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Old 01-06-2007, 01:49 AM
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Adelina Adelina is offline
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The Haunting of Twisted Oaks Inn (#4)

Weeds! How Ivy hated weeds, invading her flowerbeds and crowding out her vegetables in the garden. They were everywhere, thanks to the voluminous rainstorms of the season which, while a blessing to her intended growth, also ensured a steady supply of garden invaders. Ivy knelt before her crop of lettuces, scanning through the leaves for any unwanted visitors. Taking a deep breath, Ivy grabbed a thistle plant by its base, clutched it tightly in her gloved hands, and gave it a hearty yank. She smiled, pleased with herself as she tossed the spiny plant into a bin. This work was time-consuming and tedious, but it did give her a certain sense of accomplishment.

Sweaty in the hot summer sun, Ivy sank back onto her heels, grabbed a bandanna and wiped at the perspiration that dotted her forehead. She looked fondly up at the large old house that was both home and business to her. A year had passed since she’d first bought this grand place, and she’d put a lot of love into it since then. It had been in decent shape to begin with, but she’d made the place her own, adding a bit of this, a touch of that. She’d poured her heart and soul into the job. By the time she opened her doors near the end of the summer, her gardens were flourishing (weeds notwithstanding), the entire place was spotless, and she had a small team of employees courtesy of the want ads in the paper.

Her greatest accomplishment, though, had been achieved as her seven well-appointed guest rooms filled and emptied and refilled over the course of the past year. She’d not dared to hope for such an early success, but word had gotten around that “that place by the lake” was open again, and evidently, it already had a devoted following of couples who came for regular weekend getaways. This, combined with the advertising that Ivy had put out, helped to get the place going again, and Ivy was pleased to find that she was able to not only break even in the budget, but even make a profit.

Now, as Ivy gazed up at the building, she smiled happily, still hardly believing her good luck. Her eyes followed the base of the house, with its blooming iris, to the country wraparound porch with its new wheelchair ramp, up past the second floor to the peak of the roof, and to the window under the peak, an attic window. She stared hard, remembering that strange day when she’d explored the attic and her subsequent encounter with that ghostly young man and his paddle. She’d never seen him again, and enough time had passed that it now seemed like a distant, bizarre dream.

In a way, it wasn’t too odd to be thinking of him now, amidst her current thoughts. Although that encounter had left her bruised and perplexed, it had also unleashed some new part of herself that Ivy had not known was there. It was as if, for the first time in her life, Ivy became completely alive. She’d felt as if she could do anything. It was probably because of that very feeling that she’d barreled through her business preparations and was able to open her little place so soon. Somehow, being taken in hand like that gave her a sense of peace and confidence that had hitherto been foreign to her.

Ivy heaved a deep sigh. The sun was hot and bright overhead, and she felt hungry after her morning’s toil. It seemed a perfect time to take a break. She stood from her kneeling pad, dropped her gardening gloves beside it, and strode off toward the basement entrance that led to her private apartment.

Ivy carefully licked the last bits of chocolate pudding from her spoon, feeling very satisfied after dining on marinated tofu and couscous with fresh veggies from her garden. Her warm shower had left her feeling refreshed, and the meal completed her contentment. She got up from the table, took her dishes to the sink, and was up to her elbows in suds when she heard the desk bell ring through the intercom.

“Never fails”, Ivy said to no one in particular, and hastily dried her hands on a tea towel before scurrying to the steps leading to the great room.

Ivy opened the door at the top of the stairs and hopped through it, pushing it shut behind her. A dark-haired young man stood before the hospitality desk. He was thumbing through his wallet, seemingly counting his cash. He looked tired to her, with slumped shoulders and deep circles under his eyes. Ivy turned on her “hostess face” as she walked over to the desk and faced the young man. “Can I help you?” she asked with a smile.

He did not look up at her, merely muttering, “Uh… yeah. I need a room.”

Hmm. Well, it was not her place to be nosy. Still, some things she had to know.

“Single or double?”


Well. Single it is, then.

“We have one single room available. It’s $65 per night. How many nights will you be staying?”

“I don’t know.”

Oh. That’s interesting.

“You don’t know?”

She gazed up at the young man’s face, noting his height; he towered over her. Ivy felt an involuntary shiver pass through her body.

He must have felt her gaze on him, as he finally turned his deep brown eyes upon her. “I don’t know. My girlfriend and I broke up, and I just need a room until I can find a new place.”


Ah. Yes, that would make one look dejected.

“Well, why don’t we just play it by ear then? Maybe we can work something out.”

At this, the young man looked just a bit hopeful. He took the registration card that Ivy handed him, and Ivy risked a peek at it as he filled it with neat manuscript. Hurley—his name was Hurley. Unusual, but nice. Unique.

“Okay, then. Here’s your key. We have a master key in case you lock yourself out. Your room is up the stairs, toward the back, last door on the left. Towels are in the bathroom. If you need anything, just give a ring at the desk.”

Ivy watched him take up his bags and head up the stairs. Poor guy. She recognized that look on his face. It was the same one she’d worn when her engagement fell through. She certainly hadn’t felt like a party, either.

Ivy pursed her lips slightly as she read through his registration card, noting that he’d left the address portion blank. That relationship must really be over. She took a small key from its hook under the counter and opened up a small box in which she kept all the guest cards in alphabetical order, tucking his—Hurley’s—into the appropriate section.

Ivy looked out the window at the sun-soaked yard and saw the gardening tools she’d left behind. She knew she should do more work out there, but she felt oddly distracted now. Something was gnawing at some corner of her mind. She ventured out just long enough to gather up her items into the storage bench, empty the bin into the compost pen, and head back down to her basement patio, where she had a cozy lounge chair arranged so that she could lie back and watch the sunset each night. Ivy got herself comfortably arranged on her chair, closed her eyes, and soon fell fast asleep.
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Old 01-06-2007, 10:05 AM
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Gary D. Gary D. is offline
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ahh and now the drama once again ensues..........alone in a remote old house.....with a stranger in board.........and she dares to close her eyes and drift off to sleep getting good again Adelina!!

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Old 01-06-2007, 04:44 PM
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sarah thorne sarah thorne is offline
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Again, nicely done. I, too, hate weeds.
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