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Old 02-09-2007, 04:58 PM
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"With your own belt!"

What's up, people of this forum? I see alot of familiar names, good people. I thought I'd start off with an old story. enjoy!

She was a bit shorter then him, but was very athletic. He had thought he could just throw her over his shoulder and carry her upstairs, but she was fighting with everything she had. She did NOT want this spanking.

Stopping to catch his balance, he slapped her hard on her jean-clad, upturned rear, which was positioned just over his right shoulder. “Knock it off! You are going to get a spanking. You keep this up and it will only be harder on you.”

She only paused to take in his words, then with renewed anger, she again began throwing her weight around, trying to escape. “Put me DOWN! This is not right!” He ignored her, and continued up the stairs.

Once he reached the bedroom, he set her down on the bed and closed the door. “Don’t make this any harder then it has to be.” He told her, his voice low and steady. In the back of his mind he wondered if he was being too harsh.

She glared up at him, “This is NOT going to happen! Get out of my way.” He took a moment to study her. She was going to fight this every step of the way. This was going to be difficult, when she was cornered, she could fight like a tiger. She braced herself on the bed, ready to pounce.

He pounced first. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he turned her around in his grip, and turned and sat on the side of the bed, sitting her on his lap. His hands working against hers to unfasten her belt buckle, he undid it, and pulled it free from her waist, letting it fall to the floor. Still, she would not let up. He managed to undo her button and zipper, but couldn’t get the tight fitting jeans down with her holding them up. He would love to see her trying to put those jeans back on when he was finished.

Lifting her, he set her beside him and pushed her over the bed on her stomach. “You are NOT getting out of this! You’ve earned this spanking. I told you what would happen if you didn’t have the dishes done by the time I got home.” He punctuated every other word with a hard slap on her backside.

She release her grip holding up her jeans and moved her hands to protect her assaulted rear, “Stop this! You have no right to hold me to that. After everything I got done today, you’d hold that against me? Hey, let go of me!” This last she said as he took her hands away from her stinging backside, then pulled her jeans off completely.

She was wearing those white cotton panties. These, she had brought to wear for him, after he told her how much he enjoyed something that covered the entire bottom, concealed it, almost protected it from harm. Making its removal before chastisement a moment they both learned to appreciate. He couldn’t help but to admire the view of her now. He wondered if she would appreciate the moment this time.

Noticing his hesitation, she spun around unto her back, sat up, and tried to push him away. He forced her back down and pinned her with one hand, and pulled off her underwear with his other. Wearing nothing below the waist, now, she fought all the harder against him.

He looked up at the end of the headboard. They had played at the idea of tying her up and restraining her for a spanking before, and went as far as tying lengths of rope to the corners of the bed, but had never gotten around to using them. This time, he would have to use them. He reached for one of the ropes and pulled it to her. There was a knot already waiting to be brought around her wrist. He had expected to use this in play, and had tied the knots in advance, not wanting to delay anything longer then needed.

“No!” She saw what he was doing, but couldn’t pull her arm out of his grasp, and could only watch as the knot was pulled tight around her wrist.

Moving around to the other side of the bed, he kept his hand around her other wrist, and pulled her up to the other corner. There, he secured her arm with another length of rope. With her hands firmly secured to the headboard, he pulled her legs down to the bottom of the bed. She struggled against his force with all her strength, but it wasn’t long before she was lying on her stomach, firmly tied into a vulnerable ‘X’ on the bed.

With her finally restrained, he sat down on the side of the bed and let out a tired breath. He had been a lacrosse player in his high school days, and was still fit, but she was herself an athlete. Sitting there, taking a moment to breath, his right hand came to rest on her now exposed left cheek. He heard her let out a startled gasp and felt her entire body tense from the contact on her bare flesh. He looked at her then, she had stopped struggling, and seemed to have accepted what was coming.

Best get on with it, then, he though. He picked up a pillow that had been knocked to the floor in the struggle, and sat back down on the bed. Her round ass was only slightly pinkened from him spanking her over her jeans, and as ever, a sight that makes his breath catch. But he would make those cheeks ever redder before long. Sliding one arm underneath her, he lifted her hips and set the pillow underneath her, then with his hand he immediately started spanking her.

Concentrating more on the fullness of her cheeks then on her sit spots, he kept his swats random, so that she would not anticipate where the next one would land, varying the intensity between mild and hard swats. This only went on for a few short minutes before he stopped. This wasn't to be a hand spanking, but one with her own belt. But he just couldn't keep his hand away from her.

Now to end it. He stood then, and picked up her belt from where he had dropped it. He thought then that he should say something to her, but nothing immediately came to mind. She knew she was about to get it with her own belt, and she knew why. Doubling the belt, he tested his arc lightly just next to her, hitting the bed. Satisfied with himself, he rested the leather belt across her backside. She sucked air in through her teeth, anticipating what was coming.

Then he lifted it, and brought it down hard, across both of her cheeks. The sound it made when it struck her, the little yelp she gave from it, and the sight of the red band of fire that appeared in the wake of the belt, made him smile. He gave her five more. Each one brought a yelp, and she had begun to sob, now. He reached down and ran a hand over here heated backside. Almost over.

He walked around to the other side of the bed, and gave her six more, faster then the first six. The red bands had all blended together now. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

He began untying her, but she remained limp until he was finished. “It’s over, now.” He said, then he helped her up and they stood together beside the bed.

He reached past her and grabbed the arnica, and put a liberal amount on his hand. She turned towards him and reached her arms over his broad shoulders, around his neck, and embraced him. Warming the cream in his hands, he then gently spread it over her tender cheeks, as she softly sobbed into his chest.

They stood like that for several minutes, with their arms around each other, while he gently rubbed and soothed her heated cheeks, before he kissed her on the forehead. “Thanks for this, I really enjoyed it. I was afraid you wouldn’t want to go for it when I was telling you about it.”

She looked up at him and smiled, “Are you kidding? I loved the idea from the beginning. You had me at, ‘With your own belt.’” Then she tilted her head and rolled her eyes at him. “But ‘I didn’t do the dishes?’ What was that about?” She asked, laughing.

He turned away from her, his face reddening. “Hey, my mind was on other things.” He said, giving her rear a gentle pat. “I couldn’t think of anything.” He kissed her again. “You know you’re a perfect little angel and are too good for any real punishment.”

"An angel, eh?" She said as she reach down and unbuckled his own belt. "We'll see about that." She turned him and pushed him backwards onto the bed, on his back.
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Old 02-09-2007, 06:34 PM
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Yay! Hi Siege! Good stuff. You've got a way with words--and belts.
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Old 02-09-2007, 09:08 PM
BlackVelvet007 BlackVelvet007 is offline
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Not bad, Siege. Welcome to the forum.
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Old 02-09-2007, 10:54 PM
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lil_dixiedarling lil_dixiedarling is offline
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Glad you posted Siege....i liked the little twist at the end of the story....very nice.


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Old 10-06-2008, 02:44 PM
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This is a test

this is a test
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Old 10-11-2008, 04:55 AM
Spankzz Spankzz is offline
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An interesting story which had me wondering about the consensual angle until the very end. Nicely done.
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Old 10-15-2008, 02:40 PM
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Zippo Zippo is offline
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Interesting story to see you post some more
Changing brats smack at a time
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