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Old 06-06-2008, 09:10 PM
Oldtimersammy Oldtimersammy is offline
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Ginger's Accident

Ginger's Accident. A story from Gilligan's Island.

The Castaways work hard for weeks building a study boat to finally escape their island prison. The Professor drawing the plans, helps the Captain and Gilligan construct the sea worthy vessel. With Ginger and Mary Ann collecting the wood and doing the cooking for the hungry workers.

.....Being able to transport just one person safely, the Castaways voted the logical person to pilot the craft. Which of course was the Captain.

....Being excited about the thought of finally leaving the desilute island. They go to bed early that night, except for Ginger! "Gosh!..What if the Captain forgets about us?.....Or gets lost?" She mulls to herself; "My acting career..It'll be finished!"

....Quietly slipping out of the grass covered hut she shares with Mary Ann. Ginger slowly and carefully goes down to the dock. Then silently gets into the homemade boat. "I'd better paddle out some....Before starting the motor!" She decides.

....Getting out to the middle of the lagoon, Ginger carefully turns on the key for the engine. Made up from parts from the wrecked S.S. Minnow. Then pushing the start button. "ERRRRRRR!......ERRRRRRR!" "God!....I-It's not starting!" She groans. Then at that moment, a booming voice is heard;
"Hey........What's going on down there?" Recognizing the Captain, Ginger tries the engine again.......ERRRRRR!......BBBR....ROOOM!"

....Now started, she quickly turns the steering wheel as the Captain and Gilligan run down to the beach. "Hey Ginger.....S-Stop...Please!" Ignoring the Captain's plea, she guns the engine causing the bow to raise off the water. Trying to steer out to sea, Ginger loses control as the boat runs ashore over some very large rocks. "Are you alright?" The Captain hollers as Gilligan stares at the gapping hole in the hull of the boat. Lifting a shaken Ginger from the wreck, the Capatin moans; "Gee Ginger......Now you've done it!"

......As the Professor and Captain assess the damage, Ginger tries to explain her actions to the rest of the Castaways! "Gosh!....I-I'am sorry....But I-I thought I'd never get off this terrible, deserted island!" "Yeah! thanks!" Mr. Howell sighs; "Now we'll all grow old here!"

......Coming over to the group, the Professor gives the bad news. "Ah!...The hull is destroyed, the rudder broken and the engine is ruined!" "Let's lynch her!" Mr. Howell cries. "No....No!" The Professor reasons; "Punishment yes......But not that drastic. Being somewhat jealous of Ginger's attention by the men. Mary Ann jests; "How 'bout a spanking?" With the group silent for a few moments. Mr. Howell pipes up; "Yes.....A splendid idea!"

......"Ah!...C'mon now!" Ginger bleats; "I-I know i was wrong....But a spanking.......That's Barbaric!" "Let's have a vote!" Mary Ann suggest with a wide smile. The Captain, Gilligan and Mr. Howell immediately raise their hands. With the Professor remaining neutral, he sighs; ""Well....I guess the ayes have it.....Ginger will be spanked!"

......Backing up holding her hands over her rearend, Ginger snickers; "You've got to be joking.....Right?" "No Ginger, we are very serious!" The Professor answers!

......I volunteer to do it!" Mr Howell pipes up, to the disdain of his wife.
"Ah!...Ah! Thurston......Remember your heart!"

......"I know!" The Captain bellows; "Since I'am in command of the ship...I should be the one!" "No....No!....The Professor should!" Gilligan reasons; "He has more common sense!" "And just...What do you mean by that?" The Captain angerly snaps.

....."Ok!...Ok! Everyone!" The Professor orders; "Let's take a vote....On who's going to spank Ginger!" Looking distrubed Ginger bleats; "H-hey folks...Let's forget it...Ok?....I'll do KP for a year!"

.....Not answering her request, the Castaways vote for their choice. Then
unanimously the Professor wins. "Gee! Ginger!" He reflects; "it's my...Elected duty!" Taking her by the arm, he leads Ginger up the stairs to the wooden stage, built by the Castaways for their meetings and theater events. Wearing a very snug, Beige evening gown, Ginger has a hard time walking as she is brought to center stage! "Gilligan!" The Professor requests; "Will you please bring over that straight chair?"

