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Old 01-11-2009, 03:25 AM
MarvinUK MarvinUK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 16
Sales Manageress gets an overdue spanking Part 1

A knock at the door

"Who is it?" said Susan in her broad Scottish accent
"Mark Jones" comes the reply.

"Come in"

He entered the room, and without looking, the occupant Susan Taylor gestured with her pen to stand just inside the door whilst she finished what she was writing.

At last after 15 minutes, she looked up.

"You wanted to see me Susane?", he enquired.

“It’s Mrs Taylor to you, let’s have a little respect around here”, she snarled.

The haughty bitch he thought. She seems to have forgotten that it was me who showed her around when she first started. Now look at her, sales manager for the South of England.

“Now I’m not going to waste any time on this, “she said. “Frankly, your sales results are appalling and if you don’t pull your socks up, then you’ll be looking for another job. Is that clear?”

And without waiting for an answer, she dismissed him with a nonchalant wave of her hand. Checking her watch, she smiled and murmured, “Yes, that BMW Z4 should be here soon. That will cause a stir in the offices”

Not as much as Mrs Taylor herself did. At least with all the men. With her penchant for revealing tops, absolutely pencil tight skirts, etc. Not to mention her ice cold attitude to her underlings, there were quite a few
who would love to see her brought down a peg or two. In sales meetings she would have some of the girls in tears with her catty remarks and if some of the men were below target, she’d ignore them.

At 34, she made the most of her considerable assets. Gorgeous face, probably 38DD breasts which were always shown to best advantage, slim waist and on down to very womanly hips. Oh yes, she was no skinny Kate Moss but a full blooming woman in her prime. She never discussed her private life but rumour had it her husband was European director and she had 2 children at private school.

She looked up to see Mark Jones still in the room. “Yes, was there something else?”

“As a matter of fact there is. I don’t like your attitude and I intend to do something about it”, he replied.

Quick as a flash she sneered, ”The only you’ll be doing is collecting your P45, now scram buster”

“Oh really Miss Smarty Pants, let me tell you something”, he started.

To which she replied, “How dare you be so insolent, now get out before I call security”

As her hand moved towards the phone. He said in a flash, “Mr Dickinson, Sales Director of this Company is your father-in-law. And I wouldn’t be surprised the reason your own sales figures are so good is that you’ve slept your way to the top. Mr Bartle at Pendlehurst Securities and Jeff Jones at Landfill Equities. Two of our biggest clients. Funny how you’ve landed them when I was trying for years”.

Continuing, he sat down, without an invitation and carried on. “You see, I’ve got evidence”. And he threw across a couple of pictures.

“You bastard”, she yelled. As she grabbed the offending pictures which showed her in what looked to be a couple of night clubs, slightly the worse for wear. In one she was snogging Mr Bartle, goodness knows where her hand was. And in the other, behaving rather childlishly dancing on a table for the benefit of Mr Jones. He looked like the cat that had got the cream. And in both cases, she was revealing rather a lot of her more than ample charms.

“My God, where did you get those?” she said

“Let’s just say I called in a few favours. Not as stupid as I look”, he said.

“Has anyone else seen these?”, she asked in a panic.
“Not yet”, came the reply

“Good, let’s keep it that way”, she said softly and smiled, tossing her shoulder length blonde hair and leaning forward in her chair showing even more of her more than ample cleavage. Fully aware of the effect this would have. She’d lost count of the number of men who said her bosom should carry a “Government health warning”. He’ll be just like all the others, she mused, putty in her hands.

Holding the pictures in her immaculately manicured hands with the huge diamond ring on her finger she continued, “I’m sure that we can come to an arrangement. Let’s say I cut you in on the deals, reduce your targets
and make you a supervisor? She finished by fluttering her eyelids and licking her lips in a most provocative way. He fidgeted and she mused that he was so predictable, just like all the other men, so easy to get her way with.

“Well that will do for starters Mrs Taylor”
“Oh, call me Susan,“ she breathed
“Ok Susan. This is what I intend to do. You may recall how you used to humiliate me in your sales meetings?

“Go on”, she replied cautiously

“Well, I intend to do the same to you”
“Sorry you’ve lost me”, she tapped her fingers impatiently.
“Well, I intend to give you, and you must forgive me for saying this as it’s not PC but I suspect it’s long, long overdue. I’m going to put you across my knee and give you a damned good spanking!” (To be continued)
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