I’m certainly not going to indulge your sexual fantasies”

“Really? We’ll see who’s laughing when it comes out that your father-in-law only gave you the job because of the relationship. That the 2 buyers paid a much higher price to buy our goods. Seems like a few people will be losing
their jobs. And what will your husband say?”

She rushed around to his side of the desk and in a pleading voice, “Oh please you wouldn’t?”

“I will, now do as you’re told for once in your life. Ring your secretary and tell her you don’t wish to be disturbed for the next half hour”

She hesitated and so he shouted, “Do it”

She’d never been spoken to like this before. After she’d made the call and replaced the handset he said, “Now come over here”

She stood just to the side of him. 5ft 11 in her 4 inch heels, dressed in a black pin striped dress and brown jacket, and very low cut black top. If she took that jacket off, every man in the office would have his blood pressure shoot up. Standing there with her arms folded, she waited for his next order. He then patted his lap and said, “Come on, over you go”

She stood there for a moment and in her haughty voice said, “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m a 34 year old married woman. I’m not a child. I’ve never been spanked in my life”

“Well you are now. You’re going to be spanked like the naughty, spoilt brat you undoubtably are”, he replied.

Slowly, reluctantly she lowered herself face down over his lap, her pendulous breasts lightly touching his thighs as she went over. Her expensive perfume assailed his nostrils. This was one sexy woman and in different
circumstances, well he pushed the thought from his mind. Before starting he smooth down her tight brown dress so there were no wrinkles and hugged the contours of her arse. Her legs encased in sheer black hosiery clamped
together, heels resting on the floor.

She looked around and said, “Happy now? Just get on with it, will you. I’ve got a really busy afternoon”

Suddenly, he brought his hand down swiftly on her right cheek, then left and back and continued like this for a few minutes. During this time the only response from Miss High and Mighty was a slight “umph”.

He paused for a moment and she gazed at her Gucci watch and casually remarked, “Well, you’ve had your moment of fun. Now if you don’t mind, the driver will be here any moment with my new car”

“Not so fast, I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet” and pushed her back down

“Let me up you stupid little man” she said in the belittling voice she reserved for the sales meetings.

“Not before you’ve come down off your high horse. In fact I think we’ll have this dress up and do it properly”

What, no!! she screeched, “I absolutely forbid it. You’re not going to pull my dress up”

“Fine, then I’ll just make those phone calls shall I?” and he reached for the phone.

“No, don’t. I mean yes. I mean…oh I don’t know” in a flustered voice. The sales manager for the south was starting to lose her famed cool look. Slumping back down over his lap her mind in a turmoil. Slowly, he reached down and took hold of the hem of her dress and eased it up. More and more of her legs came into view, he paused as suddenly the black nylon turned to pink as her suspenders came into view. She wriggled and writhed and made a half hearted attempt to stop her dress going any higher as she knew what would be seen next.

“Look there’s no need for this. I’ve had my punishment. You’ve had your fun and I really do need to get on”

“Sorry, no can do” was the reply. One final tug and her dress was up around her waist. And there on display, clad in the flimsiest of panties was the magnificent rear end of Susan Taylor. It was truly a sight to behold. Sheer black seamed nylons, black suspender belt and brief chocolate coloured knickers with a flowered lace pattern.

“Well I’m sure all this wasn’t for my benefit Mrs Taylor but then again. I’m sure when you left home this morning for your high powered job you never dreamt that you’d be across my knee being spanked like a naughty child”

“Yea yea yea, well I can take anything you can dish out so just get on with it”

Well that was it. SPANK SPANK SPANK. One after another landed on her barely protected arse. On and on it went SPANK SPANK SPANK. And suddenly an amazing transformation

“Oh, Oh, Ow, stop it now, you’re hurting me, oh that’s enough” as her arse turned pink then red.

Suddenly the phone rang. “Come on, let me up. That will be the driver with my new car”, she said.

Stopping the spanking, he reached for the phone, “I’ll take it if you don’t mind, he said.

“My goodness I am the boss around here you know”, she replied. Ignoring her, he answered, “Hello, Mrs Taylor’s phone?”, then continuing,“Oh hello Mr Dickinson. It’s not often we get a call from the Sales Director himself. Oh, you wanted to speak to Mrs Taylor. I’m afraid she’s a little indisposed at the moment. Can I be of assistance? Just a minute I’ll just put it on speaker phone So I can take a message for her”

“Well old boy, the old man started, “Tell her the figures for the South are not particularly good this quarter. Also I’ve had numerous complaints about her bullying tactics with the Junior Staff. Have you had a problem with her?

“Well sir, I…” before he had a chance to finish, the sales director continued, “Never mind. As I was saying that woman is getting to big for her boots.

“Well you were the one who took her on sir”

“I know that, but won’t go into the reasons now, but between you and I, uhum (he coughed) and I know it won’t go any further but I think what that girl needs is a damned good spanking. Wanted to do it myself, but protocol,
protocol old boy”

“I understand perfectly Mr Dickinson. Your secret is safe with me. Well I’ll be sure to say you called. Bye””

By now she’d recovered her composure enough to say, “The dirty old bastard. If my husband wasn’t such a weak individual I’d tell him. Right, that’s it I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Get your filthy hands off me”. And she twisted around and landed a hard slap across his cheek.

“Right, that’s it. No more half measures with you. I’m going to give you a spanking you won’t forget in a hurry.

And this time it will be on the bare”

“No”, she cried. But it was too no avail. Slipping his thumb and forefinger into the brief waistband, he lowered her miniscule knickers down and over her womanly hips. Frantically, she reached behind with one hand to stop them
being pulled down. But quick as a flash he’d got hold of her arm and twisted it up behind her back. And at the same time shifted her forward. It meant her feet had come off the ground and so she had nothing to push herself
against to try and lift up.

“Right, where that hairbrush of yours. I’m going to drive the message home once and for all!”

“I don’t think so….. was as far as she got before. Thwack, Thwack, Thwack as first hand and then brush came down on her unprotected rear.

“Ow, Ow, Ow”, she howled, “Oh, please stop it” And so it went on hack, “Oh please.

Still his hand came down. She pleaded, she cajoled, she promised. But nothing could stop the spanking. Redder and
redder her arse became. Her legs kicked up and down, her knickers were wrapped around one ankle as she’d lost all sense of modesty her legs parted and her fanny was on display but she was past caring.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again. I promise. I won’t bully anyone I promise” as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Perhaps I should invite your father- in-law down. He said this is what you needed. Perhaps I’ll get a rise”

“Oh, I don’t care. Please stop. I’ll be a good girl I promise” And it did stop and she lay there moaning. And rubbing with both hands her scarlet arse. “Oh, I’ve never been so humiliated, oh,oh”

“Right, pull yourself together and go and stand in the corner. Facing it. And I’ll keep you waiting like you did me. Is that clear”

“Oh yes, sir”

“Good girl. And don’t pull your knickers up leave them where they are. That’s better. Can you see that mirror over there? Don’t look much like the cocksure sales manager of half an hour ago do you. More like a naughty
schoolgirl. Perhaps we should take a picture for the newsletter”

“Oh please don’t” she said and burst into tears. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Mrs Taylor strutting her stuff in here again
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:44 AM
spankmetender spankmetender is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: near Boston
Posts: 27
You are a good writer.
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