......Carrying over the heavy Bamboo chair from the corner of the platform, Gilligan sets it down by the Professor. The walking back, he joins the anxious group sitting on the benches!

.....Guiding Ginger over to the chair, the Professor sits down. Looking up at her dressed in the skin tight gown, he tries hard to focus on his trusted task! "Ginger....I'am going to take you over my lap....And give you what you've earned...By you irresponsible actions!" Then reaching up and grasping Ginger's left wrist, pulling her tall, shapely body down across his waiting knees.
"No Professor.....Please not hard...I'am so sorry for what I did!"

......As the Castaways watch in awe, he grasps the hemline of the long, Beige evening gown. Leaning forward in his seat, Mr. Howell stares wide-eyed as the skirt of Ginger's gown is pulled upward! "Ah!...Ah!" Mrs. Howell whines, slapping his head; "Thurston......Calm down!"

.....With all eyes on the Professor's hands. He peels the gown over Ginger's bulging, buttocks, revealing the thin, pink lace panties. "P-Please...Not on the bare....P-Please!" She moans while looking at the five sets of eyes watching every move! "Ginger....This is a very serious situation!" He reasons while inserting his fingers inside the waistband. "Your foolish act....May have caused us to be lost....For sometime longer!" Then as the panties are being pulled down, she nervously wiggles her bare hips in embarrassment! "G-God!......Please Professor...Don't!"

.....Carefully rolling the pink garment around Ginger's buckled knees, the Professor positions her now completely bare hips across his right leg, as his manhood begins to fillout. Raising his right hand he's suddenly stopped. "Professor...Use this..Ok?" Looking up, the Captain hands him a piece of wood. "Ah!...It's a broken slat from the hull of the Minnow!" Looking at the short section of hard wood, the Professor weighs the approximately 2" X 10" piece in his hand. "Yes!....This will be fitting for the punishment!" He grins.

......Then raising his right arm again, five sets of eyes follow the wooden slat upward.......As Ginger clenches her bared buttocks and pushes her midsection deeper into the Professor's lap, feeling his now stiff erection!

.....Swish.....Smack!....."AAAAH!" Lurching her hips off the Professor's lap, Ginger frantically reaches back! "No..No!" He scolds, pinning down her right wrist to the small of her back.......Crack!....."(SOB!) O-OH! G-GOD THAT WOOD HURTS!".....Whack!......."OOOOOW!" Squirming her ample hips Ginger tries to escape the punishing blows!.......Smack!....."(SOB!) P-PROFESSOR
PLEEEEZ!"......Crack!......."OOOOOH!"......Bucking wildly over his lap with the constant beat of the hard slat. Wide, red blotches begin to appear across Ginger's quivering bottom cheeks!......Slap....."G-GOD!...PLEASE S-STOP!"
Smack!........"OOOOOW!" As the gallery watches in awe, Gilligans gasps; "G-Gosh!.....How can she take it?" Slap!..........Slap!........Slap! Squirming her hips faster, Ginger reaches back again trying thwart the stinging smacks from the slat. "(Pant!) Take you hands away!" The Professor orders; "Or....I'am going to spank harder.....Much harder!" looking back she groans; "O-OK!...But (Sob!) J-Just don't do it harder.....P-Please!"

......Then as his arm raises and falls in perfect cadence, Ginger straightens her legs and digs her naked midsection into the Professor's sturdy lap.
Crack!........."OOOOOH!'.........Smack!........... "OOOOOW!"
Whack!.........."GGRRRRRRR!" As the loud noise of wood meeting bare flesh rings through the denise jungle, the Castaways marvel at the Professor's expertise!.......Slap!.........Smack! While Mary Ann and Mrs. Howell watch in horror, the Captain gasps; "Gee!...I-I couldn't have do it better,,Myself!"

......With a volley of stinging spanks, the Professor diligently finishes his task......Smack!......."AAAAH!".........Crack!.... ..."JEEEEEZ!".......Slap!

......laying the well used slat down, he allows Ginger to vigorously massage her sore, swollen bottom. As deep, red marks from the hard wood are very visible. After re-arranging her clothes, Ginger again apologizes to the stranded crew members. Then accepts her final punishment of KP!

Last edited by Oldtimersammy; 04-16-2012 at 11:32 AM.
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